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Shed insecurities: India to Pakistan

Indians have a habit of running to find their ear without checking if the ear is in place already or not. Same is the case with regards to this 'discovery' of Lithium and if you think US is for Lithium then well :lazy:

Coming back to your question about US presence oh well we will prefer US over India in this case.

US can remain in the region, improve its relations further with Pakistan army and both can protect the interests of all there i.e US, Afghanistan, Pakistan.


y u.s went to iraq-->4 oil,y u.s is against iran u also know,oil has a major role in it.
u.s has wasted 10 yrs here ,wat u think it is 4 gud relations with pak,afgh :rofl::rofl:,they have an eye on another things u know better.if they are giving billions to u,spending billions 4 there soldiers for wat gud relations:what::what:,i think u better know every month a blunt warning is given to pak,last time for ny plot.so still u think that u.s is 4 relations,then change ur point abt it.past history shows how u.s uses others.like afgh against russia,iran against iraq.:tup:
Ohhhh so you are concerned about our proliferation record, while forgetting your own of stealing nuke material under disguise and lying of peaceful nuclear ambitions.

Who does nuclear blasts under peaceful purposes through stealing nuke material.

Wah wah, kiyaa kehnaa.

Saudis ?? Iran ?? Egypt ?? Man you are seriously high on something.

And why don't you Indians first ask the world, the super powers about their own proliferation record and how they spread the nuke tech around the world, before coming over to Pakistan.

And in our case, the equipment providers were still the western companies who use this smuggling rings right under the noses of their govts, and their govts knowing well about them.

So ask such questions from those are call themselves the protectors of proliferation, while they themselves are the biggest proliferating agents.

It doesnt matter weather SuperPowers have been involved in proliferation or not. Even if they proliferated they kept the other states under a strict control which is not the case with Pakistan.

What we have with Pakistan is a state supplying nuclear technology for economic benefits.

Pakistan ( GoP) has been serial offender when it comes to proliferation of nukes.
Ohhhh so you are concerned about our proliferation record, while forgetting your own of stealing nuke material under disguise and lying of peaceful nuclear ambitions.

Who does nuclear blasts under peaceful purposes through stealing nuke material. :rofl::rofl: First stealing and then say we are doing nuclear test for peaceful purposes, joke of the century.

Wah wah, kiyaa kehnaa.

Saudis ?? Iran ?? Egypt ?? Man you are seriously high on something.

And why don't you Indians first ask the world, the super powers about their own proliferation record and how they spread the nuke tech around the world, before coming over to Pakistan.

And in our case, the equipment providers were still the western companies who use this smuggling rings right under the noses of their govts, and their govts knowing well about them.

So ask such questions from those are call themselves the protectors of proliferation, while they themselves are the biggest proliferating agents.

Mr Taimi Khan, We are not playing the game 'blame me and I blame you'.

Point is that I refute the claim of pakistanis thinking that they are subject to victimhood only because they are a muslim nation. Which is just a self dellusion.

Who proliferated what is well known to the world, no point in discussing that. (Even in that I dont think you can win)

Conclusion would be that problem lies within pakistan. And hence they should focuss for the solution within themselves rather than blamming, jews, hinus, blackwater and what not. There is truly a sense of strong insecurity in pakistan. And it should come out of those faulty dellusions for a meaningful engagement.
Indians seriously need to learn what they talk about.

Give one proof that TTP was created by Pakistan.

TTP came into existence after 2006-07, how in hell can Pakistan create it, to kill its own people.

Its sad to see you replying in this fashion.

Just because I change my name from Taliban to TTP or XYZ group to ABC I become different?

TTP is as Taliban as Taliban is TTP. Let, JeM or TTP are all the same. Do you know for sure that none of the TTP members ever worked for LeT or Taliban. No you cant. There is no name of a terrorist. A terrorist will just kill. Whether you give them a name of LeT and justify them as freedom fighters or you treat them as mass murderers with the name of TTP, they will still be terrorists.
Speaking of the nuclear bomb. I would like to look at the positive side of it. Who wouldn't, knowing fully well what the negative side would look like!

Once Pakistan got the nuclear bomb, one would have hoped all their pent up insecurity with regard to India would have been a thing of the past. Why? Well Pakistanis say their biggest fear is being eaten up by hindu India. They wanted Pakistan because they did not want to ever be second fiddle to the hindus. Well, the bomb assured them that that would not happen.

So what is Pakistan still so insecure about with regard to India? I do not believe that India ever coveted parts of Pakistan. Were that truly the case, we could easily have pressed home the advantage in the past when we had our foot on your throat. Now that you have the bomb, even that is off the table. So what is your problem?

Clean up your country. Throw out those Afghans who you believe are anti you. Close down your borders on your West. We will help you do the same on your East. Start concentrating on reviving your economy. Generating power. Paying off some of your huge debt. Become self reliant. Wean the US off your land by showing them that you can be good boys.

Build an infrastructure for education that is based on western learning and not the madrasa. So that your next generation of Pakistanis are equipped with the tools to take the country forward. Equipped with more open thinking. Equipped for the jobs that the pakistani leadership of today must create and keep ready for them tomorrow, so that more than 80% of the educated do not have to leave for foreign shores to make a decent living.

Are these things not more important to you than a piece of land you never had, and have no hope of ever getting?

Cheers, Doc
he has to drop his pants to grill India ;)

How exactly?? Who grilled us?? last time I heard was that we secured an NSG waiver for nuclear trade (with the right to reprocess uranium possibly for weapons) whereas you are still ............

Plz stick to the discussion. You have an old habit to derail stuffs.
y u.s went to iraq-->4 oil,y u.s is against iran u also know,oil has a major role in it.
u.s has wasted 10 yrs here ,wat u think it is 4 gud relations with pak,afgh :rofl::rofl:,they have an eye on another things u know better.if they are giving billions to u,spending billions 4 there soldiers for wat gud relations:what::what:,i think u better know every month a blunt warning is given to pak,last time for ny plot.so still u think that u.s is 4 relations,then change ur point abt it.past history shows how u.s uses others.like afgh against russia,iran against iraq.:tup:

Keeping in view your points why dont you call of your deal with US ;)
Speaking of the nuclear bomb. I would like to look at the positive side of it. Who wouldn't, knowing fully well what the negative side would look like!

Once Pakistan got the nuclear bomb, one would have hoped all their pent up insecurity with regard to India would have been a thing of the past. Why? Well Pakistanis say their biggest fear is being eaten up by hindu India. They wanted Pakistan because they did not want to ever be second fiddle to the hindus. Well, the bomb assured them that that would not happen.

So what is Pakistan still so insecure about with regard to India? I do not believe that India ever coveted parts of Pakistan. Were that truly the case, we could easily have pressed hom e the advantage in the past when we had our foot on your throat. Now that you have the bomb, even that is off the table. So what is your problem?

Clean up your country. Throw out those Afghans who you believe are anti you. Close down your borders on your West. We will help you do the same on your East. Start concentrating on reviving your economy. Generating power. Paying off some of your huge debt. Become self reliant. Wean the US off your land by showing them that you can be good boys.

Build an infrastructure for education that is based on western learning and not the madrasa. So that your next generation of Pakistanis are equipped with the tools to take the country forward. Equipped with more open thinking. Equipped for the jobs that the pakistani leadership of today must create and keep ready for them tomorrow, so that more than 80% of the educated do not have to leave for foreign shores to make a decent living.

Are these things not more important to you than a piece of land you never had, and have no hope of ever getting?

Cheers, Doc

Your pretense about having good intentions with Pakistan is as bogus as the oft repeated mantra "India wants a stable Pakistan as a collapsed Pakistan would mean a nuclear problem for India".

While its true, that India may not want to see a collapsed Pakistan, but its also true that India wants to see a boiling Pakistan. Where Pakistan is too pre-occupied to further its plans of working for the liberation of Kashmir.

India has found a nice working formula by promoting terrorism in Pakistan via Afghanistan.

This entire commentary from India can be summed up this way "C'mon Pakistan, let us screw you over!". No sale.
How exactly?? Who grilled us?? last time I heard was that we secured an NSG waiver for nuclear trade (with the right to reprocess uranium possibly for weapons) whereas you are still ............

Plz stick to the discussion. You have an old habit to derail stuffs.

As much as I hate to even answer you, as in reply there is always baloney but still, the NSG wavier was not something that you got but was something that was secured for you by the US. Tell me if they had not wanted to what were the chances. Ad if US would want to get into the same deal with Pakistan, do you think that there will be any issues with the NSG wavier.
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