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Shed insecurities: India to Pakistan

hmmm so your freedom fighters aka TERRORISTS are coming into India without any training... do they come to India just one fine morning thinking that okay let us go for a walk and took their AKs mistakenly instead of their walking stick ?

Do you think Kasab is from Mars ? And how the heck your idiotic non state actor MORONS are getting trained to cross the border ? or are you saying that they do not get trained they just simply come to India ?

As i said give the proof. Hypothetically what you said can be very well said about Indian involvement in Afghanistan also. Indians pay the Afghans, to be exact Afghan Intelligence guys, who supply that money to the people who are financing or working with TTP. TTP guys may not know its coming from India, but behind the scene the actual perpetrators are the Indians, which is exactly how it happens.

So hypothetically, anything is possible.

As i said, prove the involvement of GOP. Pakistan is a huge place, these guys can get training anywhere without anyone knowing anything about them.

And try to refrain from these idiotic and moron kind of comments. Keep the discussion civilized.
If killing is a "right" then I am afraid there are no wrongs after that.

Just like there is no "Good" Taliban and a "Bad" taliban.

You have subtly justified (alleged) Indian involvement in pakistans violence. As you see there are no rules in this killing "game".

You have started this "killing" game dear. And you would be the one to close it. You would be forced to close it. If you proud of your activities from Afghanistan. Then do ask those Indians how they feel while living in Kabul:azn:

As long as pakistan keeps on supporting terrorists and sending them into J&K and keeps saying Non-state actors or Jihadis / freedom fighters, there is no other option left for India but to payback in the same coin.

When pak stops using terrorism as a state policy then we can talk like civilized people.

Pak understands only the language of voilence, hope they change their tune soon.

We understand the language in which we are talked and we can very well reply back in the same tone also.

When India also stops using terrorism as a tool, then we will think about it also.
As i said give the proof. Hypothetically what you said can be very well said about Indian involvement in Afghanistan also. Indians pay the Afghans, to be exact Afghan Intelligence guys, who supply that money to the people who are financing or working with TTP. TTP guys may not know its coming from India, but behind the scene the actual perpetrators are the Indians, which is exactly how it happens.
Nice story, may be taken by your film industry, all the best with that...

As i said, prove the involvement of GOP. Pakistan is a huge place, these guys can get training anywhere without anyone knowing anything about them.

The point here is simple, we don't care whether it is GoP, or PoG all we want is your government has to make sure that terrorists are not getting trained in your country.

Your argument of Pakistan is a huge place and blah blah looks ridiculous, if that is the case then Russia can say that it is the biggest country in the world and let loose hell a lot of terrorist camps than in your country. Only when your government takes responsibility for terrorist camps in your country, it qualifies to be GOVERNING your country.

Regarding the use of terms like morons, they are terrorists, so they can be called whatever terms it suits them, if you are saying that in this forum we will not use derogatory words even for terrorists like Kasab then fine, I will agree with you, but we do use derogatory words agains terrorists in this forum, don't we ? And let me assure you that they were not directional towards you or any other forum members ...
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What's the point of even arguing about Indo-Pak relations. Pakistan is extremely destabilised as we speak. The northern part of that nation is controlled by the Taliban. The USA uses parts of Pakistan as a training ground for their unmanned drones. The government of Pakistan no longer speak for a majority of its people even though the nation has the window dressing of a democracy. The military is regarded as a threat to the elected government at al times who cannot in fact conduct a formidable foreign policy without the military's consensus. Assuming that the current government of Pakistan reaches consensus with the government of India in respect of Kashmir (for example Pakistan is allocated a certain portion of Kashmir and India keeps the rest) , when that government is out of power or expelled, then the agreement falls away. Some ranting raving populist who comes into power will then change the goalposts. Even if for example the whole of Kashmir is ceded to Pakistan, who in Pakistan is going to stop the fringe groups who believe that India needs to be conquered and converted to Islam as per the Akhand Bharat policy? Regretably it is way too costly for India to even contemplate a friendly relationship with Pakistan and I believe that even Indian politicians know that. It is just a matter of placating the world into believing that India will take a soft line on a disrupted Pakistan that these talks are being held. India has no need to destabilise Pakistan. It will be a waste of Indian resources for India to do so. Pakistanis with the assitance of their Afghani brothers are doing a great job of destabilising their nation without our help. Offcourse they will forever enviously look over their borders at a virtually stable and emerging India and lump all their blame on India. For now all India needs to do is concentrate on its relationship with neighbours who have no dispute with it and to continue isolating itself from its hostile neighbours. Pakistan was never , is never and will never be a formidable threat to India either militarily or economically and their sending young brainwashed boys to annex Kashmir is tantamount to Osama Bin Laden believing that by bombing the twin towers , he will conquer the USA. All that Osama did was to give legitimacy internationally to American imperialism. All that Pakistan does is give legitmacy internationally to Indian claim of Kashmiri ownership. To that extent India has played the monkey pot with Pakistan when it comes to the issue of Kashmir
ur goal is linked with more than billion population of india,which has made habit to think kashmir as an indian state.liberation means breaking the souls of billions of indians.which will never happen.

and promoting terror in india is pak goal,if u recieve the answer than it's equality.

:cheesy::cheesy: oh yeh and still this "habit" dint stop them from protesting against Indian occupation and you have to put thousands of Indian occupying forces to kill peaceful Kashmiri protesters.

Kashmiris are not Indians get it to your head. You people are suffering from inferiority complex sometimes you want to be Aryan sometimes you claim to be Mughals and the last Kashmiris :tdown:
Well i did not said anything about the PM, i said Ms, which was for the Foreign Secretary as she is a lady. Yes it is an official Indian statement, but in the past we have seen many hawkish statements also from the establishment.

And before reminding me of the Kargil, do yourself remember what India did in 71. Don't come up with the refugee excuse, as that is no excuse for arming and training people for insurgency.

Hadn't 9/11 happened, the tables would have been different, let US exit, then we will see.

And don't worry, your number will come also and we will reply in the same manner, this is a cat & mouse game which will keep continuing, till one gets fully destroyed or peace finally prevails.

Quick question? i know you are Mod! don't ban me for it.

What is your contingency plan if USA does not leave the region and instead further establishes herself in the Region, now more so bec. Afghanistan has Lithium / Iron ore deposits worth Trillion $$$?

Or are you looking at another giant kill with help of China ?:china:
Nice story, may be taken by your film industry, all the best with that...

So hypothetically, anything is possible.

The point here is simple, we don't care whether it is GoP, or PoG all we want is your government has to make sure that terrorists are not getting trained in your country.

Your argument of Pakistan is a huge place and blah blah looks ridiculous, if that is the case then Russia can say that it is the biggest country in the world and let loose hell a lot of terrorist camps than in your country. Only when your government takes responsibility for terrorist camps in your country, it qualifies to be GOVERNING your country.

Well unfortunately, that is exactly the BS stories that the Bollywood uses in its movies, not the other way around. As our industry is not in love with such BS stories or in love with anti-Indian stories.

Its GoP, not PoG, so mind it what you are writing.

Thanks for your advice, first fully govern all of your own country, then let us be known your advice.

In every country, there are large amount of land which is not under observation by the govt, lot of things can keep on going in them, this is a global phenomenon.
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