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Seven missing after Russia sinks Chinese ship


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Seven missing after Russia sinks Chinese ship - Sify.com

Seven missing after Russia sinks Chinese ship
Thursday, 19 February , 2009, 16:12

Beijing: Seven Chinese sailors are missing after a cargo ship sank in Russian waters near Japan, media reports said on Thursday. Three of the 10 Chinese sailors onboard were saved but seven are still missing after the ship sank off the waters of Vladivostok, the Chinese foreign ministry said in a statement.

The ministry didn't mention the cause of the incident, saying rescue efforts and an investigation into the incident are ongoing, the China Daily said. But the Global Times, a Beijing-based Chinese language newspaper - citing a Russian newspaper - said Wednesday the ship was fired on by the Russian navy before it sank.

New Star, the cargo ship, was sequestered at the Russian port of Nakhodka earlier this month for alleged smuggling. It left the port not far from the Sino-Russian border without permission from Russian authorities last Thursday and was chased by a cruiser, the newspaper said. Later, the warship shot at least 500 rounds onto the ship and forced it to sail back toward the port in force six winds.

However, the Chinese ship started to sink on the way. According to the report, in a period of almost 24 hours, Russian navy officers and soldiers onboard the cruiser watched the sinking boat and did not make any response to the cries for help from the crewmen.

In the end, 16 sailors onboard New Star got on two lifeboats. The Russian sailors managed to save one boat carrying eight people, while the other was engulfed in the waves. Three of the missing sailors are Chinese while the other five came from Indonesia, the report said.

The coastal coordination and assistance centre of Vladivostok announced Sunday that a Russian coast guard cruiser saved eight foreign sailors trapped by bad weather. It did not mention the alleged firing from the Russian navy.

However, a Russian media report said Wednesday the coast guard just found an empty boat in a three-day search. It also cited bad weather as the reason behind the accident. According the International Maritime Organisation, the owner of New Star is a shipping company of Zhejiang, while the operator is a company based in Guangzhou.
Lets see if this issue turns in to something bigger!
This is very sad indeed....Let me guess....Russians were drinking Vodka and decided to see what would happen if they shot the ship????...Then they were probably laughing their behinds off.
Lay OFF the stinking vodka
This is very sad indeed....Let me guess....Russians were drinking Vodka and decided to see what would happen if they shot the ship????...Then they were probably laughing their behinds off.
Lay OFF the stinking vodka

After the ship is Sunk and Chinese are asking for Help, Russians Just Open another Bottle of Vodka :cheers:.

This is not Good For Global Peace, Lets see when the Dust settles down what really Happened there.

I hope it would not Lead to any Bigger Conflict between China and Russia.
The question comes to mind is what exactly was it smuggeling:

New Star, the cargo ship, was sequestered at the Russian port of Nakhodka earlier this month for alleged smuggling. It left the port not far from the Sino-Russian border without permission from Russian authorities last Thursday and was chased by a cruiser, the newspaper said. Later, the warship shot at least 500 rounds onto the ship and forced it to sail back toward the port in force six winds.
Moscow blames captain of China's New Star for tragic sinking

MOSCOW, February 19 (RIA Novosti) - The captain of a Chinese cargo ship, which sank off Russia's Pacific Coast on Sunday killing eight crewmembers, is to blame for the tragedy, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Thursday.

The New Star, owned by a Hong Kong based company, sank in the Sea of Japan 80 kilometers (50 miles) from the port of Nakhodka in the Primorye Territory during a storm. The ship had earlier been chased by two Russian coast guard vessels, but refused to stop despite being fired on.

"We regret the tragic consequences of this incident. However we consider the captain of the New Star, who behaved extremely irresponsibly, is fully to blame for the incident," Andrei Nesterenko, a spokesman for the ministry, said.

Chinese media reported earlier that the Sierra Leone-flagged New Star sank as a result of damage sustained, when the ship was fired upon by Russian border guards after the vessel left Nakhodka and crossed the Russian border without prior permission from the authorities.

"We stress that the New Star violated Russia's state border and for several hours the captain rudely ignored signals from the coast guard vessels and failed to comply with the lawful requests of the coast guard authorities," Nesterenko said.

The Russian diplomat added that a full investigation, conducted by the relevant Russian bodies, is currently underway.

The border guards fired warning shots, but when the vessel still refused to stop more direct shots were fired. According to video footage shown by Internet media in Vladivostok, Russian border guards fired a total of 515 shots at the vessel's bow. When this had no effect, they requested permission to open fire on the stern.

The ship issued a distress signal when the vessel started to take on water during the storm on Sunday, and 16 crew members, all of them Indonesian or Chinese nationals, got into two lifeboats. Half of them were picked up by a Russian vessel, but an attempt to save the other eight sailors failed when they were washed out to sea.

A small boat was discovered on Tuesday in the area where the ship sunk, but there was no one on board. The search operation launched by Russia continued on Thursday.

RIA Novosti - World - Moscow blames captain of China's New Star for tragic sinking
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