I dont understand why some foreign Ngos plus people in our media are shamelessly hellbent on bringing western style sex education to pakistan. It is extremely shameless that majority of our celebrities including talk show anchors used Zainabs tragedy to show support for sex education or used her death as an excuse to add sex ed to curriculum.
I was even more shocked to see someone like Wajahat saeed endorsing sex education in his show on zainab ka mahaz.
I really dont understand, are our celebs and talk show hosts purposely working on a project to introduce sex ed in pakistan or they are uneducated to know what exactly is sex education? And in their ignorance they use this term?
Firstly,whats sex ed?
Definition :
"Sex education is instruction on issues relating to
human sexuality, including emotional relations and responsibilities,
human sexual anatomy,
sexual activity,
sexual reproduction,
age of consent,
reproductive health,
reproductive rights,
safe sex,
birth control and
sexual abstinence. Sex education that covers all of these aspects is known as
comprehensive sex education. Common avenues for sex education are parents or caregivers, formal school programs, and public health campaigns."
Pakistan and Western states are two very different societies. In west not only pre marital sex is legal from the age of 16, it also is a cultural norm. Even though in west sex is legal from age of 16, but yet kids as young as 10 yrs olds have become biological parents there.
In pakistan due to cultural and mainly religious reasons premarital sex is illegal ( tho not everyone follows law many ppl have such relationships) but also the society doesnt approve of it. So in simple words in pakistan a child is raised taught on moral and religious values where he knows physical relationship before marriage are not correct and also you dont have to go around sleeping with everyone like an animal that bangs any other mate it finds.
So in countries like West where sex is so much a part of your life that engaging in it at ANY age is as normal as some kid going to school , they have the need for sex education to know what is right and whats wrong. Whats hygiene. How they need protection , diseases etc etc, and mainly about not having babies at young age.
In us muslims' case we learn sexual hygiene, protection and many others related stuff from our religoous education. Use of contraceptives like condoms in relation to hygiene or disease protection is a new thing and that must be taught to individuals.
So in pakistan need is not for sex education. In pakistan if we need something then thats a program on sexual abuse awareness.
I was surprised when i saw all talk show hosts even likes of wajahat endorsing sex education curriculum without giving much thought that do we need to educate kids on how to engage in sex ? If not and if our aim is educate them on proetcting themselves then why should that program be called sex education?
Now in west ,in sex ed classes full women and men nude body charts / drawings are used to educate kids from ages 7 and upwards. They are taught on internal anatomy, Is that even necessary to expose kids to these kind of images?
Here are some posters used in sex ed curriculum.
We dont need sex ed for our kids, if we need something we need an abuse awareness program which also should get more open or sort of detailed as per the age of kids. Like younger kids should be taught about not allowing people to touch their pvt parts and must be told that someone who is trying to touch them here and there can cause severe harm to them. And as they move in senior classes they can be taught much more clearly about sexual abuse. Like for instance girls must be taught to not allow their male teachers to move their hands down their backs. Like one of my cousins she shared with cousins that when she was just a 13-14 yr old and a high achiever in studies p;due to which her school principal knew her, and whenever would meet her, would move his hand over her back ,she would not feel right but she did not have the understanding that its a bad touch, so she did not stop him out of repsect.
Also in my relatives its normal for them to teach their smaller kids at home that these are your private parts and ANYONE ANYONE no matter how much a closer uncle or cousin it is, if ever touches you there etc, you shall and must inform your parents.
Also these sexual abuse courses' content must be shared with parents and approved by keeping in mind their reservations.
But this whole blind hue and cry about sex ed without any logic or sense and without taking into account what sex ed entails is beyond me and it seems like another opportunity shamelessly seized by media persons to forward their agenda.
Lastly, i am so surprised that suddenly everyone including Bilawal bhutto and politicians are talking about sexual abuse awareness campaigns and that its extremely important to learn about it Ato pritect against abuse without any like without ANY ANY regard given to the fact that why all of this is happening?
Because criminals are not nabbed,caught,tried and punished. Cause people have zero trust in authorities and when they report it to them instead they get harassed due to which many dont even come out to report.
So dont catch criminals , dont punish them but teach kids sex ed so they can protect themselves LMAO.
Alright so release qasur gang rape ring after arrests but give kids sex ed so that they can protect themselves. LMAO the irony. What the hell is this