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Sikhs and EDL Protest Together in Luton

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You fail to see the problem yet again, we are talking about girls 10-15 years old. Not old enough to make they own decisions. Groomed by the promise of gifts and a luxury lifestyle. They tactics of grooming girls are clearly known in the Sikh community. This is normally done by giving them iPods etc, stuff they parents won't buy them. And then months of taking them to shopping and restaurants before winning they hearts and than take them away to convert them to muslims.

The problem is genuine, I have already agreed to that part. My question is that is it ONLY the Muslim and SPECIFICALLY the Pakistani community that is participating in this practice and secondly, if it is really such an issue, can these parents not control, the nature of their daughter's interaction with unknown men, lastly, if this practice is actually prevalent among the Pakistani community then how many people actually participate in it? Last I remember, it was the same Sikh and Pakistani community standing hand in hand in defence of South Hall during the London Riots last year. If there really is that much friction between the communities then why do we see various instances of them co-operating?
That is what leads me to believe that the EDL is blowing the issue out of proportion to use as a springboard for winning support with the Sikhs.

Its the truth, you cant bury it. When a member of Parliament has to speak out regarding the abundance of paedophiles and rapists in a specific community (in this case Pakistan) in a public media interview, it shows you how serious the issue actually is.

Merely was trying to refute your point that this is no one-off incident or a case of 1 or 2 bad apples.

If you want to refute my argument then give me stats and figures not your bloody sassy comments.
I guess EDL is just fishing in troubled waters, because its suits its racist agenda.
By the way, every issue that EDL touches is not racist by association, and before blaming pakistani muslim I will blame UK police for being negligent.
When accusation was brought forward by a girl long a go they did not investigate properly, now it seems lot of girls are coming forward to tell the stories.
The good thing about the whole saga is, many leading pakistani people have comeout opening criticizing this act, and will probably force the community into having a debate on this.
The problem is genuine, I have already agreed to that part. My question is that is it ONLY the Muslim and SPECIFICALLY the Pakistani community that is participating in this practice and secondly, if it is really such an issue, can these parents not control, the nature of their daughter's interaction with unknown men, lastly, if this practice is actually prevalent among the Pakistani community then how many people actually participate in it? Last I remember, it was the same Sikh and Pakistani community standing hand in hand in defence of South Hall during the London Riots last year. If there really is that much friction between the communities then why do we see various instances of them co-operating?
That is what leads me to believe that the EDL is blowing the issue out of proportion to use as a springboard for winning support with the Sikhs.

If you want to refute my argument then give me stats and figures not your bloody sassy comments.

All these articles are about the sexual grooming of underage girls by Pakistani men in UK.

Rochdale child-sex trial: Police hunt 40 more suspects and promise further arrests | Mail Online

'A small minority of Pakistani men DO believe white girls are fair game': Tory cabinet minister Baroness Warsi calls on mosques to act after Rochdale grooming gang scandal | Mail Online

Asian sex gangs: 'Culture of silence' allows grooming of white girls for fear of being racist | Mail Online
I think its crazy that some people (Icarus excluded) are actually defending this by somehow blaming the parents and the girls. C'mon guys, would this have been your reaction if the girls were British Pakistanis and the ones doing the rape were British right wingers..?
EDL is an extremist and racist party itself... majority of UK population dislike them. Basically their job is to raise anti-muslim slogans wherever possible.

This topic has been discussed couple of weeks ago and this new protest of Sikh demonstration has deviated to 4 weeks? old discussion when 8 British-Pakistanis and a Afghan were sentenced in grooming school-children's for sexual activities. I see this thread turning in to flame and personal attacks only so...
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