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Seven Indian companies supplying components to ISIS

Jul 14, 2018
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United States
LONDON: Seven Indian companies are among those from 20 countries named in a list whose components were used by the ISIS to make explosives, a EU-mandated study said, suggesting that more work needs to be done to track the flow of chemicals and other items to the terror group.

The study by Conflict Armament Research (CAR) showed that 51 companies from 20 countries such as India, Brazil, and the US produced, sold or received the over 700 components used by ISIS to build improvised explosive devices (IEDs).

Seven Indian companies manufactured most of the detonators, detonating cord and safety fuses. Under Indian law, transfer of this material requires a licence. Those were all legally exported under government-issued licenses from India to entities in Lebanon and Turkey, the CAR said.

According to the report, the terror group mostly uses Nokia 105 mobile phone for remote detonation.

Companies from Brazil, Romania, Russia, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria and Czech Republic.

The study said that governments and firms need to do more to track the flow of cables, chemicals and other equipment. CAR's executive director James Bevan said, "these findings support growing international awareness that ISIS in Iraq and Syria are very much self-sustaining -- acquiring weapons and strategic goods, such as IED components, locally and with ease.

The report said that CAR gained access to the components through partners including the US-backed Kurdish YPG in Syria, the Iraqi Federal Police, the Kurdistan Region Security Council and forces of the Kurdistan Regional Government.

These components were seized during battles in the Iraqi towns of al Rabia, Kirkuk, Mosul, and Tikrit and the Syrian town of Kobani.

Companies from Brazil, Romania, Russia, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria and Czech Republic.
It's time to put all these countries - including India - to the FATF grey list.
This is the height of stupidity.

Isis don’t manufacture any weapons, they have to get weapons from other countries.
And guess which other countries manufacture weapons and ammunition ...?? Yeah it’s Russia , China, USA, Uk , India, Israel etc.. etc..

It’s so idiotic to assume all these weapons manufacturing countries support Isis.

This same stupidity was seen when people accused USA or providing weapons to Isis not knowing that the coward Iraqi (then) army ran away leaving vast stores of weapons and vehicles (Hummers) and armoured vehicles which was taken over by Isis soldiers.

Isis cavemen with suicide mentality can’t produce anything,..zilch , nada , niath..
This is the height of stupidity.

Isis don’t manufacture any weapons, they have to get weapons from other countries.
And guess which other countries manufacture weapons and ammunition ...?? Yeah it’s Russia , China, USA, Uk , India, Israel etc.. etc..

It’s so idiotic to assume all these weapons manufacturing countries support Isis.

This same stupidity was seen when people accused USA or providing weapons to Isis not knowing that the coward Iraqi (then) army ran away leaving vast stores of weapons and vehicles (Hummers) and armoured vehicles which was taken over by Isis soldiers.

Isis cavemen with suicide mentality can’t produce anything,..zilch , nada , niath..

Looks like you can’t read mate. It is confirmed that Indian companies are directly providing chemicals and technology to ISIS to build bombs. Is that not considered an act of terrorism? Oh not it’s a double standard. But when Pakistan doesn’t touch innocent man Hafiz Saeed, it’s considered a heinous act of terrorism.
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It's time to put all these countries - including India - to the FATF grey list.
If India is put to FATF list, than who will act as US *** against Pakistan.
Looks like you can’t read mate. It is confirmed that Indian companies are directly providing chemicals and technology to ISIS to build bombs. Is that not considered an act of terrorism?

You can read either. From OP:

Seven Indian companies manufactured most of the detonators, detonating cord and safety fuses. Under Indian law, transfer of this material requires a licence. Those were all legally exported under government-issued licenses from India to entities in Lebanon and Turkey, the CAR said.

These components were legally exported to entities in Lebanon and Turkey. No where does the article say it sold components directly to ISIS. If you have an issue it’s with these entities, which are not even Indian.

Why are Pakistanis trying — rather desperately — to find an Indian hand in ISIS?
Isis cavemen with suicide mentality can’t produce anything,..zilch , nada , niath..
When Isis can fight a protracted war against combined armies of US, Iran, Iraq, while being totally surrounded! plus limited war against Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Europe... than they are quite miraculous cavemen.
Looks like you can’t read mate. It is confirmed that Indian companies are directly providing chemicals and technology to ISIS to build bombs. Is that not considered an act of terrorism?
You are too stupid to even reply to but I will try.

Do you think the manpads, ak47 and rpgs used by Isis is given to them by Russians?
Do you think the Toyota pickup trucks used by Isis was given to them by the Japanese ???

India is one of the largest manufacturers of ammonium nitrate in the word, guess what it’s used for other than fertilisers ??? You guessed it right explosives.

Now anyone with an Internet connection can make a bomb out of it. This is not rocket science for Isis.
You are too stupid to even reply to but I will try.

Do you think the manpads, ak47 and rpgs used by Isis is given to them by Russians?
Do you think the Toyota pickup trucks used by Isis was given to them by the Japanese ???

India is one of the largest manufacturers of ammonium nitrate in the word, guess what it’s used for other than fertilisers ??? You guessed it right explosives.

Now anyone with an Internet connection can make a bomb out of it. This is not rocket science for Isis.

India has a lot of blood in their hands. Seriously, producing chemicals used in killing innocent human beings? No way it is justifiable.
Looks like you can’t read mate. It is confirmed that Indian companies are directly providing chemicals and technology to ISIS to build bombs. Is that not considered an act of terrorism? Oh not it’s a double standard. But when Pakistan doesn’t touch innocent man Hafiz Saeed, it’s considered a heinous act of terrorism.
Sorry, you seem to be the one one who cant read. India legally exported the bomb components to other countries, not directly to ISIS. Disproves the conspiracy theory that "India is helping ISIS" Its really more like "Countries like Turkey and Lebanon have supporters of ISIS who import bomb parts from INdia and send them to ISIS".
Seven Indian companies manufactured most of the detonators, detonating cord and safety fuses. Under Indian law, transfer of this material requires a licence. Those were all legally exported under government-issued licenses from India to entities in Lebanon and Turkey, the CAR said.
When Isis can fight a protracted war against combined armies of US, Iran, Iraq, while being totally surrounded! plus limited war against Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Europe... than they are quite miraculous cavemen.
It’s not miracle, Isis lost almost all of its territory and 80k soldiers in Iraq and Syria due to combined offensive by USA, Russia and its allies.

They are only surviving by recruiting brainwashed jihadis who are willing to kill themselves from all around the world.

And guess what their new area of operation is...?? It’s you beautiful neighbour to the north , Afghanistan. I don’t have to remind you the dangers of Isis right next door. The bomb blast that killed 128 innocent people in Pakistan is a chilling reminder.
Sorry, you seem to be the one one who cant read. India legally exported the bomb components to other countries, not directly to ISIS. Disproves the conspiracy theory that "India is helping ISIS" Its really more like "Countries like Turkey and Lebanon have supporters of ISIS who import bomb parts from INdia and send them to ISIS".

Of course man that’s what they want you to believe!! Why is India producing “detonators, detonating cord and safety fuses” in the first place? And how do you don’t know that their exporting to Turkey and Lebanon is not premeditated? Indian elements in those countries can easily foward them directly to ISIS.
these days materiel can be turn as weapon easily . its not mean indian companies were saling direct arms to ISIS . urea of any fertilizer company can be used to make IEDs . kitchen items makers make cooker for cooking but terrorists used it for making bomb .
Sorry, you seem to be the one one who cant read. India legally exported the bomb components to other countries, not directly to ISIS. Disproves the conspiracy theory that "India is helping ISIS" Its really more like "Countries like Turkey and Lebanon have supporters of ISIS who import bomb parts from INdia and send them to ISIS".
Including Brazil, Czech, Netherlands exporting bomb components to Lebanon and Turkey. :lol:
When logic takes a back seat.
You can read either. From OP:

These components were legally exported to entities in Lebanon and Turkey. No where does the article say it sold components directly to ISIS. If you have an issue it’s with these entities, which are not even Indian.

Why are Pakistanis trying — rather desperately — to find an Indian hand in ISIS?
And this too was legal ? Hypocrites India and it's allies
Drugs worth $75 million from Indian company meant for IS seized: Report
PTI | May 11, 2017, 07:17 IST
Source times of India.

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