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Several dead in attack on Pakistani Shias


Oct 29, 2009
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At least eight Shia Muslims have been killed and 10 others wounded after suspected Sunni extremists opened fire on them in the southwestern Pakistani city of Quetta, police say.

Hamid Shakil, a police official, said the victims were in a neighbourhood park when they were shot at on Friday.

He said the assailants fled after the attack, the first since the killing on Monday by US forces of Osama bin Laden, the leader of al-Qaeda, in the Pakistani garrison town of Abbottabad.

"They were taking morning exercise when the attackers came in two cars and indiscriminately opened fire on them," he told the Reuters news agency.

He quoted residents as saying the attackers fired rockets before shooting.

Sunni extremists often attack Shias, whom they view as heretics.

The killing of bin Laden has triggered fears of a backlash from Sunni groups operating in the country, many of them with ties to al-Qaeda.

No one has claimed responsibility for the latest attack.

In January a teenage suicide bomber blew himself up near a Shia Muslim procession in the city of Lahore, killing at least 10 people and wounding more than 50.

Officials have blamed most of previous attacks on Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ), a Pakistani group allied to al-Qaeda.

Shias roughly account for up to 20 per cent of Pakistan's mainly Sunni Muslim population of 170 million.

Several dead in attack on Pakistani Shias - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English
This will continue to happen in this k@njar khana called Pakistan.

All these Sunni militant groups have got nothing better to do than killing scores of minorities all over Pakistan.

It would be in the best interest of all these minorities of Pakistan to leave the country before they get killed too by our armies 'strategic assets'.

I am sure this will be celebrated by our Jihadi generals, after all its good to see kafirs and heretics get killed by real 'Muslims'.
This is very sad news. They dont deserve this. Sometimes i hate all religions.
T faz a little respect for the country
any way i m a shia and i for one want all muslim brothers to stick together who ever kills inocent humans be it frm any grop or religion is not human to islam or any one else it is just to spark sectarnian voilance plz all muslims shias and sunnis be patient and dont fall in the trap of those who want to devide us
RIP to all who passed
T faz a little respect for the country
any way i m a shia and i for one want all muslim brothers to stick together who ever kills inocent humans be it frm any grop or religion is not human to islam or any one else it is just to spark sectarnian voilance plz all muslims shias and sunnis be patient and dont fall in the trap of those who want to devide us
RIP to all who passed

What are you on about?

Read the damn article again and concentrate on this part.

Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ), a Pakistani group allied to al-Qaeda.

While Osama is living near a PMA, his group and their affiliates are bombing everyone they consider to be heretical.

Also what is this 'brothers' nonsense you are talking about, this is the exact reason why Osama was in Pakistan.

Wake up and get real, the sectarian violence has exploded to unseen levels, there is no unity amongst the people and the killers are humans and they are Muslim.

Should we just call them 'not human' and continue to get killed daily.

For you it should be, Namaz-e-Janaza paro or marne chalo.
T faz a little respect for the country
any way i m a shia and i for one want all muslim brothers to stick together who ever kills inocent humans be it frm any grop or religion is not human to islam or any one else it is just to spark sectarnian voilance plz all muslims shias and sunnis be patient and dont fall in the trap of those who want to devide us
RIP to all who passed
I am sure you know this is not the first or last instance. How many times you will tell this to yourself, lets stick together and bla bla, when your leaders are not taking any concrete steps to stop it.
Are you among those who believes problems will go away if you "be united", "believe in yourself" etc.
I think Pakistani Gov and Army must take on the Al Qaeda and Good Taliban whole heartedly and stop double game. it is now vital for pakistan to do so. Right now the al qaeda are against pakistan, the taliban also cant be trusted for different reasons and soon or later they will direct their guns against pakistan, if pakistan plays like this, they will make everybody enemy and no friends, so it is time they become clear on their policies.
R.I.P. the innocent targets of this cowardly attack by Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ), a Pakistani group allied to al-Qaeda.
So al-qaeda turns it guns now on innocent civilians to avenge the killing of Osama.
Some "brave mujahideen" they are???
I agree with T Faz though I will refrain from using the words 'khajar khana'.

This is what surprises me.

One Quaran, one Prophet, but sects going for each other's jugular!


Isn't there enough of problems as it is?

During earlier times this mayhem that is on practically daily was not there.

Why is it now?

I think that man Zia has really bequeathed a horrible time for Pakistan by opening the genie from the bottle for his own personal requirement to legitimise his illegal regime!

What did Pakistan do wrong to deserve Zia and his legacy of mayhem that is making Pakistanis kill Pakistani just because someone does not like the way the other prays.

What a reason to murder your own!!

Also, one must stop this romantic escapism wherein one differentiates Taliban with labels of 'good' and 'bad'.

It is time to drawdown on religious fanaticism and instead seek avenues to make Pakistan a nation that richly deserves it place in the comity of Nations because of its progress and not earn notoriety with its fundamentalist goons whose sole aim is to dismember Pakistan by causing turmoil and sectarian divide.

if religion is the sole support, then humiliation as what is the US doing to Pakistan and mayhem and murder in the religion will be the watchword and finally Pakistan will disintegrate because of Pakistanis themselves!

Time to take a hold of yourselves.
This is like adding fuel to fire... STABILITY...Don't know how... is much need of hour.
This will continue to happen in this k@njar khana called Pakistan.

All these Sunni militant groups have got nothing better to do than killing scores of minorities all over Pakistan.

It would be in the best interest of all these minorities of Pakistan to leave the country before they get killed too by our armies 'strategic assets'.

I am sure this will be celebrated by our Jihadi generals, after all its good to see kafirs and heretics get killed by real 'Muslims'.

You have no right using this kind of terminology, especially as you are a moderator on this forum. I am a Shia myself, hate extremists & terrorists. Two of my Dad's brothers (doctors) were killed in Karachi in the 90's. I have other relatives as well that have suffered the same fate. I know what it's like to have parts of your family affected by terrorism. However, the kind of language you use indicates you like to crib & complain, rather than being part of the solution. You changing your flag just shows me you don't have the resolve or the will to be part of the solution. It's sad, because the father of my nation Pakistan defied all odds to achieve what he wanted to. Extremely disappointed in you man, you've just exposed yourself horribly for what you are by using the kind of terminology you just did :tdown:
You have no right using this kind of terminology, especially as you are the moderator of this forum. I am a Shia myself, hate extremists & terrorists. However, the kind of language you use indicates you like to crib & complain, rather than being part of the solution.

You are one delusional fellow, you know that.

I am merely indicating the reality which has led us to this pathetic state and you seem to be on about some solution which you have never alluded to.

The only solution is to end this Jihadi policy and capture all terrorists that reside in this nation. That is the only way forward for this country.

Btw, ask those who have lost close ones in such attacks and then see how your delusional perception will change.
I am sure you know this is not the first or last instance. How many times you will tell this to yourself, lets stick together and bla bla, when your leaders are not taking any concrete steps to stop it.
Are you among those who believes problems will go away if you "be united", "believe in yourself" etc.

No mate i m a realist but yess where i live i see prople progress and have seen many risen above the steriotype so frm my prespective yes sticking together is a gud thing .leaders well F**K them they can even take the responcibility of osama in any way ,so yes i have no trust in leaders but i have trust in people .and no problem dont go away that easy at least u have to try not just sit back and let happen
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