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Should ISI be helping India?


Mar 24, 2006
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1. India needs help. Every nation is helping India, and we'd look pretty heartless by refusing our top intel guy's help.
2. India is probably not looking for help and has some insidious plan upon his arrival.
ISI Chief is not going . Wise decision , its pointless to pay visit when everthing hot and senseless. whole case will be presented to chief on the bases of mere speculations. Which is absolutely unacceptable professionally. When other party is disowning their militant citizens and call them Pakistani.
ISI Chief is not going . Wise decision , its pointless to pay visit when everthing hot and senseless. whole case will be presented to chief on the bases of mere speculations. Which is absolutely unacceptable professionally. When other party is disowning their militant citizens and call them Pakistani.
I think the Indians were planning to embarrass him and put him in front of the media.
I think the Indians were planning to embarrass him and put him in front of the media.

No I don't think so, Pakistan should send ISI chief after few days when tempers cool down, What is the harm ? Gillani could have clubbed this with Indian intelligence chief to visit Pakistan, And negotiated for regular exchanges.

As this incident is too big and can blow out of proportion
No I don't think so, Pakistan should send ISI chief after few days when tempers cool down, What is the harm ? Gillani could have clubbed this with Indian intelligence chief to visit Pakistan, And negotiated for regular exchanges.

As this incident is too big and can blow out of proportion
But what good can Shuja Pasha do?

I mean, a high level team of investigators are what is needed by India. Like the FBI team that is planning to go there.
No I don't think so, Pakistan should send ISI chief after few days when tempers cool down, What is the harm ? Gillani could have clubbed this with Indian intelligence chief to visit Pakistan, And negotiated for regular exchanges.

As this incident is too big and can blow out of proportion
But what good can Shuja Pasha do?

I mean, a high level team of investigators are what is needed by India. Like the FBI team that is planning to go there.
But what good can Shuja Pasha do?

I mean, a high level team of investigators are what is needed by India. Like the FBI team that is planning to go there.

FBI and western agencies may be viewed with suspicion especially by certain sections of society or countries in subcontinent.
This also provides an opportunity to open a forum for intelligence sharing.
ISI Chief is not going . Wise decision , its pointless to pay visit when everthing hot and senseless. whole case will be presented to chief on the bases of mere speculations. Which is absolutely unacceptable professionally. When other party is disowning their militant citizens and call them Pakistani.

this is not correct. a ISI technical level (Brig. or Lt.Col) will be going. however i feel we need to show to India our sincerity (however late) that we will share whatever information we have on this case.

i also think the ISI chief should visit at a later date (but not too late) as a symbolic gesture (if nothing else).

third, a agreement signed in 2006 exists whereby indian and pak intell chiefs were to meet on a quarterly basis to review / exchange intell on terrorism. no mtgs have taken place. now is a good time to revive this agreement. both countries need to LOOK FORWARD. i know it is not going to be easy because each has taken a MAXIMILIST (?) position so far in our relations.
ISI chief should not go to India, a lower ranked officer should be send but I still think that there is no need to send any official. Pakistan itself is suffering from Indian sponsored terrorism in FATA so first they must answer us about ‘Samjhoota Express’ incidence and FATA terrorism.
FBI and western agencies may be viewed with suspicion especially by certain sections of society or countries in subcontinent.
This also provides an opportunity to open a forum for intelligence sharing.

Yes ofcourse, because the ISI chief is going to be received by such love, affection and trust by ‘sections of your society' after all the hard and constructive work your media and government have been doing in regards to Pakistan recently...

ANALYSIS: The ISI Chief won’t be allowed to (or inclined to) to help the Indians in their messy affair if he goes there, and he certainly won’t be ‘confessing’ to anything…he’s a professional soldier and is unlikely to be broken (or intimidated) by a bunch of emotional and confused Indian officials (hoping that just by frowning at him all their problems and failures will be solved) either. If they have information that they would like to share (unlikely they have creditable intel at the moment, only usual Indian media BS) or if they want to request some information previously accumulated by the ISI, General Pasha would obviously be better situated to receive and analyze/gather and dispatch the information from home (we do live in the information age after all, which is something the Indians are unlikely to have forgotten)
CONCLUSION: This is a lame PR move, designed to project that notion that it has already been proved that in some way Pakistan is complicit (without in reality having to provide any actual proof at all) and that the Indians know what they are doing. Furthermore the majority of the Indians would like to believe that we are ‘obliged’ to send our man there, which according to the Indian leadership would substitute as a (though admittedly shallow and lame) national morale boaster in this time of failure and tragedy.
LOGICAL COURSE OF ACTION: Don’t send him! Let them throw a tantrum and make fools out of themselves in front of the world. Let the western agencies figure the stuff out for them, only then we go in and show that we are willing to assist (not that we believe our assistance or involvement is imperative right away).
there is pablic gov in pakistan now last night we all se every major party of pakistan oppose this idea because off indian media war.remember ajj tv before show indan media clips say its very hard to see there propagenda abut isi chef but we reqest viewers to see what are they show.its realy hart every pakistani fellings.on that time imran khan and chudrry shujat call live ajj tv and record there protest of isi cheif visit and indian media. every pakistani now oppose this idea because your mediea show our respected four star genral as a crimnal [shame]
The decision to send the ISI cheif was a good gesture by Asif Ali Zardari, but with no sense or understanding. There was no point of ISI cheif to go to India. ISI cheif is a powerful entity and must not be used for appeasing others. A more logical choice would be the send a higher grade ISI director who has sufficient knowledge to help the Indians (which is being done).
The decision to send the ISI cheif was a good gesture by Asif Ali Zardari, but with no sense or understanding. There was no point of ISI cheif to go to India. ISI cheif is a powerful entity and must not be used for appeasing others. A more logical choice would be the send a higher grade ISI director who has sufficient knowledge to help the Indians (which is being done).

I second that. Even a good will gesture must be deserved.

The way India media was reprting this event using words like "ISI chief summoned" is an insult to every Pakistani and should not be honored.
Any of his high ranking subordinates will do for now.
I second that. Even a good will gesture must be deserved.

The way India media was reprting this event using words like "ISI chief summoned" is an insult to every Pakistani and should not be honored.
Any of his high ranking subordinates will do for now.
I know they really went overboard... The Pakistani populace overwhelmingly objected right after.

The ISI doesn't even report to the PM, it reports to the Army and the Army reports to the President. The PM had no right to make this promise.
Its a standard operating procedure for India to blame everything going wrong within its borders on Pakistan. This time too its no different strategy except that Manmohan Singh (Indian PM) has directly implicated ISI in the Mumbai fiasco. He has explicitly asked for the "ISI Chief" to be sent to India (wishful thinking perhaps). This raises a few questions:-

1. Why should Pakistan "present" its top spy to a known foe?
2. Why should Pakistan even consider sending anyone (let alone ISI Chief) over?
3. Why cant India present the "so called proofs of Pakistan's Involvement" in a standard diplomatic fashion?
4. Will India ever even consider sending its "Chief of RAW" or "Chief of Army" if Pakistan asked for it?
5. Why did India ask explicitly for "ISI Chief"?
6. So, the next time India calls "over the phone", will we also hand over our nuclear assets pronto?

President Zardari and PM Gaillani have made Pakistan a laughing stock (again). There is absolutely no coordination between the Establishment, the Military and the ISI. The ISI Chief does not answers to the PM, so how can he (PM) take a decision on his (ISI Chief) behalf?

What happened to PAKISTAN FIRST?
Where is our National Pride? (if there is such a thing left)

My Analysis: This is all part of CIA's larger game plan to disband ISI, through India, Israel and Afganistan's involvement.
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