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Senior Scientists Meet to Advise Authorities


Jan 10, 2012
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TUBITAK 2nd Congress for Turkish Scientists Living Abroad

Ergun: Scientists living abroad can be president in Turkey with their minds and opinions

Duygu Tasasız duygu.tasasiz@hdn.com.tr

Science, Industry and Technology Minister Nihat Ergun answered the questions from reporters on the occasion of the 2nd Congress for Turkish Scientists Living Abroad which was held by the Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Board of Turkey (TUBITAK). Ergun said that many people were sent abroad without knowing where they were going and what they were doing, which was called "brain-drain." Touching on the huge amount of brain-drain from Turkey to abroad, Ergun said, "They do not necessarily have to be in Turkey physically, it is enough if their minds and opinions are here. There are hundreds of academics participating in the projects here; they are both abroad and here. Turkey does not only have people working in factories or in marginal jobs any more. We have important scientists." Ergun underlined that Turkey had established contact with several countries and communities of the world in the last decade, and had the chance to rediscover its own people thanks to information technologies. In reply to a question regarding reverse brain-drain figures, Ergun said, "Let's not get stuck on numbers. Even if one person comes; they come with such an important idea that what matters the most is the outcomes of that idea. Even one person can enable a task to be achieved, which otherwise would not be possible with millions of people here. So we can benefit from them not necessarily by bringing them here, but while they are still in their own university, their own environment"

Senior scientists meet to advise authorities

Prominent Turkish scientists from all corners of the world gathered in Istanbul yesterday to discuss Turkey’s initiatives in science and technology within the scope of the 2nd Congress for Turkish Scientists Living Abroad.

Around 130 scientists, who have marked their fields with notable works and patents, will discuss four main issues: technology transfer, education, health and energy, to determine concrete steps to take in these areas.

They will share their experiences with some 70 representatives from Turkey’s public and private sectors and universities to make the country an international center of attraction in the field of science and technology.

Science, Industry and Technology Minister Nihat Ergün, who was present at the opening session of the event, announced Turkey’s determination to provide the necessary conditions for scientific productivity in the country.

‘Brain power’

Ergün said Turkey did not consider the “brain drain” as a loss anymore, but rather that Turkish scientists living abroad were part of the “brain power” and an intermediary for scientific diplomacy.

“Turkey is not the same as when you last left,” he said, underlining the efforts of his ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) government in the fields of science and technology.

Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) Chairman Yücel Altunbaşak, as head of the host organization, noted that an inventory of Turkish scientists living abroad was created in accordance with the decisions made at last year’s congress.

Also speaking at the opening session, Education Minister Nabi Avcı reiterated the government’s aim to become a globally competitive country in the science and technology fields in 2023.

Most coming from US, European universities

Most of the participants were working for U.S. and European universities; however there were also some coming from Asia and Australia. The congress will close today, with the expected participation of Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoğan.

ECONOMICS - Senior scientists meet to advise authorities
Ergun: Scientists living abroad can be president in Turkey with their minds and opinions
Istanbul to host worldwide known scientists Anadolu Agency

TUBITAK will bring together many scientists for the second time within the scope of "Congress for Turkish Scientists Living Abroad"


The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) will bring together worldwide known scientists in Istanbul for the second time within the scope of "Congress for Turkish Scientists Living Abroad."

The aim of the congress was to discuss Turkey's initiatives in science and the necessary steps to be taken in the fields of technology transfer, education, health and energy to make Turkey an attraction center, said in the statement issued by TUBITAK.

For this purpose, six different panel discussions will be held allowing the participants to voice their observations and make suggestions for mechanisms that is to enable to transfer knowledge and technology from abroad to Turkey.

The congress will be held on July 4 and 5.

Dünyaca Ünlü Türk Bilim
Yurt D
Just yesterday there was a report that they were cutting the funding for a programm because it involved evolution.
First of all its a fact and even acknowledged by the Vatican, Adam and Eve are just a metaphor, at least that's what they say now.
Evolution is Science, it shows us where humans come from, how we have evolved in what we are now. It also proves that all abrahmitic religions are wrong. Thats why they're fighting it.

I don't really understand your question.
Seriously? I don't believe it. WTF....... :laughcry:

Just yesterday there was a report that they were cutting the funding for a programm because it involved evolution.
Just yesterday there was a report that they were cutting the funding for a programm because it involved evolution.

Its a shame what AKP is doing with our country, they say the are modernising the country while they are doing exact opposite.
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