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Stop women TV presenters being Pakistani 'Maim Sahib'

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My godness ,
I also see News Channels , i don't know which one do you watch ?? they dress fine and like everyone should , stop saying skirts .. OMG !! :confused:

"every young girl and boy age 8-10 carries contraceptives and condoms in their pockets; young girls 8-10 are even giving illegitimate births; every women in five is a whore; every man, woman, boy and girl is engaged in open air sex like animals" :eek:

This is not good to write.. whoever wrote this should be banned from Defence.Pk + this is a LIE !! :angry:

:smitten::pakistan: :tup:
I am no one to decide on Pakistan's national language .. however it can be used here and there i suppose.

You might not be the one to decide, but are actively encouraging the usage of English.

Well, opinions differ on this matter. If Pakistanis are seriously about protecting their linguistic identity the usage of English should be restricted to necessity. I agree with the thread poster that English is commonly spoken in combination with Urdu on Pakistani TVs. That doesn't bode well for the future of Urdu.
...................................................................how to delete it :P :pakistan:
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English is now mostly used in jobs , schools . It has like become a Native language..only the poor areas and homes Urdu is used ! :) English is getting TOO much important in Pakistan.. Schools for one !

English is the official language of Pakistan. That means that English is widely used in the government, the judiciary, the legislature and as you pointed out in educational institutes. Pakistan's Constitution and its laws are written in English. It is also widely used in business. Additionally, to make matters worse, each province has its own major provincial language. Urdu doesn't exist in true spirit and letter.
Stop women TV presenters being Pakistani 'Maim Sahib'

by Saladin A

Picture please? We really dont know what your talking about. There's nothing immoral about skirts, just depends which kind.

And i dont think i have seen any mini-skirts. :what:

English is now mostly used in jobs , schools . It has like become a Native language..only the poor areas and homes Urdu is used ! :) English is getting TOO much important in Pakistan.. Schools for one !

Nothing wrong with that. It's not like anyone is going to forget Urdu.
Picture please? We really dont know what your talking about. There's nothing immoral about skirts, just depends which kind.

And i dont think i have seen any mini-skirts. :what:

Exactly !!
Nothing wrong with that. It's not like anyone is going to forget Urdu.[/QUOTE]

hahahhaha...yes :P
Picture please? We really dont know what your talking about. There's nothing immoral about skirts, just depends which kind.

And i dont think i have seen any mini-skirts. :what:

Nothing wrong with that. It's not like anyone is going to forget Urdu.

I beg to differ. Even in many Western states the use of English terms has started worrying many linguists. It's a clear sign that preference is being given to a different language and that will obviously have a negative impact on Urdu. Pakistanis need to embrace their national language. You either do that or Urdu will become history if it hasn't already.
I beg to differ. Even in many Western states the use of English terms has started worrying many linguists. It's a clear sign that preference is being given to a different language and that will obviously have a negative impact on Urdu. Pakistanis need to embrace their national language.

more than 60 God Damn years & we are still not sure about our LANGUAGE wow :pakistan:

Urdu to be National language for Pakistan.

ISLAMABAD: The Senate Standing Committee on Cabinet and Establishment has called for introducing modern ways and means for the promotion of national language in the country.
The committee which informally met in the Parliament House here on Saturday morning with Senator Mrs. Tanveer Khalid in the chair has called for introducing modern ways and means for the promotion of national language in the country.
This observation was made by the Committee while having a briefing on the functions and performance of National Language Authority (NLA).
The Committee was informed that NLA was established in 1979 with a view to promote Urdu as a national language and since then the authority has been making strenuous efforts for promotion of Urdu by developing dictionaries, translation of official documents & text books and publication of various other important material.
It was further informed that Urdu code plate has been developed for computer to facilitate use of Urdu in e-mail and internet and that the UNICODE membership has been obtained. Regarding new projects, the NLA officials told the Committee that Center of Excellence for Urdu informatics, localization of Microsoft office 2003 and Windows XP, production of scientific and technical reading material in Urdu are being considered to give a boost to the national language.
To facilitate adoption of Urdu as national language, it was told that recommendations were submitted as back as 1981 but the same could not be implemented properly. However, the present government, considering the importance of Urdu, constituted a committee of distinguished scholars in January 2005. The Committee has formulated its recommendations and sent to the Government for consideration.
The Committee appreciated the work done by NLA for furtherance of urdu as national language as it was the language of Pakistan Movement and observed that adoption of Urdu in true sense would strengthen the federation. The meeting was attended, besides the Chairperson of the Committee, Senator Mrs. Tanveer Khalid by Senator Mouhim Khan Baloch. Secretary, Cabinet, Mr. Ijaz Rahim and senior officers of National Language Authority were also present.
more than 60 God Damn years & we are still not sure about our LANGUAGE wow :pakistan:

Urdu has always been the national language of Pakistan. There is no dispute about this fact. Yet, you have pockets of the society that prefer to speak their provincial tongues (some due to narrow-minded provincialism). Then, you have the elite that are obsessed with English. Urdu is only for those that don't like to think in black and white.

I come across many such Pakistanis that are amazed when they find out that I cannot speak Pashto (my native provincial tongue), but only Urdu.

PS. I wholeheartedly agree with the article! Urdu should be promoted. Urdu is beautiful. Urdu is something that all Pakistanis can relate to.
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The stupidity of the opening post cannot be over stated. 8 year old carrying condoms and contraceptives? Yeah okay :rolleyes:.......
The stupidity of the opening post cannot be over stated. 8 year old carrying condoms and contraceptives? Yeah okay :rolleyes:.......

Who dragged you to this thread? Were you forced to post a reply? If you don't like it just ignore it. The thread poster has some genuine concerns. Some of them I certainly like most Pakistanis share.
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In the West every birth in three is illegitimate; one marriage in four ends up in divorce; every young girl and boy age 8-10 carries contraceptives and condoms in their pockets; young girls 8-10 are even giving illegitimate births; every women in five is a whore; every man, woman, boy and girl is engaged in open air sex like animals; every one in five is a drug addict; gay men and lesbian women marry each other; same hole sex is a normal way of life; every second of an hour a woman is raped; children are molested and physically abused by strangers and own relatives; incest is so common as an epidemic;

by Saladin A

Yeah you went way to far. I live here in the US and go to high school. And NONE of this is true. If Pakistani's had a chance to get divorce, BELIEVE ME, it would be just as high.

"8 year olds..." You need to stop listening to what old people tell you about the 'west' because obviously they are extremely over-exaggerating.

No open air sex, unless you mean kissing. Kissing isn't sex.

Please dont criticise gay people as you have no idea what they have to go through in their lives. I know someone like that and I can tell you they have absolutely no control over what they feel and homosexuals are so rare, that you probably see more crossdressers in Pakistan.

Drugs are illegal. Period. However, I must admit marijuana is somewhat a problem here.

And about the 'raping' and 'child molestation' part. I really doubt the rape's being legit but I do know incest is 20 times more common in Pakistan then it is here.

I hope that cleared up some of your stereotypes, anything else?
Exactly !!

ok dear brothers and sisters here you can check exactly and answer me if they are not pakistani channels??? and what they r showing ?

and when u go on links i hope u find many videos related same topic , so watch and then decide.:confused:
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