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Shashi Tharoor Asks Britain Why They Don't Teach Schoolchildren Colonial History

Pretty much nonsense.

Nubia, Ethiopia or Mali were primitives compared to Rome or any other european or asian culture. Egypt was respected but Egypt didnt see itself as African and saw Nubia as savage.

Egypt itself became part of our Empire.

And thats what i mean. I only respect those who belong to my group. In that sense "Italians" and in a greater way europeans. Or in old days in our Empire. Outsider? No. And thats a natural thing.

Hitler had more class than Mussolini. LOL! Mussolini looked and acted like a cheap Italian thug. You guys cant do fascism very well. Stick to gay fashion design. What is your birth rate by the way? Replacement level or national suicide level?
India's expense? I may be a Pakistani but human life is human life whether it is Indian or anyone else. Dont try that divide and rule crap with me. You British feckers fcked up a lot of the world do you know that? Seriously, do you know what you have done? And you are proud of this?
end of the day divide and conquer works and i was not in charge back then. sure we did bad things but the point being why does it matter NOW?
end of the day divide and conquer works and i was not in charge back then. sure we did bad things but the point being why does it matter NOW?

Listen mate, the Jews still want reparations for the Holocau$$t after 80 bloody years. So, yeah, we want cash mate. Cough up.
Our population grows 0,3% per year. Which is perfect. It makes our numbers stable and hopefully not grow.

Something your country Pakistan must learn to achieve. High birthrates stand for extreme poverty.

2.2 children is what you need to stay stable. Anything below that and you are looking at extinction. Do the math bro. You Italians and Spaniards are up sh.t creek.
Listen mate, the Jews still want reparations for the Holocau$$t after 80 bloody years. So, yeah, we want cash mate. Cough up.
hehe cash........
israel is still playing that card with the germans and they managed to get to free and massively subsidised subs and aid and thats it. as for india,pakistan and the others......you can dream and thats all you can do.
hehe cash........
israel is still playing that card with the germans and they managed to get to free and massively subsidised subs and aid and thats it. as for india,pakistan and the others......you can dream and thats all you can do.

The Queen owes a debt to South Asia. Does Elizabeth know the crap Victoria did? By the way, Jimmy Saville and Ed Heath were paedophiles. The Brit Establishment really is sh.t arent they? You people are sick, bro.
Why? Britain's colonial history is disgusting enough to be studied at degree level. Why relegate it to the funny and stupid section? Is the deaths, murder, rape and pillage of Natives all over the World by the British Empire a joking matter? I think not, sir. Britain needs to be exposed for the shit-stain that it is on human history. Thank you.

You are right. It's importaint to constantly repeat the truth about English crimes against humanity. The English still support criminal butcher Winston Churchill. England is desperately trying to whitewash it's crimes. England even established troll-brigade (77 Brigade) - https://www.rt.com/uk/372575-army-cyber-warriors-recruiting/

Many countries are victim of English imperialism. Kenya is one of the victims.
I'm reading Imperial Reckoning: The Untold Story of Britain's Gulag in Kenya by Caroline Elkins:
As part of the Allied forces, thousands of Kenyans fought alongside the British in World War II. But just a few years after the defeat of Hitler, the British colonial government detained nearly the entire population of Kenya's largest ethnic minority, the Kikuyu-some one and a half million people.

The compelling story of the system of prisons and work camps where thousands met their deaths has remained largely untold-the victim of a determined effort by the British to destroy all official records of their attempts to stop the Mau Mau uprising, the Kikuyu people's ultimately successful bid for Kenyan independence

All children in England should read this book to know about crimes against humanity comited by England.
Many English people hate the truth. That's why they hate this thread so much. They don't want to pay reparations for colonial-era damage. But sooner of later England will have to pay reparations and English 77 troll-brigade won't change this.

Unspoken Story of Indian Holocaust: UK Remains Silent About Its Atrocities
Politics11:22 16.07.2015(updated 10:47 23.07.2015)
Ekaterina Blinova
While London has rushed to point the accusing finger at Serbs for the Srebrenica tragedy, the British have apparently forgotten their own shameful history of the genocide of the people of India, Rakesh Krishnan Simha told Sputnik.

While British policy makers are expressing their "righteous" anger over Russia's decision to veto their resolution on the Srebrenica "genocide" of 1995 discussed by the UN Security Council earlier this month, London should obviously look in the mirror and recall its own colonial past, New Zealand-based journalist and foreign affairs analyst Rakesh Krishnan Simha told Sputnik.

There is no need to delve deep into history, the analyst noted, referring to the infamous Bengal Famine of 1943-44 that can be classified as the greatest disaster in the subcontinent in the 20th century.

Citing Australian biochemist Dr. Gideon Polya, Simha underscored that the Bengal Famine was a "manmade holocaust" directly caused by UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill's policies.
"Bengal had a bountiful harvest in 1942, but the British started diverting vast quantities of food grain from India to Britain, contributing to a massive food shortage in the areas comprising present-day West Bengal, Odisha, Bihar and Bangladesh," the foreign affairs analyst narrated in his article "Remembering India's Forgotten Holocaust" in 2014.

Just in a year, the manmade famine had claimed the lives of over 3 million Indians.

"Winston Churchill was just the last of the many murderous despots who presided over India's fate during the over 200 years of British rule. He said, "I hate Indians. They are beastly people with a beastly religion"," Simha told Sputnik.

Can We Classify the Bengal Famine as Genocide?

Can we classify the Bengal Famine as genocide? Genocide is a systematic killing of a people in great numbers and Churchill intentionally, and with open malice towards Indians, diverted grain from India to Europe, the analyst pointed out. He added that even when desperate pleas came from the administration in Bengal, Churchill refused to dispatch emergency food supplies. The UK prime minister even went so far as to blame Indians for the famine, saying that they "breed like rabbits."

"When the British representatives in India asked Churchill to stop diverting Indian food grains to Europe and to supply India with wheat from Australia, he replied: "If there is famine in India, then why is Gandhi still alive?"" the analyst remarked bitterly.

The Bengal Famine happened despite India being a food-surplus country with a bumper harvest that year, he stressed. And that had not been the first time when the British rulers facilitated food shortages in India.

Simha stressed that during over 200 years of British rule, India saw at least two dozen major famines, which collectively killed 60 million people. The journalist added that the figure is based on numbers collated by British officials and economists and in reality it is significantly higher.

The analyst pointed out that during the 1877 famine in India, the only acquire to get some food was to work in the British labor camps. Within those camps, starving Indians received only 16 ounces of rice per day — less than the Jewish inmates of Buchenwald, the Nazi concentration camp of the Second World War.

One would say that India had faced famines even before the British colonial rule. However, "in the past 2000 years of Indian history, there were very few famine deaths because the Indian rulers ensured the well-being of the people through emergency food supplies and field kitchens," the journalist underscored.

India's Forgotten Holocaust

The history of manmade famines in India under the British rule can be obviously compared to the Jewish Holocaust of the Second World War, according to Rakesh Krishnan Simha.

"Hitler's hatred for Jews led to the Holocaust and Britain's malice towards Indians caused the deaths of at least 60 million Indians, including three million people during the Bengal Famine. Proportionately, the Bengal Famine was a holocaust on a bigger scale than the Jewish Holocaust. It took Hitler 12 years to murder 6 million Jews, but the British starved at least 3 million Indians to death in a 15 month period from 1943 to 1944. Indian estimates put the toll at 7 million," the journalist told Sputnik.

Simha pointed out that Hitler wanted to destroy the entire Jewish population of Europe because of race and religious reasons; furthermore, Hitler saw Jews as competitors in the German economy.

"Hitler also wanted to create Lebensraum in Europe for pure Germans. If you look at the history of English colonialism, they have created their own versions of Lebensraum in Canada, the US, Australia and New Zealand after the genocide of native populations," the analyst underscored.

"They [the British] may have wanted to do the same in India. But the British couldn't replicate armed genocide in India because Indians put up a ferocious counter attack and defeated the British in several wars. So the British may have decided to systematically eradicate Indians through famines. In fact, Churchill's scorched earth policy was intended to enfeeble the Indian population so the Japanese-armed Indian National Army which was planning to liberate India from the east would not find able bodied men in Bengal," he elaborated.

Why Does the Story of the Indian Genocide Remain Unspoken?

So, why does the story of the Indian genocide still remain unspoken? Why does the West that has recently rushed to blame Serbs for "genocide" of Bosnian Muslims remains suspiciously silent about its own hideous atrocities?

"First up, why would the US, UK, Spain or France admit at all to genocides they have committed? It is precisely because the scale of their own crimes is so staggering that they quickly latch on to other countries' internal problems. For instance, after an alleged 100,000 East Timorese were killed by the Indonesians, the West suddenly adopted the role of savior, conscience keeper and protector. It then invaded East Timor and illegally made it an independent country. It did the same in Kosovo," Rakesh Krishnan Simha elaborated.

"The UK and British immigrants in America wiped out Native Indians by the tens of millions. In Africa, the British massacred Kenyans," he added.

According to the journalist, considering the scale of the atrocities, the international community should conduct an official investigation into the Indian genocide.

"If the US Congress can condemn the Turkish genocide of Armenians a 100 years ago, then they can also censure Britain for even bigger holocausts in India. For this to happen, private Indian individuals must come forward to demand apology and reparations. There are a number of Indians who remember the holocaust and were affected by it," the analyst pointed out.

And there is a precedent, he stressed: "Kenya has asked Britain for an apology, and the British have rendered one."

However, there are a number of obstacles in the way of restoring justice. First of all it is not in the British interests to recognize such a hideous crime. Furthermore, the Indian elite have already established close ties with the British nobilities. Many of them have their children studying in American and British colleges, or have business connections, or have family living in Britain, Simha noted. Maybe that is why most Indians have no memory of these holocausts because they are not taught in Indian schools, the foreign affairs analyst emphasized.
Source: https://sputniknews.com/politics/201507161024692024/

England must pay reparations for colonial-era damage.
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2.2 children is what you need to stay stable. Anything below that and you are looking at extinction. Do the math bro. You Italians and Spaniards are up sh.t creek.

Currently we need to shrink. The the perfect population for italy would be 45 million. For Pakistan it would be 83 million. The idea of extinction is laughable. Less children means population shrinks, then birth rate goes up again.

Thats the core problem of humanity. Endless growth is the ideology of the cancer cell amigo.
i would apology for colonialism i would belittle my nation. I would belittle myself, my pride and my honor.

I disagree with your understanding of an apology. To me it is an acknowledgement of a past mistake - a way of closure and an act of humility. By your logic nobody should apologise to anyone else.

why study it? what will it bring? do you have a time machine to go back in time and change things.
besides you should be grateful, without us there wont be a pakistan.

Same reason people study any historical event, especially the tragedies. To learn, to become aware of past mistakes to ensure those are not repeated.

And pakistanis have Jinnah and his dogged pursuit of a two-nation theory to thank, not Britain. Left to Mountbatten there would have been no Pakistan.

Nubia, Ethiopia or Mali were primitives compared to Rome or any other european or asian culture. Egypt was respected but Egypt didnt see itself as African and saw Nubia as savage.

Well, Rome is not a particularly ancient civilisation so I don't know what you mean by this comparison. Both the Egyptians and the Phoenicians were equally old nations in Africa [Egypt ofc was thousands of years older]. And while the Egyptians may have distinguished themselves from Nubians its not as if they identified themselves as Romans - so your inference is meaningless. Concepts of continents, etc. were not developed in the modern sense of the term so this discussion is moot.
Arab used to call it hindu land it was divided between independent states under their hindu muslim kings. Under Akbar e Azam hold most of Hindustan was united.
But the land it self was called hindustan.
India is still divided in different parts under the different ruling parties.
The format of ruling always use to changed time by time.
Currently we need to shrink. The the perfect population for italy would be 45 million. For Pakistan it would be 83 million. The idea of extinction is laughable. Less children means population shrinks, then birth rate goes up again.

Thats the core problem of humanity. Endless growth is the ideology of the cancer cell amigo.

LOL! There is no economic model that caters to a shrinking population. You either grow old (Japan), stagnate (which is where most European countries are) or shrink, like Eastern Europe. When you shrink your economy will shrink too. Then you will need immigrants or babies. It wont be the latter because European women and European men hate each other. Feminism has eaten into the male-female power balance that existed for millenia. Now Europe is demographically buggered. There isnt a single economist or demographer who will tell you with a straight face that what is happening in the traditionally Catholic countries like Spain or Italy is normal or desirable. It is a crisis.
Why should they? Would you want your children to become cucks?

Seriously i cant stand this self pity. I´m proud for our italian colonies. It was a great time of our history and brought civilisation to those places. I guess same counts for the UK.

Europe has been colonised many times by the Barbary Pirates, Moors, Mongolians and Ottoman empire etc
India is still divided in different parts under the different ruling parties.
The format of ruling always use to changed time by time.

Republic of India is one united country guarded by the Indian Armed Forces.

Europe has been colonised many times by the Barbary Pirates, Moors, Mongolians and Ottoman empire etc

Actually its opposite . Even Isa Ibne Maryam was occupied subject of the Roman Empire and numerous Prophets have gone through persecution. Tribes of Judah are even now under occupation who are native people of Palestine.

Yup and i give a shit. I´m proud for Italy crushing the ottomans in the mediterranean Sea and Northern Africa.

When the Turks apology for Otrantro i will apology for Libya. Before that - Nope

Senussi Movement was result of occupation and the very same people of Maghreb fought for your freedom in second world war.

Whadda ya know? Humans have been sh!tty to each other for centuries, no since the very beginning. *gasp* What a surprise? Please tell me a nation which hasn't committed a genocide, or who's ancestors' haven't committed one. The reason why humans are alive today is because our ancestors were the best at taking resources and killing off competition. Now there's two ways of looking at it, you can sit on it and cry and ask for money because you have failed in the present to build yourself up, or you can understand your past, learn from it and move on and hope to become independent and strong enough to resist any such future attempt.

I know which path i'd rather take. :pop:
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