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Stop claiming you're either Arab or Persian or Turk!!!

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The reason why we cling onto this false notion of outside heritage is because there was never a great Muslim Punjabi or Muslim Balochi, or Muslim Sindhi or Muslim pakhtun power that rose from within the borders of Pakistan, it was always from the outside invading us. That's the core reason.

Yes exactly this
Lahore's second language is Persian just found out how fluently many Lahore residents speak Persian

My grandparents, all 4, were fluent in Dari. They did not know Urdu that well, until after Pakistan.

I don't recall a specific empire that was unique to Pakistan, it was pretty much always part of Persia or India continuously basically until partition.

Not true

Check out my series of threads on the topic.

PART-1: Historical Background of Pakistan and its People/Rarely part of India/IVC

PART-2: Coming of the Aryans/ Persian Rule

PART-3: Alexander the Great/ Mauryans/ Graeco-Bactrians


Considering the fact that Pakistan shares somewhere around 80-90% of it's genetic make-up with the rest of South Asia

Not factual. We are closer to Afghans.

There is no such thing as South Asia.

The reason why we cling onto this false notion of outside heritage is because there was never a great Muslim Punjabi or Muslim Balochi, or Muslim Sindhi or Muslim pakhtun power that rose from within the borders of Pakistan, it was always from the outside invading us. That's the core reason.

This is also not true. We had indigenous empires like Soomra dynasty of Sindh and Kambhoja.

@Talwar e Pakistan @Taimur Khurram Can tell you more.
Did you have your DNA test?can you share your results?
I haven't yet, I've been conflicted with choosing the better company. Ancestry DNA has been known to be accurate. But 23&me tends to have more specific designations rather than the generic regional clusters Ancestry DNA is famous for.
I had a Jordanian friend who once told me jokingly, there are more sayyids in Pakistan and India than there are in all of the Arab world combined [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] that should tell you the reality of sayyids in the Indian Subcontinent
its weird that regardless of anything,that you would question someone's bloodline. It must be a desi thing .Chutya habits die hard and luckily we were raised better.
But Mashallah we have kept our shijra nasb , the whole town respects us. The tiles from our haveli are installed at the Lahore museum and my great, great .great Gannd Pa Mian Mir is buried close to our house. He is the guy that kept Emperor Shah Jahan waiting outside his door for good 10-15 minutes before he was granted the audience to meet Mian ji!
I had a Jordanian friend who once told me jokingly, there are more sayyids in Pakistan and India than there are in all of the Arab world combined [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] that should tell you the reality of sayyids in the Indian Subcontinent
Not a joke if it's true, my dude. I cringe so hard whenever my Pakistani friends try to hype up their Turkic/Arabic heritage to my Turkish and Arab friends.
My grandparents, all 4, were fluent in Dari. They did not know Urdu that well, until after Pakistan.

The western part of Pakistan is closer to Afghanistan, but the Eastern part, where the bulk of the population lives, is genetically closer to the rest of South Asia. I promise you, if you do you DNA test, it'll say 90% south Asian, if not more. Because that's what most Pakistanis are, they're south Asians, not central Asian, not western Asians.

Not true

Check out my series of threads on the topic.

PART-1: Historical Background of Pakistan and its People/Rarely part of India/IVC

PART-2: Coming of the Aryans/ Persian Rule

PART-3: Alexander the Great/ Mauryans/ Graeco-Bactrians


Not factual. We are closer to Afghans.

There is no such thing as South Asia.

This is also not true. We had indigenous empires like Soomra dynasty of Sindh and Kambhoja.

@Talwar e Pakistan @Taimur Khurram Can tell you more.

I guarantee you if you did your DNA test tomorrow, it'll come back 90% South Asian. Because that's what most of Pakistan's are, South Asian, not north Asian, not western Asian.

I've had mirpuri mates in Scotland claim they were of Arab and Persian heritage and when some of them did their ancestry checkz it came back 99% South Asian [emoji28][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
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Pakistan's culture is more intertwined with the culture of the Indian Subcontinent than it is with western Asia. Yes we have been Influenced by central and western Asian culture, but it doesn't change the fact that we are, culturally speaking, more Indian than we are middle eastern.

I see, so this is your angle.

It is simply not correct, and you as a Pukhtoon should know this more than anyone.

I am not going to deny my Turkic Mughal part of my Rajput heritage to make you happy. We were part and parcel of the Mughal engine.
Dear users on this wonderful forum of ours

Today I'd like to talk about this notion that almost every Pakistani I've met has, this notion where they claim that they're of Arab ancestry or Persian ancestry or central Asian Turkic ancestry.

I've heard from countless Pakistani claiming they have Arab ancestry or Iranian ancestry, but when they did their DNA ancestry test, it came up 99% South Asian, and I laughed at them.

So let me educate some of you who may have this idiotic notion in your head. Firstly let's talk about Arab DNA. Many pakis want to claim they have Arab blood because of Arab migration during the ummayad and abbassid period, but unfortunately for them, there isn't a single price of evidence that any sort of migration took place ever, and that's because Arabs didn't migrate to the Indus region except for some few places in Sindh, Gujarat and Kerala and even those were minimal, so for pakis to claim they're of Arab ancestry because they "MIGHT" have 0.2% Arab DNA is preposterous and idiotic because you're denying you 99.99% South Asian blood. And all of you so called sayyids who think their lineage goes all the way back to the Prophet, you're just plain ignorant because if you check the history of Muslims in the Indian Subcontinent, it was common practice for Muslims to adopt Arab surnames because of the prestige it brought with it, and the same goes for the sayyid surname, and another common practice in Iran Afghanistan and Pakistan was to falsely link their lineage to one of the 12 imams in order to claim being a sayyid.

An example of this can be easily given with the surname Khan, a Mongolian surname which is the most common surname in all of South Asia. The reason for this is because central and south Asians took on the Khan title as a way of gaining prestige among their society.

So don't go around claiming being sayyid unless you definitively prove you lineage, which none of you can.

Secondly, for those pakis who claim to be of Persian origin. There's no denying that people from the Iranian plateau have been migrating to the Indus region and the Indian Subcontinent for centuries. But if you look at the genetic impact it has had, then you'll see that it'll been next to nothing, and also, Iranian doesn't mean Persian, Iranian is a term for the collective linguistic group of people who vary considerably from one to another and just because your great great great grandfather was from Iran, doesn't make you Iranian.

Thirdly, let's discuss the Turkic migration. The Turkic migration into the heart of the Indian Subcontinent happened after the conquests of northern india by first the samanids and saffarids, both of whom made minimal conquests into what is now Pakistan, and then by the ghaznavids who were a central Asian Turkic dynasty who were persianised. There conquests into India resulted in small groups of people of Turkic, bactrians, and sogdian origin settling into what is now Afghanistan and north-central Pakistan, and even in Pakistan, the Multan and Lahore were the few places where the migrations occurred. After this, another migration did not take place until after the invasion of the ghorid dynasty, but unlike the previous dynasty, the ghorids took control of most of the northern Indian Ganges planes. And yes Turkic migration did happen during this time, but the migration was a drop in the ocean in terms of genetic impact so for Pakistanis who have Turkic surnames like khoja or chagtai, or baig, barlas, Gul, Mirza, pasha, Mughal, etc, for them to only recognize they're far far off allegedly Turkic heritage and disregard they're Punjabi, Gujarati, Sindhi, Balochi, Marathi, kashmiri heritage is pathetic because a surname means nothing to prove where you're from especially in the western-south Asia region because surnames these surnames have been adopted by people for centuries for prestige and respect.

I myself am of 4 different ancestry. My mother is half tajik half Ozebk born and raised in the Soviet Union and my father is half Afghan pakhtun half Pakistani kashmiri born and raised in Scotland. My father didn't give any one of his children his family surname, which is Sharif, because he didn't believe in such things where a surname determines who you are in life, rather, he gave us his first name as our surname.

My whole life people kept telling me I have to chose my father's lineage only because that's how things are done, which is bullshit. Why should I throw away my lineage from my mother's side because of man made ideas of heritage and lineage. I am proud of all 4 of my lineages and I will carry them all with me throughout my life.

So I saw to all of you who are claiming to be this or that. Please stop, you're not fooling anyone other than yourself. You're not Arab, you're not Persian, you're not Turk, you're a P@k! and be proud of it.
U should be proud of being Ibne Adam first...all rest is bullshit...we are all sons of same blood...Allah divided us into diff nations so that person may be identified easily where he lives...turk,asian linages gives u nothing special
Not a joke if it's true, my dude. I cringe so hard whenever my Pakistani friends try to hype up their Turkic/Arabic heritage to my Turkish and Arab friends.

What do you think when Turks claim Pakistani empires and commonality with Pakistanis?

Note Ghaznavi and Mughal empirea.


In my interactions with Arabs and Turks, I realized that we are closer to them culturally and civilizationwise to the Non-Muslims of the subcontinent.

Some Afghan Pukhtoons really surprise me too, they are very similar to Pakistanis.
Dear users on this wonderful forum of ours

Today I'd like to talk about this notion that almost every Pakistani I've met has, this notion where they claim that they're of Arab ancestry or Persian ancestry or central Asian Turkic ancestry.

I've heard from countless Pakistani claiming they have Arab ancestry or Iranian ancestry, but when they did their DNA ancestry test, it came up 99% South Asian, and I laughed at them.

So let me educate some of you who may have this idiotic notion in your head. Firstly let's talk about Arab DNA. Many pakis want to claim they have Arab blood because of Arab migration during the ummayad and abbassid period, but unfortunately for them, there isn't a single price of evidence that any sort of migration took place ever, and that's because Arabs didn't migrate to the Indus region except for some few places in Sindh, Gujarat and Kerala and even those were minimal, so for pakis to claim they're of Arab ancestry because they "MIGHT" have 0.2% Arab DNA is preposterous and idiotic because you're denying you 99.99% South Asian blood. And all of you so called sayyids who think their lineage goes all the way back to the Prophet, you're just plain ignorant because if you check the history of Muslims in the Indian Subcontinent, it was common practice for Muslims to adopt Arab surnames because of the prestige it brought with it, and the same goes for the sayyid surname, and another common practice in Iran Afghanistan and Pakistan was to falsely link their lineage to one of the 12 imams in order to claim being a sayyid.

An example of this can be easily given with the surname Khan, a Mongolian surname which is the most common surname in all of South Asia. The reason for this is because central and south Asians took on the Khan title as a way of gaining prestige among their society.

So don't go around claiming being sayyid unless you definitively prove you lineage, which none of you can.

Secondly, for those pakis who claim to be of Persian origin. There's no denying that people from the Iranian plateau have been migrating to the Indus region and the Indian Subcontinent for centuries. But if you look at the genetic impact it has had, then you'll see that it'll been next to nothing, and also, Iranian doesn't mean Persian, Iranian is a term for the collective linguistic group of people who vary considerably from one to another and just because your great great great grandfather was from Iran, doesn't make you Iranian.

Thirdly, let's discuss the Turkic migration. The Turkic migration into the heart of the Indian Subcontinent happened after the conquests of northern india by first the samanids and saffarids, both of whom made minimal conquests into what is now Pakistan, and then by the ghaznavids who were a central Asian Turkic dynasty who were persianised. There conquests into India resulted in small groups of people of Turkic, bactrians, and sogdian origin settling into what is now Afghanistan and north-central Pakistan, and even in Pakistan, the Multan and Lahore were the few places where the migrations occurred. After this, another migration did not take place until after the invasion of the ghorid dynasty, but unlike the previous dynasty, the ghorids took control of most of the northern Indian Ganges planes. And yes Turkic migration did happen during this time, but the migration was a drop in the ocean in terms of genetic impact so for Pakistanis who have Turkic surnames like khoja or chagtai, or baig, barlas, Gul, Mirza, pasha, Mughal, etc, for them to only recognize they're far far off allegedly Turkic heritage and disregard they're Punjabi, Gujarati, Sindhi, Balochi, Marathi, kashmiri heritage is pathetic because a surname means nothing to prove where you're from especially in the western-south Asia region because surnames these surnames have been adopted by people for centuries for prestige and respect.

I myself am of 4 different ancestry. My mother is half tajik half Ozebk born and raised in the Soviet Union and my father is half Afghan pakhtun half Pakistani kashmiri born and raised in Scotland. My father didn't give any one of his children his family surname, which is Sharif, because he didn't believe in such things where a surname determines who you are in life, rather, he gave us his first name as our surname.

My whole life people kept telling me I have to chose my father's lineage only because that's how things are done, which is bullshit. Why should I throw away my lineage from my mother's side because of man made ideas of heritage and lineage. I am proud of all 4 of my lineages and I will carry them all with me throughout my life.

So I saw to all of you who are claiming to be this or that. Please stop, you're not fooling anyone other than yourself. You're not Arab, you're not Persian, you're not Turk, you're a P@k! and be proud of it.

I am... Arab, Persian, turk... All those ethnicities... Proven. Now move along.
its weird that regardless of anything,that you would question someone's bloodline. It must be a desi thing .Chutya habits die hard and luckily we were raised better.
But Mashallah we have kept our shijra nasb , the whole town respects us. The tiles from our haveli are installed at the Lahore museum and my great, great .great Gannd Pa Mian Mir is buried close to our house. He is the guy that kept Emperor Shah Jahan waiting outside his door for good 10-15 minutes before he was granted the audience to meet Mian ji!
It's not weird when people in this region have had a long history of concocting false lineages and heritages just to have more prestige in the society. If you think your forefathers weren't capable of doing that, then you are wrong.

People of Pakistan were hindus, Buddhists and jains before Islam arrived, but when's the last time you met a Pakistani who had a Hindu, Jain, or bhuddist surname???? How is it that most Pakistanis have "Arab" "Persian" or "Turkic" surnames??? When Turks adopted Islam, they kept their surnames because it was their pride and lineage. But people in south asia opted to adopt the surnames of the conquers because it brought more prestige that's we have so many Khan's, Baig's, Malik's, Abbas's etc.
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