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Sino-Russian military alliance dwarfs US in military power

This is 21st century we're not living in 1950, China-Russia's relation will be like Germany-France when come to share commun interests, this has proven in geopolitic, we both coordinate our agreement when come to veto US in UN or tackle some regional issue...we have learn a great deal how to work together since 1950...only you Americans still live in the dream that both China-Russia distrust each other hence we will not able to achieve our national objectifs through cooperation.

Go back to having Russia as your main trading partner and see how far you get.
If Europe feels threatened South America with its European roots will stand with them.
You already have most of Asia feeling threatened.

You will isolate yourself from world trade in a finger snap. You will have to concentrate on Africa.
If Europe feels threatened South America with its European roots will stand with them.

South America doesn't care about Europe. BTW, Argentina still lays claim to Britain's Falklands. :p: China is going to sell JF-17 to Argentina and turn it into a pro China and Russia country.

You already have most of Asia feeling threatened.

Not so. North Korea is China's ally. So is Vietnam. Remember how China aided Viet Cong take over Vietnam? :p: The US has no ally in Asia. Japan will one day soon fight with the US for dominance again.
Go back to having Russia as your main trading partner and see how far you get. If Europe feels threatened South America with its European roots will stand with them.
You already have most of Asia feeling threatened.

You will isolate yourself from world trade in a finger snap. You will have to concentrate on Africa.

Oh now you acknowledge that we're your main trading partner but still allied other nations such India, Japan and ASEAN countries against us, so much to be your main trading partner:disagree:. As for Russia, it's not only our trading partner but geopolitic partners, we can get as far as the circumstance allow us to be, such as when both of us are threathened or if other nation is threatening the regional stability for it own gain.

As for the scenario of war, you can keep for yourself...if that happen we will deal with it but I don't like to bullsh1t on some hypotheticall or speculative event.
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South America doesn't care about Europe. BTW, Argentina still lays claim to Britain's Falklands. :p: China is going to sell JF-17 to Argentina and turn it into a pro China and Russia country.

You have the wrong country. England never had any pull in South America. They speak Spanish and Portuguese down there not English. Their loyalty lies with them.

Keep in mind they are also Spanish/Portuguese Roman Catholics. You could get an entire continent offended.
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NATO and Russia are enemies. Why is the US antagonizing China? It's dumb.

The strength of the Russian-Chinese alliance has been demonstrated twice in history. During the Korean War (1950-1953), the Russians were responsible for MiG Alley. China was responsible for ground troops.

During the Vietnam War (1962-1976), China provided anti-aircraft batteries, some air squadrons, safe areas, war materiel, and infrastructure repair crews. Russia provided war materiel and SAMs, which had a 5% success rate. However, the exchange of 20 inexpensive missiles for a valuable American plane or bomber was favorable to the Russian SAM.

A Sino-Russian military alliance has proven to be very formidable. The Korean War was a draw and the U.S. withdrew from Vietnam after a dozen years of fighting.

For 65 years, it has always been US policy to divide Russia and China. Every single US president agreed on this policy. We saw Nixon's visit to China for rapprochement in 1972. To split Russia and China, we saw the U.S. approach the Soviet Union/Russia with a competing detente in 1976.

Today, we have dummies running the country. Current American policy is to simultaneously provoke Russia and China. Russia is fed up with NATO's relentless eastward expansion and has declared NATO as Russia's primary enemy (see citation from RT/"Russia Today" below).

Not satisfied with a Cold War against the Russians, the American military is currently poking The Dragon in the South China Sea. I am aghast at the monumental stupidity of current American strategy. It is incomprehensible to me. History has shown that the United States has never been able to beat a Sino-Russian alliance. Yet, the Neo-Cons are trying to pick a fight with both Russia and China at the same time. It's a losing proposition.


Russia's new military doctrine lists NATO, US as major foreign threats | RT News

Russia now an adversary, NATO official says - CBS News
(Alexander Vershbow, the deputy secretary-general of NATO)

Reckless Congress 'Declares War' on Russia | Ron Paul
For 65 years, it has always been US policy to divide Russia and China. Every single US president agreed on this policy.

Are you saying the divide between Russia and China was the direct result of you guys being manipulated like little puppets by US Intelligence? If that is the case they should all get medals for outsmarting you guys!!!

Bravo to our mighty mighty puppet masters!!!
I always thought it was ideological differences..oh well.
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Alliance or not, there is plenty room for China-Russia cooperation, both are lagging behind in technologies and economy to US. if China and Russia want to play catchup with US, we need to cooperate and that's one of the economicall way and the fast way to achieve both national objectives and interests.

Let take an aircraft carrier as example, if both can cooperate to share the burden (financial and/or economy) and build 75% of commun body parts, the remaining of 25% to be specific to each nation's needs: Russia can customize the remaining of 25% works (communication, radiar, electronic) same go for China. This will greatly reduce the financial burden, of course we need to have a sophisticate structure and organisation similar as EU consordium to manage all contractual works then we can certain affort to play catch up and arm race with US.

On of the reason why US is technological sophisticated it's because it has access to Japan and EU technologies through cooperations, if China and Russia don't know how to cooperate, we're just condamned ourself.

@ptldM3, what you think of this...any better suggestion?

Your point is valid, most countries are where they are economically and military due to partnerships. Countries that isolate themselves become North Korea. As for aircraft carriers, Russia is designing a new aircraft carrier but it will take years more to complete the design work, reports are that it could be ready before 2025 (ready to build or ready to commission?). China has the infrastructure to begin building a carrier, and it might be a bit cheaper to build part or most of the carrier in China but then there is the question of work share and possible joint ventures. Then with joint ventures comes negotiations, and with that comes issues of sensitive work shares.
Your point is valid, most countries are where they are economically and military due to partnerships. Countries that isolate themselves become North Korea. As for aircraft carriers, Russia is designing a new aircraft carrier but it will take years more to complete the design work, reports are that it could be ready before 2025 (ready to build or ready to commission?). China has the infrastructure to begin building a carrier, and it might be a bit cheaper to build part or most of the carrier in China but then there is the question of work share and possible joint ventures. Then with joint ventures comes negotiations, and with that comes issues of sensitive work shares.

I have seen Russia's newly designed supercarrier, but I prefer the single island over the double island.

A 100000 tons nuclear supercarrier with an advanced single island, also with both ski-jump and catapult on the angled flight deck.
Are you saying the divide between Russia and China was the direct result of you guys being manipulated like little puppets by US Intelligence? If that is the case they should all get medals for outsmarting you guys!!!

Bravo to our mighty mighty puppet masters!!!
I always thought it was ideological differences..oh well.

China Russia are not allies.
They sometimes team up in the UNSC because US has essentially 3 votes vs their one.
China will not have any military alliance with any body, China likes to do business with every body, and support to maintain the current world order. The problem is that USA, as the biggest guy in the village, always likes to play the sheriff. USA makes troubles and extracts protection fees, and print the currency for every one.
China need to protect herself, but China never wanted to be an enemy of USA, hopefully in future has more cooperation than confrontation, but that is depends on the USA.
Russia is China’s good neighbor, with the big land and small population, Russia is also on guard of China.
That's what I love about some of these keyboard warriors. They say "well we can do this, and we can do that" they never take into account that the other side will fight back. Or that the other side has their own nuke and battlefield tactical nukes. Like the other side will just say

"yes, please invade us, we won't fight back"

I honestly think some of these people live in their own little PDF video game world and are devoid of any common sense.

Deep analysis can come from only that person who studies various sources and then bases his opinion on it.

For the fanboys who think reducing payload will increase range and DSI is the greatest thing, everything is possible.

They will criticize warships of other nation, forgeting that their friagats are 40 to 45% smaller than their counterpart. :lol:

They will mock "slow" Warship (DDG) construction rate of shipyards of their enemy, let the fact be that their own nation has planned 12 warships but has inducted none. :coffee:

Then there are some great persons who think JV= building things on own.:P
I think greater security-defence partnership is beneficial for both countries. Meaningful alignment between armies (drills) and platforms (tech share) will benefit the two sides especially in the hypothetical case of a war against a superpower.

Ideologically (in terms of their perception of the world governance), China and Russia look more and more eye to eye. The number and level of official visits and other contacts are unprecedented. On many key issues from Libya to Syria, China and Russia think pretty much similar. This is a de facto strategic alignment.

I guess further China-Russia security partnership is a check on the US; therefore, contributes to stability by decreasing the likelihood of a war. Now that Russia has weathered the US-led sanctions which ended up further straining Russia-West relations, China-Russia partnership is poised to get more comprehensive.
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