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Sixty-four years of failure ??

But how are you refuting the **** we talk about Bharat in this thread? This thread was never about Bharat.

You really expect people to stick to certain threads and topics once they register? :crazy:

And anyway, if you talk **** about Bharat on one thread, the Bhartis will return the favor on other, unrelated threads. Common sense, eh? Nothing to do with "obsessing over Pakistan". The very idea is amusing.
But how are you refuting the **** we talk about Bharat in this thread? This thread was never about Bharat.

To pass the time of day.

If you have a problem with it, get the mods to ban me. Maybe you ask them to ban all "Bhartis"? (which they will not do, since this forum will die without "Bhartis". Ask the webmaster about it)

I dont have a problem with you being on the forum, but please refrain from posting such in depth remarks , about the internal situation of Pakistan , of which you know jack about.
^^ I'm outta here, unless someone calls me out. Continue discussing your 64 years of failure in peace...

Please, help yourself, and FYI, we have also achieved alot, but of you cant help yourself from being ignorant, cant do anything about it.
Yes, Pakistan & Pakistanis need to give priority to economy, without economy you can't do anything. Create more industries especially those in which we lack behind, such as automobile industry, steel industry, etc. Solve electric problems, better would be to introduce solar electricity system for each house, like every house in Pakistan have a big roof if somehow solar technology is acheived than govt can sell it, like for whole system installation for one house they can charge whatever is cost, it will benefit govt, people & economy, also they can get some yearly tax from it too.
Pakistan's achievement in the filed of science and technology, social welfare, economy development etc ...not backed by US and China....

We had only 9 sugar mills in 1947 now we have 78. We have 25 cement industries. We had only 17 textile units in 1947, now we have 503, we had only 78000 spindles and 3000 looms in 1948, now we have over 4 million spindles and 10000 looms. At independence there was only 1 textile unit. Now there are 70.

Need i say more?
Pakistan started off with nothing in 1947. Present day India got most of the legacy & development left by the British, while Pakistan got nothing. Considering the fact how America fared in its first 64 years in existence, Pakistan hasn't done too badly.

The people of Gilgit-Baltistan & AJK cannot get Pakistani citizenship, because Kashmir is an unresolved issue with India. Gilgit-Baltistan has been given full internal autonomy though, it just couldn't be given provincial status because of the on-going dispute with India. Btw, my servant in my house in Islamabad is Balti, he left Skardu & got a job in Islamabad, & he has a passport, & is a Pakistani citizen. There are many such examples like that. Similarly, the AJK is technically NOT part of Pakistan, it is like an independent nation, so it can't get Pakistani citizenship. I also do not know which parts of NWFP & Balochistan you're talking about that don't get Pakistani citizenship.

While the author has made some pertinent points in his article, he has basically just shown his frustration more than any real objectivity.
Just see turkey two decades, or even one decade back and look at it now, a sincere leader came, the nation got behind him, and here is the product, no doubt that Pakistan can do the same. We had a booming economy back in 2008, PPP came and ruined it. We can bounce back , mark my words.
Pakistan's achievement in the filed of science and technology, social welfare, economy development etc ...not backed by US and China....

It is funny to see indians jumping for what they got in heritage, Britishers & Mughals had built all your biggest cities, india would be much much behind if it was not given British or Mughal made cities, whereas Pakistan after indepandance got just one city Lahore & even that was not industrial city, Karachi, Faisalabad, Islamabad, Peshawar, Muree, Hyderabad, Rawalpindi,Muzzaffarabad, Abottabad, Quetta were developed by Pakistan. Also if it wasn't for this current corrupt govt a new city Gawadar would've build in far south western coast of Pakistan.
Today of all days is it necess to discuss paks failures. Why dont we look at positives. why cant we say our cup is half full rather than the constant half empty. We get enough propaganda from the american indian israeli nexus that knock pakistan at every turn
Today of all days is it necess to discuss paks failures. Why dont we look at positives. why cant we say our cup is half full rather than the constant half empty. We get enough propaganda from the american indian israeli nexus that knock pakistan at every turn

Yes but we need to work hard to come among top 10 economies of the world, it is good for Pakistan.

I hope Pakistan acheived this within a decade.
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