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Stephen Hawking boycotts Israeli regime


Feb 26, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
British theoretical physicist professor Stephen Hawkins has joined an academic embargo on the Israeli regime by refusing to attend a conference hosted by the regime’s president Shimon Perez.


The prominent Cambridge professor was to take part in the Facing Tomorrow annual conference planned to be held in June but pulled out in protest at Tel Aviv’s treatment of Palestinians.

Hawking has not publicly announced his decision, but the British Committee for the Universities of Palestine said he has written a brief letter to Perez to inform him that he has sanctioned the conference.

“[Hawking has made] an independent decision to respect the boycott, based upon his knowledge of Palestine, and on the unanimous advice of his own academic contacts there,” the committee said.

Hawking’s move follows a boycott of the Israeli regime by the Teachers’ Union of Ireland and by the American members of the Association for Asian American Studies.

Back in 2009, Hawking had also condemned the regime’s three-week onslaught on Gaza, saying Tel Aviv's response to firing of rockets from the coastal strip was "plain out of proportion … The situation is like that of [Apartheid] South Africa before 1990 and cannot continue".

PressTV - Stephen Hawking boycotts Israeli regime
His university have issued a statement denying this and said he has been advised by doctors due to health reasons not to fly.

The Guardian is a well known anti-Israel paper in the UK that often rushes to print any stories with an anti-Israel angle and often gets it wrong.
The Guardian is a well known anti-Israel paper in the UK that often rushes to print any stories with an anti-Israel angle and often gets it wrong.

Ha what a joke. The Guardian is a well known and well respected newspaper in the UK that is admired for being independent and out of the clutch of war hawks like Rupert Murdoch.
Ha what a joke. The Guardian is a well known and well respected newspaper in the UK that is admired for being independent and out of the clutch of war hawks like Rupert Murdoch.

It's a loss-making paper that has a small circulation and is idolised by the left and ignored by everyone else.

They had to make a public apology about 12months ago for printing articles that were considered anti-semitic.

It looks like their hatred for Israel has got them in yet another mess because their story about Hawking has been denied by his own university (who should know better than the Guardian)

Go eat some pistachios and don't flap your gums about things you know little about.
left ring in Europe is much pro Palestine in words (to get the Muslim votes).

yes it was denied by university. it shows the writter of Guardian should have checked his source ;)
Debunked: link

I'll add that it's really low to put words in the mouth of a famous scientist who, because of his disability, can not easily correct or counter such falsehoods. This is what the "Boycott Israel" movement has fallen to! (Last week they even lost Berkeley).
It's a loss-making paper that has a small circulation and is idolised by the left and ignored by everyone else.

They had to make a public apology about 12months ago for printing articles that were considered anti-semitic.

It looks like their hatred for Israel has got them in yet another mess because their story about Hawking has been denied by his own university (who should know better than the Guardian)

Go eat some pistachios and don't flap your gums about things you know little about.

:lol: What a surprise, as soon as someone challenges an Israeli straight away they pull out the "anti-semite" card". Well played.

Well just to clear up your wrong information. The Guardian is a highly respected paper, which indeed has a left of centre bias. Just one example of the work that the newspaper has done was breaking and leading reports for the wikileaks scandal. Real journalism. While the majority of all UK newspapers are owned by Rupert Murdoch (Fox News guy) and do shallow puff pieces that nobody cares about.

Also you saying nobody reads or cares about the Guardian is also funny, as they are the highest read British newspaper online. Also the third most read newspaper website in the world!

The Guardian is now the world's third most read newspaper website | Guardian US press office | guardian.co.uk

So please go eat a salt beef bagel and ponder how you are going to deliver your next anti-semitism speech.
First of all, let me just say that I'm so glad you're out of the UK. I hope the rest of your sort leave as you're loathed by the population.

Secondly, the Guardian admitted to anti-semitism and published an apology. Perhaps you should have checked on that before opening your fat Mullah mouth.

Thirdly, their circulation in print is small. Their online publication got a boost when competitors went behind a paywall. Eventually the rancid Guardian will have to go behind a paywall and will go back to being a nothing paper.

Fourthly, much of their traffic is centred around their extensive sports coverage.
Is it this conference ? :

About | The Israeli Presidential Conference
In the 2013 Conference, we will give special emphasis to the human factor and its role in shaping our tomorrow. We will ask whether the quality of leadership – in all realms of human activity – can make a difference. What is the desired dynamic in relationships between people and leaders in the face of powerful processes of change? To what degree can human beings really be involved in influencing their futures? We will examine what threats may lie in an individual’s tomorrow, in terms of identity, family, health, ability to find happiness, and meaning in life.
source: BBC News - Prof Stephen Hawking 'boycotts' major Israel conference

UK cosmologist Prof Stephen Hawking has withdrawn from a high-profile Israeli conference, apparently in support of an academic boycott of the country.

The British Committee for the Universities of Palestine said Prof Hawking had taken advice and acted based on "his knowledge of Palestine".

A University of Cambridge spokesman told the BBC the renowned scientist had approved the BRICUP statement.

Event organisers criticised the move as contrary to Prof Hawking's values.

The June conference will celebrate the 90th birthday of Israeli President Shimon Peres.
'Personal reasons'

Prof Hawking had been due to give an address at the Israeli Presidential Conference in Jerusalem, where previous speakers include Tony Blair, George W Bush and Dr Henry Kissinger."The situation is that he's discussed it with fellow academics and has decided, for personal reasons, not to attend the conference in June," a university spokesman said.

His decision follows a campaign, led by Palestinian and pro-Palestinian groups, to persuade the 71-year-old to withdraw from the conference.

A statement published by BRICUP with Prof Hawking's approval said: "This is his independent decision to respect the boycott, based upon his knowledge of Palestine, and on the unanimous advice of his own academic contacts there."

Conference organisers sharply criticised Prof Hawking's decision to withdraw.

"The academic boycott against Israel is in our view outrageous and improper, certainly for someone for whom the spirit of liberty lies at the basis of his human and academic mission," conference chairman Israel Maimon said in a statement.

A spokesman for the Fair Play group, which campaigns against boycotts of Israel, described the scientist's withdrawal as "bizarre".

"Prof Hawking could have joined the conference and explained his views on the conflict in the region, just as many other participants have done.

"By boycotting the conference, he has thrown away this opportunity and will help nobody."

source: Prominent British scientist boycotts top Israeli conference

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - British cosmologist Stephen Hawking has pulled out of an Israeli conference, joining an academic boycott of Israel to protest against its occupation of Palestinian lands, Cambridge University said on Wednesday.

The wheelchair-bound Hawking, who has won international recognition for his work on black holes, had been due to speak at a prestigious conference in June organized by Israeli President Shimon Peres that draws hundreds of leading world figures.

However, his name was quietly dropped from the list of participants earlier this week, giving a major boost to supporters of pro-Palestinian groups that want to isolate Israel on the international stage over the continued occupation.

"This is his independent decision to respect the boycott, based upon his knowledge of Palestine, and on the unanimous advice of his own academic contacts there," the British Committee for the Universities of Palestine said on its website.

Cambridge University, where Hawking works, confirmed that the statement had been approved by the professor. Hawking did not issue any statement in his own name.

The conference organizers criticized Hawking's decision.

"The academic boycott against Israel is in our view outrageous and improper, certainly for someone for whom the spirit of liberty** ‬‬lies at the basis of his human and academic mission," conference chairman Israel Maimon said in a statement.

By snubbing the annual president's conference, which is due to be addressed by former U.S. President Bill Clinton and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Hawking has become one of the prominent scientists to join the boycott movement.

Numerous figures from the world of art and entertainment have also refused to perform in Israel in recent years as part of an effort to promote the Palestinian cause, including British singer Elvis Costello and U.S. indie rock band the Pixies.

Direct peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians broke down in 2010 over the issue of continued Jewish settlement building on land seized in the 1967 war. Palestinians want to create an independent state on the captured territories.

The United States is seeking to revive the negotiations.

(Additional reporting by Estelle Shirbon in London, Writing by Crispian Balmer, Editing by Jeffrey Heller)
First of all, let me just say that I'm so glad you're out of the UK. I hope the rest of your sort leave as you're loathed by the population.

Well, I am in the UK, so don't be too glad. But I find it funny that in your mind you are the official spokesperson of the British people. :lol: Should I do what Jews would at this stage and call your comment "racism"? No I'm not that pathetic.

Secondly, the Guardian admitted to anti-semitism and published an apology. Perhaps you should have checked on that before opening your fat Mullah mouth.

I was not talking about this specific case. Just wanted to show your clear lies in general about the Guardians standing.

Thirdly, their circulation in print is small. Their online publication got a boost when competitors went behind a paywall. Eventually the rancid Guardian will have to go behind a paywall and will go back to being a nothing paper.

Print circulation is becoming obsolete. Most people now get their news from online sources. Guardian was clever and realised this ahead of the game. Why they are third in the world now.

Fourthly, much of their traffic is centred around their extensive sports coverage.

All newspapers have a sports section. Before The Times decided to slowly kill itself behind a pay wall they too dedicated a lot of their website towards football and other sports.

I suppose. Don't actually know much about it.

Well, I am in the UK, so don't be too glad. But I find it funny that in your mind you are the official spokesperson of the British people. :lol: .

Ask the British population if they want Iranian immigration into the UK or Islamists like you in general.

I think the answer will be resounding :omghaha: I've not met one person who in private says they want Muslims in the UK. Not one.

As for the rest of the guff you posted, already debunked.

The Guardian apologised for several of its articles deemed anti-semitic.

lol why this obsession with pistachios? ;) we dring much more tea than we eat pistachios ;)
but without a drop of milk sire :D

It's all you produce.

Well, that and terrorism :lol:
Ask the British population if they want Iranian immigration into the UK or Islamists like you in general.

I think the answer will be resounding :omghaha: I've not met one person who in private says they want Muslims in the UK. Not one.

As for the rest of the guff you posted, already debunked.

The Guardian apologised for several of its articles deemed anti-semitic.

I'm not an Islamist, or even a Muslim. Just your generalisations mr "anti-semetic".

Also care to show any sources saying that British people in general don't want Muslims or Iranians? Because I could just as easily claim that British people, or indeed Europeans in general don't like Jews and don't want them here.

My source: The Holocaust - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It's all you produce.

Well, that and terrorism :lol:
Not really. Traditionnaly we are very good in art: from movies to artisan work: carpet is just a part of it.
we produce some tech.
we product some products even if the competition with China (by sepah and family of leaders import) is difficult for them.

it seems you really don't know Iran and Iranians inside Iran to say such a thing.

you know when i came to Europe i see people are tired at 19:00 and even in France they stop work at 18:00 shops are closed early in europe; in Iran people work hard till midnight. We are hard worker ...
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