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Shocking number of HIV cases detected at Indian blood banks


Apr 5, 2011
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Of the 6.51 lakh units of blood collected in Karnataka from April 2012 to March 2013, 1,096 were found to be HIV positive and therefore discarded. Shockingly, of these, a mere 236 (21.5 per cent) HIV+ people were referred to Integrated Testing and Counselling Centres (ICTC) for further counselling and treatment.

What happened to the remaining is unknown, thanks to a loophole in the law. While the National Blood Transfusion Council guidelines say that every blood bank should have an HIV-AIDS counsellor, it is not a rule under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act under whose purview blood banks come.

Seeing red

Sources in the Karnataka AIDS Prevention Society (KSAPS) told The Hindu Thursday that after a sample tests positive for HIV, it is mandatory that the person be counselled and persuaded to undergo treatment. All the 45 government blood banks in the State have counsellors but not all private blood banks.

State Drugs Controller B.R. Jagashetty, who confirmed that having a counsellor in blood banks was not mandatory under the Act, admitted there was a possibility of the infection spreading.

During blood donation drives, every sample is mandatorily tested for HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, malaria and syphilis. Samples that test positive for any of these infections is discarded. In 2012, a total of 8,589 were discarded in all for carrying one or more of these infections. According to the KSAPS, the prevalence of hepatitis B virus was the highest among the discarded samples while 5,811 tested positive for hepatitis B and 1,185 for hepatitis C.

Shocking number of HIV cases detected at blood banks go without follow-up | The Hindu
Whoever received blood from Govt blood banks or from the black market may now undergo an HIV+ test. :smitten:

If you have HIV+, rest assured you will die soon after you develop AIDS but your death will be pathetic because once people come to know about your disease, they will assume that you got it from a red light area, no matter even if you are a virgin.

AIDS is not as painful as cancer but the human society's rejection makes AIDS more shocking a disease. Not even the closest family members will voluntarily sit by your side, forget others.

No matter how much muscle you made by regularly visiting the local gym, no matter how much strong you are, you will become a mere skeleton before you cease to exist. If you visit some AIDS patients, your balls will surely disappear for a moment out of fear. :)
The country seems like Hell on Earth. Everything just seems to keep getting worse.

There are Indians who, even if they exhibit symptoms of deadly diseases like Cancer and AIDS, will go full delusional and deny the reality by not agreeing with undergoing relevant medical tests.

Some of them, with HIV+, intentionally visit red light areas or brothels or flying hookers and do sex with them without condoms with the purpose of spreading their own disease to others since prostitutes can be a nice medium to spread such diseases.

I see lot of Indians here, falsely showing off their bravado but I know they have not visited a big hospital or crematorium ground, once they visit those places, I will be eager to see how brave they would still remain.
Indian media actually do harm to the Indians when they quote some celebrities (I don't wanna name them here) who are either suffering from AIDS or Cancer and show how they have struggled a lot and conquered these diseases with strong will to survive. :rofl:

The fact is that the strongest will won't do any $hit once you are infected with HIV+ or develop a change in your gene causing uncontrolled growth of cells (Cancer formation) because neither your gene nor a virus will listen to your strongest will, they will do their work on 24x7 basis.

When you have change in your gene and the first cancer cell is formed, rest assured you will get metastasis sooner or later, if you have money and can afford high tech treatment, you will survive more days but you can't escape Cancer, simple. Cancer is genetic and you can't do anything to your own gene.

Stats show that one in every four North Americans dies from cancer.

Similarly when you have HIV+, you will get AIDS sooner or later, no matter how much money you donate to a temple and how long you worship a deity.

You better know that you will die soon in a cruel manner. :)

The intelligence challenged OP changed the headline to twist the message :)

And Pakistanis (the only country in our neck of the woods which still is not able to handle polio) are falling over themselves to comment and are ending up looking like fools...

Where is change in headline, dear?
We Pakistanis may have to just quarantine the border regions with India until we can ensure everyone there is AIDS free....

I heard alot of Indians cross the border...

You missed the bottom line.

A small state like Karnataka has ‘has 36,000 HIV+ people in the grey zone who are unaware of the infection.’


Now, do a math and multiply the number as they would have sex in the family with wives as well as sex outside ;) spreading HIV+ like a wild fire in a dry vegetation with strong wind, I mean, sexual lust, let alone having them donating blood to others etc.
A pakistani false flag masquerading as Korean and basking in Chinese glory bashing India..:woot:.pathetic to say the least

You are from Kerala and Kerala is the neighboring state of Karnataka which "has 36,000 HIV+ people in the grey zone who are unaware of the infection."

Mar da satake loha garam ba...
You are from Kerala and Kerala is the neighboring state of Karnataka which "has 36,000 HIV+ people in the grey zone who are unaware of the infection."
Mar da satake loha garam ba...
Are you one of them who were unable to cross the border during partition, gaddar.
godess Kali is scared to death!

She's Immortal.....:closed:

On Topic: How sad. Its simple procedure followed everywhere when you go for blood donation to confirm your HIV status,but still its not followed in this case.:ashamed:
You folks cant handle Polio and your running your mouth on India .... you people need a better hobby...
Another kid infected by HIV in Junagadh

AHMEDABAD: One more case of a thalassemic kid having contracted HIV through blood transfusion has come to light in Junagadh. This has led the number of infected thalassemic children to 24.

This information was revealed in a status report submitted by CBI to Gujarat high court. This was the fourth report that the probe agency filed in court ever since it was assigned with the investigation on June 27 last year.

After going through the report that was submitted in sealed cover, the bench of Justice Bhaskar Bhattacharya and Justice J B Pardiwala granted two more months to CBI to probe the issue and come up with another report.

The HC handed over the investigation from a Gujarat-cadre IPS officer to CBI, expressing dissatisfaction with the manner the probe was conducted till then. The CBI accordingly lodged a fresh FIR against office bearers of the private blood bank and hospital authorities.

While transferring the probe, the judges noticed how former investigator IPS Shobha Bhutada had tried to shield local BJP MLA Mahendra Mashroo by merely recording his statement, whereas allegations were mainly targeted against the blood bank that was illegally operating from the civil hospital campus. Mashroo looks after this private blood bank.

In 2011, 23 thalassemic kids in Junagadh district were found to have contracted HIV. The court transferred the probe to CBI after a PIL was filed, and this was the first CBI probe ordered by Gujarat HC in response to a PIL. Ever since HIV infection was detected among children, five kids have reportedly died.

Another kid infected by HIV in Junagadh - Times Of India
KEONJHAR: After death of her parents and sister to AIDS, an eight-year-old affected girl is struggling to live in Keonjhar. The orphan girl along with her grandfather went to the collector's grievance cell on Monday and urged the district administration for help.

According to the sources, Trilochan Mohanta of Dasarathipur village was living happily with wife and two daughters. Mohanta, who was working as a driver, :azn: somehow contracted AIDS. Later during blood test, his wife and two daughters were found to be affected. A shocked Mohanta committed suicide. One of the daughters Banita (2) died after one year. His wife Khaira went back to her paternal village with her daughter when the villagers could not support them.

Grandfather of the girl Madan Mohanta said, "The villagers were boycotting them in the village when they came to know about the disease."

Khaira fell ill a few days back and admitted to SCB Medical College and Hospital in Cuttack, where she died on June 12. After her death, her daughter was left to fend for herself with her aged grandfather unable to look after here. Even he had no money to perform last rites of Khaira. "Hence we came to the collector's grievance cell for financial help for treatment of my granddaughter," Madan said.

Additional district magistrate Sangram Keshari Swain said, "We will extend financial aid and other support from Red Cross fund for her treatment and rehabilitation."

AIDS-hit kid left in the lurch - The Times of India
MAP: Density of populations infected by HIV+ living in countries


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