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Shocking Scenes of Indian Democracy

You should first know what is Democracy. In Democracy, people have the right to elect their leaders and send them to the lawmaking instituions, people have religious freedom, people have freedom of expression and so on. Now tell me where does India lack?.

:disagree: Religious freedom in india? I dont think so. Cast system [ in simple words some people are born superior ]still exist as evident from this video.
and I remember some indian members here were saying that goverment should ban preaching of religion.
lets not talk about some Famous events/ incidents/ massacres.:tongue:
Looks like you are running out of arguments and turning to personal attacks. Get an education and come back :wave:

Rigggghtttt. I'm the one who should get an education while you can't figure out the difference between personal attacks and "General view" of an individual.

Sorry, you delivered FAIL in massive proportionates once again.

Thaank yoo coma gain!
I don't have to google jack ****.

Hovering on the subject, the whole concept of the "Indian Democracy" is a farce funded by the hindu religious extremists and corrupt indian politicians to cover the real problems of India.

If you really want to believe in JUST that, none is bothered. If you want to know little more, you have to come out of the picture painted of India by your media and do a little more independent research.

Indian constitution is built on strong secular pillars unlike some other countries you may know of which have closed themselves and do not face the problems a complicated system like India does.

If Indians have it in them to march it on with the same rationale, freedom and equality as it's founding principles, sure, is debatable and muddled with decades of invasions, and history.

People are not robots to forget everything of the past and just move on. There are ripples from muslim barbaric invasions and mughal empire that still stir India in ways you can not imagine. This STILL causes riots like the ones in Gujarat after a full bogey of hindu's was burned by certain muslims. Hindu line of thinking in such times is to hit back now, since they are in majority and they have had enough. These type of events are largely very emotionally charged, shameful and disgusting but NOT completely incomprehensible. It is not surprising to see such hindu retaliations now that the whole country has 80% of them.

I find it apalling and can not debate on this because this just can't be helped, it is the way it is. There is years of history behind it, and you have to do some independent research to know the muslim invasion's tyranny and wide mass of destruction it brought to hindu's in India and ruled for centuries.

But that apart, the main point about the usual hindu extremism (Gujarat episode apart) and fanatism that you and some others in Pakistan target everytime - sadly, have little or no idea about India and the mainstream of the nation. There are very few people behind such communal extremism, and it is done almost solely for some political motive by handful of thugs who are powerful. That does not fetch them any support by people, infact it earns them more detest and hatred from common people. You have to be in India to see that.

I am telling you, hindu fanatism is EXTREMELY over rated in your media, if you look at all the other weird things happening in India you would see what a diverse country like India is capable of producing. Few hindu thugs who want to torch christians is VERY far from what Indians essentially are, and politicians and certain mindless organizations do it are already condemned and with growing literacy, they're all running towards their doom.
:disagree: Religious freedom in india? I dont think so. Cast system [ in simple words some people are born superior ]still exist as evident from this video.
and I remember some indian members here were saying that goverment should ban preaching of religion.
lets not talk about some Famous events/ incidents/ massacres.:tongue:

You need to read a little on what caste system is, and how "religious freedom" is different from that.
If you really want to believe in JUST that, none is bothered. If you want to know little more, you have to come out of the picture painted of India by your media and do a little more independent research.

Indian constitution is built on strong secular pillars unlike some other countries you may know of which have closed themselves and do not face the problems a complicated system like India does.

If Indians have it in them to march it on with the same rationale, freedom and equality as it's founding principles, sure, is debatable and muddled with decades of invasions, and history.

People are not robots to forget everything of the past and just move on. There are ripples from muslim barbaric invasions and mughal empire that still stir India in ways you can not imagine. This STILL causes riots like the ones in Gujarat after a full bogey of hindu's was burned by certain muslims. Hindu line of thinking in such times is to hit back now, since they are in majority and they have had enough. These type of events are largely very emotionally charged, shameful and disgusting but NOT completely incomprehensible. It is not surprising to see such hindu retaliations now that the whole country has 80% of them.

I find it apalling and can not debate on this because this just can't be helped, it is the way it is. There is years of history behind it, and you have to do some independent research to know the muslim invasion's tyranny and wide mass of destruction it brought to hindu's in India and ruled for centuries.

But that apart, the main point about the usual hindu extremism (Gujarat episode apart) and fanatism that you and some others in Pakistan target everytime - sadly, have little or no idea about India and the mainstream of the nation. There are very few people behind such communal extremism, and it is done almost solely for some political motive by handful of thugs who are powerful. That does not fetch them any support by people, infact it earns them more detest and hatred from common people. You have to be in India to see that.

I am telling you, hindu fanatism is EXTREMELY over rated in your media, if you look at all the other weird things happening in India you would see what a diverse country like India is capable of producing. Few hindu thugs who want to torch christians is VERY far from what Indians essentially are, and politicians and certain mindless organizations do it are already condemned and with growing literacy, they're all running towards their doom.

Try watching the video from 18mins and 30 seconds. Democracy of india (haha?) is admitted as the biggest scam of the 21st century by your OWN intellects. Stop sleep-walking and admit your flaws already like these reasonable people.

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I don't have to google jack ****.

Hovering on the subject, the whole concept of the "Indian Democracy" is a farce funded by the hindu religious extremists and corrupt indian politicians to cover the real problems of India. Feel free to argue with me and i shall respond promptly. But since you're on a pakistani forum, i'm sure you've gone through enough debates on the said topic.

Thanks for bringing it to the notice of all of us.

As far as problems being faced by Indian democracy,they are all quite evident and if not then many like u do bring it to the notice of elites in India who often live in a fool's paradise.

Show me a perfect country with perfect democracy then i will show u the perfect man.:)
Arundhati Roy is somebody who is well respected in India but many at the same time hate her as well for bringing out the bitter truth out into the open.

The question finally is-
Is all this new?Has India faced similar problems in past and lived on to tell the tale?

Long have been the years after Independence and long has been our struggle to improve the country and longer is the journey ahead.

The very fact that there is an Arundhati Roy in India who can severely criticize her own country quite freely speaks volumes about our democracy.

I think Ramachandra Guha,a noted Indian historian and voted as one of the 100 most influential public intellectuals in the world said something like this-
Even though the Indian Democracy is like a pockmarked,dirty,poor,divided rag cloth it is something that is extremely valuable for a billion Indians.And you can see that in every election in India be it Kashmir or Kerala.

True it is imperfect and ugly but each day there are millions who try to make this rag something more than it is and make it the essence of India.
Try watching the video from 18mins and 30 seconds. Democracy of india (haha?) is admitted as the biggest scam of the 21st century by your OWN intellects. Stop sleep-walking and admit your flaws already like these reasonable people.

1O2WwESwJhw[/media] - India's Maoist Revolution - India

There is nothing new in what you posted.

There are two things here that I mentioned in my post, ONE India as a country with certain principles on which it is found. TWO, how it is practised by Indian people with years of history, illteracy, poverty and a living system that carries hidden ills of centuries.

When you and your brethren target India as a country, as a state controlled by fanatics and as an "organized" system exploiting people on the basis of religion or caste - it is then that you are making a mockery of your own sense. It is then, that you are in complete delusion and need to come out and see the reality, if you want to.

The ills in India, unlike what this Arundhati Roy seems to suggest in the video (thanks for posting the link, she just lost my respect) are not because of "democracy" which is a beautiful thing in itself, but has years of history and geography behind it.

You need to decide what to take a shot on, but democracy being a SCAM (which means it is organized, and that is just BS. But as ineffective - yes I agree to that to an extent) as that lady suggested, is a muddled argument and reeks of shallow intellect.
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There is nothing new in what you posted.

There are two things here that I mentioned in my post, ONE India as a country with certain principles on which it is found. TWO, how it is practised by Indian people with years of history, illteracy, poverty and a living system that carries hidden ills of centuries.

When you and your brethren target India as a country, as a state controlled by fanatics and as an "organized" system exploiting people on the basis of religion or caste - it is then that you are making a mockery of your own sense. It is then, that you are in complete delusion and need to come out and see the reality, if you want to.

The ills in India, unlike what this Arundhati Roy seems to suggest in the video (thanks for posting the link, she just lost my respect) are not because of "democracy" which is a beautiful thing in itself, but has years of history and geography behind it.

You need to decide what to take a shot on, but democracy being a SCAM (which means it is organized, and that is just BS. But as ineffective - yes I agree to that to an extent) as that lady suggested, is a muddled argument and reeks of shallow intellect.

Of course you lost respect for her. OBVIOUSLY she wasn't chanting the "Akhand bharat" slogans.

Btw, Years of history and geography? let's throw "Culture" in there too for the sake of an example. A couple of decades back, Indian women were following their culture, trends and "History" and dressed themselves modestly.

Why is it that India was able to parade countless semi-naked women on their mainstream media, (And feed it as a new "Culture" to the general public) within the time span of a couple of years? Where'd all the history and culture went at that time? Why the acceptance? Is it because of modernization and following trends? If so, then i believe the current trend of the 21st century is to embrace your ethnic minorities and give them a good old hug.

But of course, that would eliminate the major workforce behind the sanitation of the country. So yeah, i'm with you so far. :angel: Double standards kick *** don't they? :bounce:
True it is imperfect and ugly but each day there are millions who try to make this rag something more than it is and make it the essence of India.

If only more of your people responded that way.:tup:
Of course you lost respect for her. OBVIOUSLY she wasn't chanting the "Akhand bharat" slogans.

Btw, Years of history and geography? let's throw "Culture" in there too for the sake of an example. A couple of decades back, Indian women were following their culture, trends and "History" and dressed themselves modestly.

Why is it that India was able to parade countless semi-naked women on their mainstream media, (And feed it as a new "Culture" to the general public) within the time span of a couple of years? Where'd all the history and culture went at that time? Why the acceptance? Is it because of modernization and following trends? If so, then i believe the current trend of the 21st century is to embrace your ethnic minorities and give them a good old hug.

But of course, that would eliminate the major workforce behind the sanitation of the country. So yeah, i'm with you so far. :angel: Double standards kick *** don't they? :bounce:

A society as diverse as India, and being as "radical" as you seem to think, simply does not exist. To believe that, is living in fools paradise. And you do sound intelligent to me, so I'd suggest being a little less preoccupied and more open to reading stuff about what goes on in India.

There is a BIG division because of the countless layers India harbours currently. You'd see a lot of moderation in the upper middle class and upper class societies with all religions intermingling and going on with their lives peacefully - hindus having very close relationships with muslims and all other sects of society and what not.

The new culture is being brought on by this particular layer of Indian society and thankfully it has been growing at a very positive rate. They are getting naked on the screen too, but that's a seperate issue. They are open, is what all I care about.

I hope you do understand there are different forces at work here, and the majority of this progressive, rational Indians overpowers the mindless thugs who perpetrate "cleansing" as you put it.

But unfortunately, they do not outnumber the illiterate, poor underprivileged currently and I leave it at that.
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You should first know what is Democracy. In Democracy, people have the right to elect their leaders and send them to the lawmaking instituions, people have religious freedom, people have freedom of expression and so on. Now tell me where does India lack?.

so you mean that the democracy is a thing in which innocent people gets beating without any proof and reason and in front of a law making agenciesd
i think you people should also go and get some classes on democracy than come and teach us what is democracy.
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