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Some notes on DRDO's PDV ballistic missile defence interceptor


Apr 28, 2011
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Incognito Lounge Phoenix

In late April, the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) unveiled the PDV, which has been designed to serve as an exo-atmospheric interceptor for India's emerging two-tier ballistic missile defence (BMD) system consisting of both endo and exo atmospheric interception capability. The PDV's first test was essentially used to validate the capabilities of its on-board imaging infrared (IIR) seeker as well as the capabilities of a new target missile used for this test. As such neither an actual hit to kill (HTK) nor an explosive intercept was orchestrated by DRDO technologists in this test since the idea it seems was to glean as much data as they could from both the IIR seeker as well as the target missile. Nevertheless, this maiden outing for the PDV seems to have validated its integration with the detection, tracking and automated launch control systems associated with the two-tier BMD scheme.
Future tests will however look to prove the new kill vehicle (KV) used by the PDV for destroying an incoming warhead besides testing the entire envelope of its solid propulsion system. Once the development of the PDV is successfully completed it would signal the maturing of Phase-1 of India's BMD program which is designed to provide credible capability against theatre ballistic missiles (TBM) launched from up to 2000 kms away. The emergence of the PDV also makes the case for expediting work on new missile test ranges stronger, which would in any case be required for the range and geometry considerations associated with Phase-2 of India's BMD.
The PDV essentially replaces the PAD, which was first tested in 2006, as the kill vector in the high altitude interception leg of the two-tier system conceived under Phase-I of the BMD programme. However while the PAD was essentially a high endo-atmospheric system with a ceiling of around 85 km, PDV is a true blue exo-atmospheric interceptor capable of intercepts at up to 150 km. Indeed, the late April test involved a 'near miss' at an altitude of 120 km. This puts the PDV in a different category in terms of its propulsion system, navigation set-up and homing seeker capability. Instead of sporting a radio frequency (RF) seeker like the PAD, the PDV uses a new IIR seeker developed by DRDO's Research Centre Imarat (RCI) that has interestingly drawn on its work over the years with the Nag seeker which has an array size of 128 x 128 pixels.
Exo-atmospheric interception certainly has its advantages in terms of extending the amount of time time available to the BMD system to direct the interceptor towards the target.
On the other hand interception outside the atmosphere of a medium range ballistic missile (MRBM) re-entry vehicle (RV) may require that the BMD system distinguish between it and decoys, that might be released by the boost vehicle in order to create false targets. This target discrimination is achieved in the 'cold' of space by using an IIR seeker. In this first test, the PDV's inertial guidance package consisting of possibly a mature fibre optic gyroscope moved the missile towards the estimated point of the interception as calculated by ground based radars and fed to the guidance package before the IIR seeker took over in the end game to track the RV.
A new interceptor of the class of the PDV also requires a new MRBM class target missile for effective trials. With this test DRDO also unveiled a new two stage target equipped with new motors that successfully mimics the 3-5 km/sec re-entry speeds of a 'hostile ballistic missile approaching from more than 2000 km away'. The target missile was fired from a naval platform sitting offshore but it is unclear whether this first test involved decoys.
Now, one of the things to check in a layered approach to BMD is the modularity of the systems involved which allows the use of different interceptors with a command and control network that is the same leading to cost savings through logistical simplicity and interoperability characteristics. The first PDV test in that sense demonstrated the integration of this new interceptor with DRDO's proven ground based automated response network that forms the backbone of the two-tier BMD scheme.
The PDV test served as yet another chance to validate DRDO's BMD architecture which consists of both over the horizon and X-band fire control radars which detect and track the incoming missile, a mission control centre (MCC) that fuses input(which may come from satellite based sensors also) processes it and sends orders for engagement to launch control centres (LCCs) situated 1000 km away via mobile communication terminals (MCTs). The LCCs then orchestrate the final launch sequence with the mobile interceptor sitting nearby. Repeated tests of the two-tier system, including the latest PDV test has given enough confidence to DRDO to recommend the freezing of the current configuration for Phase-I.
Both the radars and the LCC receive and send information via target update transmitters (TUTs) based on CDMA technology. While the MCTs of the MCC are themselves connected via an IP wide area network, data-links for the entire setup also include fibre optic communication channels and line of sight relays.
It is unclear whether the long range tracking radar(LRTR) used in this test is DRDO's legacy Swordfish with a range of 600-800 km or a new design that has been in development and can track cricket ball sized targets up to 1500 km away. The test probably did however involve the 3D Multi-Function Control Radar (MFCR) developed by DRDO's LRDE in collaboration with Thales.
The PDV itself, given its role as an exo-atmospheric interceptor is obviously larger and has more on-board fuel than the AAD endo-atmospheric interceptor. The PDV uses solid propellants which have high burn-rates and can function effectively in temperatures ranging from minus 40 degrees to 50 degrees Celsius above zero. This kind of an operating paradigm needs special casting for the propellants developed by DRDO's High Energy Material Research laboratory (HEMRL). PDV is also designed to have a shelf life of 10 to 15 years and its motors have a high margin for safety while retaining quick reaction capability - all of which contribute to it being a ready to use package slaved to an automated launching mechanism. Moreover PDV's motors obviously have to be fairly robust to withstand the rigours and vibrations induced by mobility.
Even as DRDO's BMD programme accelerates, there is a need for quicker forward movement on building the new missile test ranges in Machilipatnam in Seema andhra and Rutland Island in the Andamans. These ranges will cater to varying geometries and facilitate tests that involve intercepting salvos of incoming missiles. DRDO till date has been unable to conduct an all up salvo interception test precisely on account of this range limitation issue. Till date it has conducted only a 'partial' salvo trial in 2012, which included an actual endo-atmospheric intercept and an electronically simulated exo-atmospheric intercept.
While the new range in Machilipatnam is being built at an estimated investment of Rs 1,000 crore and may be operationalized in the next three years, the timelines for Rutland Island are still unclear. As part of Phase-2 of the BMD programme DRDO is developing two new interceptors AD-1 and AD-2 which are capable of neutralizing RVs delivered by ballistic missiles fired from more than 5000 km away. This would mean intercepting RVs flying at 6-9 km/s and this cannot be done without new ranges that are located some distance away from each other. The future growth of DRDO's BMD system therefore requires that the new ranges are operationalized expeditiously.
Left unsaid in this latest BMD test by DRDO is the clear demonstration of the low earth orbit (LEO) capabilities of the PDV. The PDV is actually a predecessor to another exo-atmospheric interceptor currently under development that can neutralize RVs at an altitude of over 300 km. Taken together this means that India has all the elements in place for a direct ascent counter space system that can easily be used for anti-satellite purposes. This in turn means that India now has a very strong hand in the Space NPT that is currently being quietly negotiated by the world's nuclear powers.
Follow Saurav Jha on twitter @SJha1618. Send your feedback to geekatlarge1618@gmail.com
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IBNLive :Saurav Jha's Blog :Some notes on DRDO's PDV ballistic missile defence interceptor
This writer has spent more effort in writing this article...than DRDO has spent researching the whole BMD project...

Whole project is fairy dust...u will always be told it exists...but u will NEVER see it on ground..
Incognito Lounge Phoenix

In late April, the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) unveiled the PDV, which has been designed to serve as an exo-atmospheric interceptor for India's emerging two-tier ballistic missile defence (BMD) system consisting of both endo and exo atmospheric interception capability. The PDV's first test was essentially used to validate the capabilities of its on-board imaging infrared (IIR) seeker as well as the capabilities of a new target missile used for this test. As such neither an actual hit to kill (HTK) nor an explosive intercept was orchestrated by DRDO technologists in this test since the idea it seems was to glean as much data as they could from both the IIR seeker as well as the target missile. Nevertheless, this maiden outing for the PDV seems to have validated its integration with the detection, tracking and automated launch control systems associated with the two-tier BMD scheme.
Future tests will however look to prove the new kill vehicle (KV) used by the PDV for destroying an incoming warhead besides testing the entire envelope of its solid propulsion system. Once the development of the PDV is successfully completed it would signal the maturing of Phase-1 of India's BMD program which is designed to provide credible capability against theatre ballistic missiles (TBM) launched from up to 2000 kms away. The emergence of the PDV also makes the case for expediting work on new missile test ranges stronger, which would in any case be required for the range and geometry considerations associated with Phase-2 of India's BMD.
The PDV essentially replaces the PAD, which was first tested in 2006, as the kill vector in the high altitude interception leg of the two-tier system conceived under Phase-I of the BMD programme. However while the PAD was essentially a high endo-atmospheric system with a ceiling of around 85 km, PDV is a true blue exo-atmospheric interceptor capable of intercepts at up to 150 km. Indeed, the late April test involved a 'near miss' at an altitude of 120 km. This puts the PDV in a different category in terms of its propulsion system, navigation set-up and homing seeker capability. Instead of sporting a radio frequency (RF) seeker like the PAD, the PDV uses a new IIR seeker developed by DRDO's Research Centre Imarat (RCI) that has interestingly drawn on its work over the years with the Nag seeker which has an array size of 128 x 128 pixels.
Exo-atmospheric interception certainly has its advantages in terms of extending the amount of time time available to the BMD system to direct the interceptor towards the target.
On the other hand interception outside the atmosphere of a medium range ballistic missile (MRBM) re-entry vehicle (RV) may require that the BMD system distinguish between it and decoys, that might be released by the boost vehicle in order to create false targets. This target discrimination is achieved in the 'cold' of space by using an IIR seeker. In this first test, the PDV's inertial guidance package consisting of possibly a mature fibre optic gyroscope moved the missile towards the estimated point of the interception as calculated by ground based radars and fed to the guidance package before the IIR seeker took over in the end game to track the RV.
A new interceptor of the class of the PDV also requires a new MRBM class target missile for effective trials. With this test DRDO also unveiled a new two stage target equipped with new motors that successfully mimics the 3-5 km/sec re-entry speeds of a 'hostile ballistic missile approaching from more than 2000 km away'. The target missile was fired from a naval platform sitting offshore but it is unclear whether this first test involved decoys.
Now, one of the things to check in a layered approach to BMD is the modularity of the systems involved which allows the use of different interceptors with a command and control network that is the same leading to cost savings through logistical simplicity and interoperability characteristics. The first PDV test in that sense demonstrated the integration of this new interceptor with DRDO's proven ground based automated response network that forms the backbone of the two-tier BMD scheme.
The PDV test served as yet another chance to validate DRDO's BMD architecture which consists of both over the horizon and X-band fire control radars which detect and track the incoming missile, a mission control centre (MCC) that fuses input(which may come from satellite based sensors also) processes it and sends orders for engagement to launch control centres (LCCs) situated 1000 km away via mobile communication terminals (MCTs). The LCCs then orchestrate the final launch sequence with the mobile interceptor sitting nearby. Repeated tests of the two-tier system, including the latest PDV test has given enough confidence to DRDO to recommend the freezing of the current configuration for Phase-I.
Both the radars and the LCC receive and send information via target update transmitters (TUTs) based on CDMA technology. While the MCTs of the MCC are themselves connected via an IP wide area network, data-links for the entire setup also include fibre optic communication channels and line of sight relays.
It is unclear whether the long range tracking radar(LRTR) used in this test is DRDO's legacy Swordfish with a range of 600-800 km or a new design that has been in development and can track cricket ball sized targets up to 1500 km away. The test probably did however involve the 3D Multi-Function Control Radar (MFCR) developed by DRDO's LRDE in collaboration with Thales.
The PDV itself, given its role as an exo-atmospheric interceptor is obviously larger and has more on-board fuel than the AAD endo-atmospheric interceptor. The PDV uses solid propellants which have high burn-rates and can function effectively in temperatures ranging from minus 40 degrees to 50 degrees Celsius above zero. This kind of an operating paradigm needs special casting for the propellants developed by DRDO's High Energy Material Research laboratory (HEMRL). PDV is also designed to have a shelf life of 10 to 15 years and its motors have a high margin for safety while retaining quick reaction capability - all of which contribute to it being a ready to use package slaved to an automated launching mechanism. Moreover PDV's motors obviously have to be fairly robust to withstand the rigours and vibrations induced by mobility.
Even as DRDO's BMD programme accelerates, there is a need for quicker forward movement on building the new missile test ranges in Machilipatnam in Seema andhra and Rutland Island in the Andamans. These ranges will cater to varying geometries and facilitate tests that involve intercepting salvos of incoming missiles. DRDO till date has been unable to conduct an all up salvo interception test precisely on account of this range limitation issue. Till date it has conducted only a 'partial' salvo trial in 2012, which included an actual endo-atmospheric intercept and an electronically simulated exo-atmospheric intercept.
While the new range in Machilipatnam is being built at an estimated investment of Rs 1,000 crore and may be operationalized in the next three years, the timelines for Rutland Island are still unclear. As part of Phase-2 of the BMD programme DRDO is developing two new interceptors AD-1 and AD-2 which are capable of neutralizing RVs delivered by ballistic missiles fired from more than 5000 km away. This would mean intercepting RVs flying at 6-9 km/s and this cannot be done without new ranges that are located some distance away from each other. The future growth of DRDO's BMD system therefore requires that the new ranges are operationalized expeditiously.
Left unsaid in this latest BMD test by DRDO is the clear demonstration of the low earth orbit (LEO) capabilities of the PDV. The PDV is actually a predecessor to another exo-atmospheric interceptor currently under development that can neutralize RVs at an altitude of over 300 km. Taken together this means that India has all the elements in place for a direct ascent counter space system that can easily be used for anti-satellite purposes. This in turn means that India now has a very strong hand in the Space NPT that is currently being quietly negotiated by the world's nuclear powers.
Follow Saurav Jha on twitter @SJha1618. Send your feedback to geekatlarge1618@gmail.com
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IBNLive :Saurav Jha's Blog :Some notes on DRDO's PDV ballistic missile defence interceptor

Nice read.

This writer has spent more effort in writing this article...than DRDO has spent researching the whole BMD project...

Whole project is fairy dust...u will always be told it exists...but u will NEVER see it on ground..

please back up your allegation with facts else go rant somewhere else, Thank you in advance.
This writer has spent more effort in writing this article...than DRDO has spent researching the whole BMD project...

Whole project is fairy dust...u will always be told it exists...but u will NEVER see it on ground..
You mean there's no such thing as PDV and that there hasn't been any PDV or PAD test? till date :unsure:
This writer has spent more effort in writing this article...than DRDO has spent researching the whole BMD project...

Whole project is fairy dust...u will always be told it exists...but u will NEVER see it on ground..

you mean you didn't see any test yet,or did you mean you want to see these missiles on ground using your own eyes??
I mean it will never b a functional weapon based on DRDO track record, which is producing low tech weaponary compared to their western counter parts and taking decades to do so...

I mean arjun tank is 40 year old project still on going...so is naag anti tank missile ...

Mind you these are weapon systems many countries producing...without much problems...

Just an arguement tomahawk cruise missile was functional in 1960s ...
DRDO has no counter part to this...

Now they are trying to build a technology with which even modern day america is strugling...

So yes i will have to see it to believe it
I mean it will never b a functional weapon based on DRDO track record, which is producing low tech weaponary compared to their western counter parts and taking decades to do so...

I mean arjun tank is 40 year old project still on going...so is naag anti tank missile ...

Mind you these are weapon systems many countries producing...without much problems...

Just an arguement tomahawk cruise missile was functional in 1960s ...
DRDO has no counter part to this...

Now they are trying to build a technology with which even modern day america is strugling...

So yes i will have to see it to believe it

Although i do not like to see your words..but you makes lot of sense...DRDO is just an white elephant...If countries are very small can produce basic weapns which DRDO can not provide...First we should ask, do we have a rifle/pistol with latest technology that DRDO can provide? Then we can go for rest of the high end stuff..
I mean it will never b a functional weapon based on DRDO track record, which is producing low tech weaponary compared to their western counter parts and taking decades to do so...

I mean arjun tank is 40 year old project still on going...so is naag anti tank missile ...

Mind you these are weapon systems many countries producing...without much problems...

Just an arguement tomahawk cruise missile was functional in 1960s ...
DRDO has no counter part to this...

Now they are trying to build a technology with which even modern day america is strugling...

So yes i will have to see it to believe it

We have already tested our interceptors and what more do you require? India dint feel the need of Missiles like Tomhawk as India has BRAHMOS and now to support our varying doctrine , we would soon be testing the Nirbhay.
We have already tested our interceptors and what more do you require? India dint feel the need of Missiles like Tomhawk as India has BRAHMOS and now to support our varying doctrine , we would soon be testing the Nirbhay.

India does not have tomahawk caz india cannot build one...no offence..other wise range advantage of tomahawk (1800 km) alone makes brahmos obsolete (290km). Even brahamos is license production of a russian missile ..its not indigineous..

Testing few missiles here and there does not mean operational system

Only one country ; US of A has technical know how to build a BMD...even they dont have a functional one...there is no shield protecting new york as i write this...

I m persuming; based on previous track record of indigineous projects of DRDO and based on complexity of technology, that this system will never become operational...at least in next 40 years...

india is far better off spending money on reduction of poverty in its own country....
India does not have tomahawk caz india cannot build one...no offence..other wise range advantage of tomahawk (1800 km) alone makes brahmos obsolete (290km). Even brahamos is license production of a russian missile ..its not indigineous..

Tomhawk has a counter but Brahmos does not have one and it beats the hell out of the enemy. Brahmos is not a license production as you believe it to be. BRAHMOS is an organization with over 51 % Indian Stake. To learn more on the Indian contribution you may refer their website.

Testing few missiles here and there does not mean operational system

Here and There? We are doing it systematically. Endo and Exo. Testing of the AAD is almost complete and the Next gen Interceptor by the Name PDV is making its debut. Dude!! no offense, we have pushed you guys down the line by atleast 50 years in Science and Technology..

Only one country ; US of A has technical know how to build a BMD...even they dont have a functional one...there is no shield protecting new york as i write this...

No that's rubbish to believe so, Russia , China and India have this technology and we have proved it time and again.

I m persuming; based on previous track record of indigineous projects of DRDO and based on complexity of technology, that this system will never become operational...at least in next 40 years...

india is far better off spending money on reduction of poverty in its own country....

DRDO did not have a previous experience. Its a fresh entity and had to evolve everything right from the beginning, DRDO has achieved in getting the private sector evolve and India is doing better off in every field than its South Asian Neighbors.[/quote]
Dude india cannot even make a fighter plane or a basic triner jet....endo and exo ...yeah right...

Any how we will talk about this after 40 years....
Watch this space
I mean it will never b a functional weapon based on DRDO track record, which is producing low tech weaponary compared to their western counter parts and taking decades to do so...


Arihant SSBN





artist impression, no images released to the public

It has an SSBN in trials and tested K-15 like 13 times and K-4 onces. Arjun isnt the only example.
Dude india cannot even make a fighter plane or a basic triner jet....endo and exo ...yeah right...

Any how we will talk about this after 40 years....
Watch this space

India has made both of them, but the international laws are not as strict for this as they are for the missiles. The Indian Armed forces can buy better aircraft's that what India makes and thats the reason our aviation industry( which again is miles ahead than yours) is unsuccessful in pleasing the IAF. While our Missiles have evolved.
India does not have tomahawk caz india cannot build one...no offence..other wise range advantage of tomahawk (1800 km) alone makes brahmos obsolete (290km). Even brahamos is license production of a russian missile ..its not indigineous..

It's producing one. It'll arm navy, airforce, and army.
India does not have tomahawk caz indiacannot build one...no offence..

other wise range advantage of tomahawk (1800 km) alone makes brahmos obsolete (290km).
range of Brahmos is 550km
Even brahamos is license production of a russian missile ..its not indigineous..
BrahMos Aerospace - An India Russia Joint Venture

Testing few missiles here and there does not mean operational system I m persuming; based on previous track record of indigineous projects of DRDO and based on complexity of technology, that this system will never become operational...at least in next 40 years...
Agni-IMRBM700 – 1,250 km[2][9][18] (Operational)
Agni-IIIRBM2,000 – 3,000 km[19] (Operational)
Agni-IIIIRBM3,500 – 5,000 km[10] (Operational)
Agni-IVIRBM3,000 – 4,000 km[20][21] (Testing)
Agni-VICBM5,000 – 6,000 km[22][23][24] (Testing)
Agni-VIICBM6,000 – 8,000 km[6][25][26] (Under development)

150 km (Prithvi I)
250-350 km (Prithvi II)
350 - 600 km (Prithvi III)
Dhanush (missile)
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