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Shed insecurities: India to Pakistan

Justin Joseph

Mar 4, 2010
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Shed insecurities: India to Pakistan

NEW DELHI: India on Monday said “trust deficit” with Pakistan can be bridged only if it “shed its insecurity” on asymmetries in sizes and capabilities between the two nations.

Foreign secretary Nirupama Rao, who asked Pakistan to get real, said Islamabad should not entertain the feeling that the strategic leverage gained by India after the Indo-US nuclear deal would be targeted against the neighbour.

“We sincerely desire peace with Pakistan. We have to learn to live with the asymmetries in our sizes and capabilities. Such differences of scale should not deter us from working with each other. Pakistan should shed its insecurity on these counts,” she said.

Ms Rao also reminded Pakistan that despite misguided and serious provocations, India has exhibited true restraint. The foreign secretary said it was in Pakistan’s own interest to prevent the entry of radical ideology into the domain of religion, and, the consequent implications for peace and security between India and Pakistan.

“Radical, terrorist forces are increasingly battling for larger space in a deadly struggle that seeks to overwhelm moderate, democratic forces in Pakistani civil society. The writing on the wall must be seen,” she said.

The foreign secretary said terrorism as a continuation of war by other means and the use of terrorist groups selectively as strategic assets against India cannot and must not continue.

“As an intrinsic part of the long-term vision of relations it desires with India, Pakistan must act effectively against those terrorist groups that seek to nullify and to destroy the prospects of peace and cooperation between our two countries,”

Ms Rao said in her address at the Afghanistan-India-Pakistan ‘Trialogue’ organised by Delhi Policy Group.
Pointing out that the last 60 years have had more than their share of bitterness, recrimination, and miscommunication, she said the two countries should tackle the challenges.

Shed insecurities: India to Pakistan-Politics/Nation-News-The Economic Times
With all due respect to your country, but your politicians start acting like a clown as soon as any thing goes down in india, and the first and the only target for them is Pakistan. So can you guys shed the insecurities?
Pakistan suffering from vision, trust deficit

Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao has blamed Pakistan for the ‘vision deficit’ in India-Pakistan relations, flagging Islamabad’s use of terror groups as ‘strategic assets’ against India.

“Terrorism as a continuation of war by other means, and the use of terrorist groups selectively, as strategic assets against India, cannot and must not continue,” she said, stopping just short of directly blaming the Pakistan establishment.

She was addressing experts from Afghanistan, Pakistan and India here on Sunday. Her blunt speak - including criticism of ‘breast-beating propaganda’ in Pakistan over river water-sharing - comes just weeks ahead of important bilateral meetings -- first between the two Home Ministers this month and then the two Foreign Ministers meet in July.

Rao seemed to be playing down expectations of early resumption of a structured dialogue till what India calls the ‘trust deficit’ is reduced. “There is a trust deficit. Some also refer to a vision deficit, especially since India has over the years sought to spell out a broader vision of our relationship while a similar definition has not been easy for Pakistan to enunciate,’’ she said.

Therefore, she said, there was a need for making a clear and common definition of the kind of relationship the two countries.

She said every terrorist attack, including the one in Mumbai, “hardens Indian public opinion, making our task more difficult.”

After mentioning the use of terror groups as ‘strategic assets,’ she said Pakistan must act effectively against it “as an intrinsic part of the long term vision of relations it desires with India.”

Pakistan suffering from vision, trust deficit
Lol there can be little trust while the two nations are enemies of each other. Our goal is to liberate Kashmir, their's is to stop us and promote terrorism in Pakistan in that pursuit

Resolve Kashmir: Pakistan to India

ur goal is linked with more than billion population of india,which has made habit to think kashmir as an indian state.liberation means breaking the souls of billions of indians.which will never happen.

and promoting terror in india is pak goal,if u recieve the answer than it's equality.
Lol there can be little trust while the two nations are enemies of each other. Our goal is to liberate Kashmir, their's is to stop us and promote terrorism in Pakistan in that pursuit

Resolve Kashmir: Pakistan to India

I agree. The same is so well reflected in your post itself. An India would have simply written it as

there can be little trust while the two nations are enemies of each other. Pakistan's goal is to annex Kashmir, India's is to stop them and defeat Pakistan's state policy of cross border terrorism in India.

And herein lies the conflict in perceptions and ideology
Correction Asim.

Your goal was to try and snatch Kashmir, and in the absence of the firepower to directly do so, to promote cross border terrorism in India in that pursuit.

I say was, cause right now your country is hanging on by the skin of its teeth trying to hold on to what is actually yours.

The beauty about the asymmetrics of our respective situations today is that you no longer need worry about us, and are at liberty to clean your own house without worrying about us taking advantage.

Your insecurities stem from holding what is not yours, and trying to finger your neighbours on both your flanks, while not being able to control your own territory.

Add to that the ignominy of an ex ally being "allowed" (as if you have a choice) to freely bomb your own people on your own "sovereign" soil by drones that are based on your soil, fueled on your soil, fly in your air space, controlled by a foreign power out of their soil, and bombing your own people.

But the question really is, what are you going to do about this "insecurity"?

Cheers, Doc
Correction Asim.

Your goal was to try and snatch Kashmir, and in the absence of the firepower to directly do so, to promote cross border terrorism in India in that pursuit.

I say was, cause right now your country is hanging on by the skin of its teeth trying to hold on to what is actually yours.

The beauty about the asymmetrics of our respective situations today is that you no longer need worry about us, and are at liberty to clean your own house without worrying about us taking advantage.

Your insecurities stem from holding what is not yours, and trying to finger your neighbours on both your flanks, while not being able to control your own territory.

Add to that the ignominy of an ex ally being "allowed" (as if you have a choice) to freely bomb your own people on your own "sovereign" soil by drones that are based on your soil, fueled on your soil, fly in your air space, controlled by a foreign power out of their soil, and bombing your own people.

But the question really is, what are you going to do about this "insecurity"?

Cheers, Doc
Killing Indian soldiers in Kashmir is not terrorism, its our right.

Killing Pakistani civilians in Pakistan by Indians through support of Taliban and various factions operating in Pakistan is terrorism.

---------- Post added at 11:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:25 AM ----------

it matter a lot buddy,ask indians.
Then don't ask us to trust you as well.
The 1 billion people don't matter, only Kashmiris and their right for self-determination matters. Grant them the plebiscite and then whatever result comes, that should be it.

And lets do it for the entire Kashmir......and lets see what happens if Kashmir and I mean whole Kashmir Wants to stay with India and then wait for Pakistan to send more forces and fight another gorilla war and start an operation Gibralter. Sounds good.
And lets do it for the entire Kashmir......and lets see what happens if Kashmir and I mean whole Kashmir Wants to stay with India and then wait for Pakistan to send more forces and fight another gorilla war and start an operation Gibralter. Sounds good.
That's just rhetoric and excuse to not grant Kashmiris their freedom.

If you want our trust, be worth that trust and do something positive in resolving the Kashmir issue.
Killing Indian soldiers in Kashmir is not terrorism, its our right.

Killing Pakistani civilians in Pakistan by Indians through support of Taliban and various factions operating in Pakistan is terrorism.

If killing is a "right" then I am afraid there are no wrongs after that.

Just like there is no "Good" Taliban and a "Bad" taliban.

You have subtly justified (alleged) Indian involvement in pakistans violence. As you see there are no rules in this killing "game".
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Killing Indian soldiers in Kashmir is not terrorism, its our right.

Killing Pakistani civilians in Pakistan by Indians through support of Taliban and various factions operating in Pakistan is terrorism.

---------- Post added at 11:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:25 AM ----------

Then don't ask us to trust you as well.

atleast u accepted.
if u have right,then we also do right wat we have,dont protest 4 it.
plz dont derail this thread for the things,which u cant prove,ask ur govt to do it.
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