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SR3b firm set up to develop Jabal Al-Sharashif area


Feb 1, 2013
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Saudi Arabia
Last updated: Monday, December 02, 2013 12:13 AM

Saudi Gazette report

MAKKAH – The Kingdom is witnessing unprecedented development in terms of places and people, said Prince Khaled Al-Faisal, Emir of Makkah Region and Chairman of Executive Committee for Development of Unplanned Neighborhoods, who patronized the signing of the articles of association of Jurhom Company for Urban Development here on Sunday.

The company has been assigned to develop the Al-Sharashif Mountain area.

Prince Khaled, who is also Chairman of Makkah and Ritual Sites Development Commission, called upon businessmen to make domestic investment their priority.

“This country has played a major role in helping you expand your businesses. You should therefore invest your money here. By doing so, you will achieve a lot for future generations.”

Development of the Al-Sharashif Mountain area, which covers a total area of 1,631,000 square meters, will transform the unplanned Makkah neighborhood into a major urban center, consisting of hotels, commercial and residential buildings, educational and health facilities and other supporting services.

Al-Sharashif Mountain, one of the most crowded unplanned regions, which is close to the Grand Mosque, will witness development work. The region is characterized by insurmountable terrain with several deep curves and valleys and thus posing difficulties in building infrastructure facilities.

Dr. Osama Al-Bar, Makkah Mayor, said work at Al-Sharashif Mountain project will start in three months from now. A company with a capital of SR3 billion has been set up for this project.

A ring road will be built around the mountain while all unplanned houses will be demolished. Hotels for Haj and Umrah pilgrims will be constructed.
After development, 30% of neighborhood population will be allocated for citizens while the rest will be earmarked for Haj and Umrah pilgrims.

Regarding the projects of Al-Ruwais, Khuzam, and King Abdul Aziz Road in Makkah, the Emir said the companies which were assigned to develop these areas were set up before the final regulations of unplanned neighborhoods had been approved.

Prince Khaled announced that a professional team is studying the negative aspects of previous development projects to correct all mistakes.

Saudi Gazette - SR3b firm set up to develop Jabal Al-Sharashif area
افتتاح مشروع «جبل الشراشف» بمكة في 2019


2 December 2013
كشف أسامة البار أمين العاصمة المقدسة أن مشروع جبل الشراشف سيتم تنفيذه في مدة لا تتجاوز خمس سنوات مبينا في تصريح لـ"الرياض" أن عام 2019 سيشهد افتتاح المشروع بإذن الله موضحا بأن المستفيدين الدائمين يبلغ عددهم 50 ألفا.

وأشار أمين العاصمة المقدسة أن المشروع الذي ينتظره الجميع من سكان منطقة مكة المكرمة سيكون نقلة تنموية مختلفة وسيخدم أكثر من مليون حاج ومعتمر ممن يحتاجون إلى السكن الموسمي. وشدد البار بأنه سيتم التعامل مع مالكي العقارات حسب لائحة العشوائيات بمنطقة مكة المكرمة وذلك بالتعويض او المساهمة في المشروع او السكن البديل.

الرياض نت : افتتاح مشروع «جبل الشراشف» بمكة في 2019







The project is expected to be finished in 2019.

@Arabian Legend @Yzd Khalifa @JUBA @BLACKEAGLE etc.
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