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Sino-Russian alliance making Western analysts uneasy?


Mar 1, 2012
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The Sino-Russia alliance, coz right now Both of them face a stronger rival.
China can't join Russian camp. China is too reliant on European and American market. They can disintegrate China without having to fire a single bullet.

China won't go further then silently supporting Russia. US has a lot of sticks it can use against China compared to Russia. The west can make the sky dark within one day for China if they want to.
China can't join Russian camp. China is too reliant on European and American market. They can disintegrate China without having to fire a single bullet.

China won't go further then silently supporting Russia. US has a lot of sticks it can use against China compared to Russia. The west can make the sky dark within one day for China if they want to.

Indians used to reply like this !!!!
Countries in Asia are not foolish to ignore the hegemony and greed of China!
Advanced Russian fighters deployed to near Chinese border

More fourth-generation fighters, including the Sukhoi Su-35S, will be deployed to the Russian city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur in Khabarovsk Krai region near the Chinese border in response to the growing strength of Chinese, American and Japanese air power in the Far East, according to the Canadian-based Kanwa Defense Review operated by military analyst Andrei Chang also known as Pinkov.

Through providing S-300 air defense missiles and a Yakovlev Yak-130 trainer to Belarus, Russia had solidified its buffer zone in Eastren Europe against NATO air power. At the same time, Russia is encouraging Belarus to purchase 18 decommissioned Sukhoi Su-30K fighters from the Indian Air Force; however, the magazine said that the situation in the Far East is very different from that in Eastern Europe.

As the People's Liberation Army Air Force and the PLA Navy Air Force become more powerful in the Far East after introducing new aircraft, equipment, doctrine and training systems, the United States and Japan are no longer the only two potential threats to the airspace of Russia in the Far East, and for this reason, Moscow has decided to deploy more advanced fighters to the region, including Su-30SM, Su-30MKK, Su-33 and Su-35S aircraft, the report said.

Komsomolsk-on-Amur is where the assembly lines for Su-30MKK, Su-33 and Su-35 fighters are located. For this reason, this region — only 300 kilometers from northeastern China's Heilongjiang province — is already in possession of many of Russia's most advanced fighters. Back in February, 12 Su-35S fighters were deployed to the 23rd Fighter Aviation Regiment at Dzemgi in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. The magazine said that 12 more Su-35S fighters are likely to be deployed to the region.

Considered the most advanced fourth-generation fighter in Russia, the Su-35S is capable of fighting off three or four Su-27SK aircraft and Shenyang J-11 fighters of the PLA Air Force and Navy Air Force. In 2014, a total of 72 advanced fighters including 48 Su-27SM, 24 Su-35S are likely to be deployed to the area, despite Russia's strengthening of ties with China.

The magazine said that the 6982nd Air Base located at Domna in Chita received the first 10 Su-30SM fighters to replace the older Su-25 attackers back in 2013.

Advanced Russian fighters deployed to near Chinese border|Politics|News|WantChinaTimes.com
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Geopolitics of Eurasia+ region | Page 3

The recent changes in Ukraine, annexation of Crimea by Russia and possible further annexation of Eastern Ukraine has surfaced the following trends that has been brewing for some years:

- NATO's eastward expansion is ongoing, but it hit a brick wall in Ukraine, essentially it will end in Ukraine and not go further east
- Russia is in a collision course with the West, so there is a good chance that Russia will become closer to China and other Asian nations to its South, there is diminished chance of Russia ever joining EU in the very long term
- chances of a Eurasian Union is now diminished as well, as neighbor states with significant Russian population will fear Crimea style annexation. Kazakhstan fits this bill perfectly. There is rumor I heard from Kazakhs that Nazarbayev moved the capital to Astana in northern Kazakhstan, which is more heavily populated by Russians, just so that there is more Kazakhs there to bring some demographic balance, to prevent a future breakaway situation like Crimea. It seems that he is a far sighted man after all
- there is now a possibility for a Southern Eurasian Union, including 5 former Soviet Stans, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Azerbaijan
- Mongolia may return to China voluntarily
- Georgia, Armenia, Belarus and Moldova may opt the EU/NATO route, if they see success with Ukraine in EU/NATO

So, in summary, both US/EU's relentless push for NATO/EU expansion in Eastern Europe and Russia's apprehension and nervous response will increase the likelihood of above situation. This is great news for non-Western countries, as the fear of Russia's eventual joining of EU has been removed. This is also bad news for countries who are banking on the West, such as Japan, India etc. Russia moving closer to China is also another bad news for India, as it will mean that India will no longer be able to balance alliance between Russia and the West. The Russian door will eventually close for India and India will find itself at the mercy of the West, for advanced weapon supply, which will be far more expensive than Russian weapons systems.
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Sino-Russian alliance ??? Sorry, China betrayed Russia again .
UN rejects Russian annexation of Crimea

The 11 countries that voted against the text were Armenia, Belarus, Bolivia, Cuba, North Korea, Russia, Nicaragua, Sudan, Syria, Venezuela and Zimbabwe.

NATO and Western powers voted overwhelmingly in favor. Among the abstentions were Afghanistan, China, India and Pakistan, as well many South American nations.

UN rejects Russian annexation of Crimea
India always stay neutral when China always switch sides . Thats why Both Russia-USA hate u now :pop:
Did you even read the news you quoted ? Well here it is for your viewing pleasure.

"Among the abstentions were Afghanistan, China, India and Pakistan, as well many South American nations."
China can't join Russian camp. China is too reliant on European and American market. They can disintegrate China without having to fire a single bullet.

China won't go further then silently supporting Russia. US has a lot of sticks it can use against China compared to Russia. The west can make the sky dark within one day for China if they want to.
China can't join Russian camp. China is too reliant on European and American market. They can disintegrate China without having to fire a single bullet.

China won't go further then silently supporting Russia. US has a lot of sticks it can use against China compared to Russia. The west can make the sky dark within one day for China if they want to.

Really? Europe and American are too addicted to Chinese goods. Without Chinese goods, american and europe may suffer 100-200% inflation and world economic will turn upside down. I know you have a great jealousy against the success of China and like to badmouth her.

Basically, 90% of world pc is made in China and apple has their whole production plant in China(Foxconn). If they dont turn to China? They turn to who? India? :lol:

I can't believe you even give this ridiculous comment a thumb up? Are you living in self denial? :lol:
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