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Sri Lanka to open honorary consulate in Kerala

You okay? My post was merely pointing out the obvious reality which is that the cultural similarities and lifestyle of the majority of the people of Sri Lanka are closer to the people of South India than the people of North India. I live in India to know the differences and cultural nuances that vary from district to district, whereas you live in a mostly culturally homogenous society. I think I know who you're closer to culturally, and that's not to say that one is greater than the other, so save it.

And why would anybody have wet dreams about you lot being culturally closer to anyone of us in the first place, be it North Indian or South. Get a grip.

He's deluded. Upon first glance, I for one could not tell the physical differences (if any I.e) between the Tamils, and Sinhalese folks down there.
So genius, please point out the similarities.

As for being physically similar. Well, some Sinhalese look similar to Tamils but you cannot say everyone look alike. As I said my family members look nothing like Tamils, especially ones from my father's side. You are just trying to act smart as if you have a database of every Sinhalese person.

Anyway as an individual, I've noticed your 3rd world ego when one of our members posted pictures taken by you. He even gave credits whereas you acted as if they were the most expensive diamond.
haha...half baked
get some facts and try to understand why they are against Sri lanka. Because of same Dravdian parties the linguistic equality came for you people and caste discrimination was eradicated.

Try to think as Human after all..don't try to sound like cool guy by making yourself unrelated to Indian Tamils

I pity all these sinhalese who are trying to prove that they are more fair, blue eyed and European like...:argh:.

Indian Tamils are fighting for justice for genocide by Sri lankan army and for not following war rules. Even whole world went against Hitler for his acts..so I request all Indians first try to understand real fact. We people of Tamil Nadu are not fighting for ourselves but for humanity. Search through internet and get a clear idea what's our real cry.

Now they would have understood that we Indians are united no matter what. Thanks to all my Indian folks.
Are you reading with a glass of VODKA on your hand?

Read my previous posts. I have clearly said Sinhalese are genetically extremely diverse with genetic ties to all around the world and some people do have European looks.
So genius, please point out the similarities.

If you were even slightly smarter and a bit more resourceful than you think you are, you wouldn't have asked me such a stupid question. To make it simpler for you, you lot look similar to our South Indians (in general), your cuisine has many a cultural similarity, and then there are similarities in your language, the lifestyle etc.

As for being physically similar. Well, some Sinhalese look similar to Tamils but you cannot say everyone look alike. As I said my family members look nothing like Tamils, especially ones from my father's side. You are just trying to act smart as if you have a database of every Sinhalese person.

Who gives a rats behind about what your family looks like. I wasn't talking about your family, but about my observations - I didn't notice much of an obvious difference between the Tamils and Sinhalese of the island; they looked quite similar to me. Do you understand the meaning of the word 'similar'? You've got serious comprehension and logical reasoning issues.

Anyway as an individual, I've noticed your 3rd world ego when one of our members posted pictures taken by you. He even gave credits whereas you acted as if they were the most expensive diamond.

LOL ego? I don't appreciate it when absolute low lifes post my photos without my direct permission, besides, my pictures my rules. Why so butthurt? Calm down boy.
So genius, please point out the similarities.

As for being physically similar. Well, some Sinhalese look similar to Tamils but you cannot say everyone look alike. As I said my family members look nothing like Tamils, especially ones from my father's side. You are just trying to act smart as if you have a database of every Sinhalese person.

Anyway as an individual, I've noticed your 3rd world ego when one of our members posted pictures taken by you. He even gave credits whereas you acted as if they were the most expensive diamond.

@Bombaywalla Have gone on a small trip around the island recently and lo and behold have become a expert on Sri Lanka, It's cultural and ethnic intricacies .. :sarcastic:
@Bombaywalla Have gone on a small trip around the island recently and lo and behold have become a expert on Sri Lanka, It's cultural and ethnic intricacies .. :sarcastic:

I make more trips down there than you think, besides, can you refute what I've said? It's just an observation after all.
exactly we need to reach into furthermost areas in India where we can have a influence and isolate TN. This was our grand strategy in the past.

I make more trips down there than you think, besides, can you refute what I've said? It's just an observation after all.

Fair enough.. Mind you Colombo is not the real SL.. It's in the hinterland you get to see distinct differences
If you were even slightly smarter and a bit more resourceful than you think you are, you wouldn't have asked me such a stupid question. To make it simpler for you, you lot look similar to our South Indians (in general), your cuisine has many a cultural similarity, and then there are similarities in your language, the lifestyle etc.

Who gives a rats behind about what your family looks like. I wasn't talking about your family, but about my observations - I didn't notice much of an obvious difference between the Tamils and Sinhalese of the island; they looked quite similar to me. Do you understand the meaning of the word 'similar'? You've got serious comprehension and logical reasoning issues.

LOL ego? I don't appreciate it when absolute low lifes post my photos without my direct permission, besides, my pictures my rules. Why so butthurt? Calm down boy.
Cuisine has similarities but language and lifestyle???? You are out of Earth. Buddy it seems what @Gibbs says it correct. Going in a small trip around Sri Lanka won't make you an expert of Sri Lanka. If I and vast majority of Sinhalese don't find any Similarities with a bunch of people who have failed to create even toilets, who the hell are you to claim otherwise?
Fair enough.. Mind you Colombo is not the real SL.. It's in the hinterland you get to see distinct differences

would it help if I told you I've visited most of your country except for the north? :)

@Azizam - I'm definitely no expert and never claimed to be one either, but you on the other hand, are a cheap low life who has made it clear that he's not worth responding to. Cheers
No matter what kind of similarity North Indians have with the Sri Lankans, Sri Lanka still is a foreign country, Tamilnadu is India.

North Indians really don't consider Sri Lankans being related to North Indians. I have listened to Sinhala, even their language shows a smaller resemblances with North Indian languages lacking the language continuum.
North Indians really don't consider Sri Lankans being related to North Indians. I have listened to Sinhala, even their language shows a smaller resemblances with North Indian languages lacking the language continuum.

Sri Lankans never claimed to be North Indians, Just that genetic studies and historical evidence have shown the Sinhalese originated from Eastern, Western and Northern India.. Rest of the Sri Lankans originate from all over the world.. Do you people even think think before you post garbage on forums ??
North Indians really don't consider Sri Lankans being related to North Indians. I have listened to Sinhala, even their language shows a smaller resemblances with North Indian languages lacking the language continuum.
Buddy, unlike other South Asians, Sri Lankan don't give half a **** about relating themselves to anyone. Our society is different. Sinhalese even sounds better than most Northern Indian languages especially Gujarati. Don't you think so?
Sri Lankans never claimed to be North Indians, Just that genetic studies and historical evidence have shown the Sinhalese originated from Eastern, Western and Northern India.. Rest of the Sri Lankans originate from all over the world.. Do you people even think think before you post garbage on forums ??

Go to first page and see who posted the garbage. I know the genetic test, still the South Indians are more related to us with a common culture, religion and history than the Indo-Aryan speaking Sinhalas.

Buddy, unlike other South Asians, Sri Lankan don't give half a **** about relating themselves to anyone. Our society is different. Sinhalese even sounds better than most Northern Indian languages especially Gujarati. Don't you think so?

That classification is only relative depending on the person you ask.
Buddy, unlike other South Asians, Sri Lankan don't give half a **** about relating themselves to anyone. Our society is different. Sinhalese even sounds better than most Northern Indian languages especially Gujarati. Don't you think so?

That's silly, Sinhalese sounds almost like Tamil to me.

In any case it's all relative.
Go to first page and see who posted the garbage. I know the genetic test, still the South Indians are more related to us with a common culture, religion and history than the Indo-Aryan speaking Sinhalas.

Who gives a f@ck what your opinion is.. Genetic and linguistic studies have proven otherwise.. Any way we Lankans have our own distinctive culture developed through the millenia with mixing of myriad of cultures

Btw go and try speaking in hindi in Madras.. Good luck with your delusions.. :lol:
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