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Shadows of Sikkim in Crimea

Nice BS op-ed, claiming Tibetans are "darker" (lol), that Qing policies can be blamed on the Han (lol) and that only Han Chinese saw others as barbarians (lol)

Your so-called "cultural similarities" don't mean shit. Tibetans and Burmese hate you, that's why they kill you.
Why would Indian army need to invade when our army was already stationed in Sikkim since 1947 to save Sikkim from the greedy Chinese who led all out assault on Sikkim during Chola incident, you fled because of your own shortcomings. Sikkim joined after the popular referendum, such rich words coming from the Chinese who annexed Tibet without the wishes of Tibetan people and their leaders and removed the legitimate rulers of Tibet. Particularly, the settlers from Fujians and Guangdong in Tibet talking about others rights and morality. :omghaha::omghaha:

Indian troops had no rights to intervene in Sikkim internal affairs as spelled out in the treaty. Indian hegemonic intention is well documented, you tried your luck with China too. Retarded Patel even eyed Tibet. What a bunch of greedy delusional indian politicians. Tibet had been part of China for 400 years, Sikkim is granted independence the same time when India was created. :laughcry:

That's why I said Tibetans are as much similar to you as Iranians are with East Europeans because they too speak a language of same language family. Stop amusing with your fake history, Chinese culture only shares similarity with the Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese culture. :smart:

That was why I rebutted you, if you're not too dimwitted to realize it :omghaha:
Facts are facts, you can't argue against facts. Tibetan calendar are chinese, MoMo are chinese dumplings. Many Chinese restaurant in India are actually run by Tibetans :omghaha:
Doesn't matter what "Puyi" thinks, my historically illiterate, revisionist friend. His court came to support the ROC and signed away documents before he had legal right to rule.
Nice BS op-ed, claiming Tibetans are "darker" (lol), that Qing policies can be blamed on the Han (lol) and that only Han Chinese saw others as barbarians (lol)

Your so-called "cultural similarities" don't mean shit. Tibetans and Burmese hate you, that's why they kill you.

That article is from BBC. Tibetans and Burmese hate Han Chinese more than they hate anyone. :laugh:

Here Tibetan writing system which is Indian in origin.

Here your Chinese script bearing no resemblances with Tibetan culture. :haha::haha::haha:
That article is from BBC. Tibetans and Burmese hate Han Chinese more than they hate anyone. :laugh:

Here Tibetan writing system which is Indian in origin.

Here your Chinese script bearing no resemblances with Tibetan culture. :haha::haha::haha:

Which explains why they've killed hundreds if not thousands of Indo-shits in their land, while conflict even when driven by outside forces barely killed anyone in the Chinese part of Tibet.

Particularly in the places where Chinese and Tibetans have both lived in peace for hundreds of years. And plenty of Tibetans and Chinese marry, very few Tibetans marry Indo-shits. That's why you always rape and molest their women, thinking you have a right to their bodies - jealousy and rage.
Indian troops had no rights to intervene in Sikkim internal affairs as spelled out in the treaty. Indian hegemonic intention is well documented, you tried your luck with China too. Patel even eyed Tibet. What a bunch of greedy delusional indian politicians. Tibet had been part of China for 400 years, Sikkim is granted independence the same time when India was created. :laughcry:

I am not interested in your fake history and Pot calling the Kettle black. :laugh:

IThat was why I rebutted you, if you're not too dimwitted to realize it :omghaha:
Facts are facts, you can't argue against facts. Tibetan calendar are chinese, MoMo are chinese dumplings. Many Chinese restaurant in India are actually run by Tibetans :omghaha:

Certainly, the Tibeto-Burmese culture has as much resemblances with Han Chinese culture as Iranians have with other Indo-European culture. :omghaha::omghaha:
Don't pretend you understand either Tibetan or Han culture. One thing is true, we don't share the hatred of Indo-shits they have. The Ladakhis wanted us to liberate them from Indo-shit imperialists, too bad it didn't happen.
Don't pretend you understand either Tibetan or Han culture. One thing is true, we don't share the hatred of Indo-shits they have. The Ladakhis wanted us to liberate them from Indo-shit imperialists, too bad it didn't happen.

So not only are you racist towards Brazilians, but you're racist to Indians too? Interesting.
Which explains why they've killed hundreds if not thousands of Indo-shits in their land, while conflict even when driven by outside forces barely killed anyone in the Chinese part of Tibet.

Particularly in the places where Chinese and Tibetans have both lived in peace for hundreds of years. And plenty of Tibetans and Chinese marry, very few Tibetans marry Indo-shits. That's why you always rape and molest their women, thinking you have a right to their bodies - jealousy and rage.

Even Cinderella's story sounds very authentic compared to fake Chinese narrative. :haha::haha:

Chinese came from Africa. :haha::haha:
I am not interested in your fake history and Pot calling the Kettle black. :laugh:

You're the one faking history. I presented you historic facts and its source.
" India stepped in and took over the internal administration of the then kingdom. This went beyond the 1950 India-Sikkim treaty"

India and Sikkim, 1814-1970 - P. Raghunadha Rao - Google Books

Certainly, the Tibeto-Burmese culture has as much resemblances with Han Chinese culture as Iranians have with other Indo-European culture. :omghaha::omghaha:

All you are capable of is making empty statement?????
Aren't Momo are chinese dumplings? Aren't most Chinese restaurants in India are run Tibetans? :omghaha:
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