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Save Pakistan Give solutions

Democracy works in many places, but in Iraq it failed as it empowers one sect on another, in Afghanistan the winner lost to a loser because of fraud in election.

A Fact: for Pakistan Democracy means 20 hours of no electricity. US has given more aid to Dictators then Democracy in Pakistan.
I think Pakistani Democracy has been let down by US too. If US will give power plants to this democratic government it will be a big help to promote Democracy.

It is more a question of personality, I think. Or missing personalities to be precise. Pakistan continues to reel under the effect of a short lived M A Jinnah and then Z A Bhutto. Time is again ripe for a visionary to arrive on the stage. But again the problem is a small middle class that probably is too busy ecking out a living to really care about a big picture guy like MLK.
The biggest problem of Pakistan is its civilians.
Because we care less about our country. We should rise together and help each other for the same cause.

People do not make a society. It is unity among people which makes a society.
Similarly, there are many countries in the world but to become a COUNTRY, one needs to prove herself.
It is more a question of personality, I think. Or missing personalities to be precise. Pakistan continues to reel under the effect of a short lived M A Jinnah and then Z A Bhutto. Time is again ripe for a visionary to arrive on the stage. But again the problem is a small middle class that probably is too busy ecking out a living to really care about a big picture guy like MLK.

Pakistan military dictator Ayub Khan got billions as Aid from US
democracy of Z A Bhutto got nothing.

General Zai got billions from US
democracy of Benazir and Nawaz got noting from US

Musharraf got Ten billion from US

current democratic government only promises from US.

I think democracy comes in Pakistan when there are liberals in power and Dictators when conservative are in Power in US. :lol:
Pakistan military dictator Ayub Khan got billions as Aid from US
democracy of Z A Bhutto got nothing.

General Zai got billions from US
democracy of Benazir and Nawaz got noting from US

Musharraf got Ten billion from US

current democratic government only promises from US.

Aid made us faqeer. (generals)
Pakistani style Democracy made us an official faqeer.

We are talking about solutions here and I don't know where did this aid thing come from.

Aid is not the solution but it is a problem.
One needs to stand by himself not by someones else's help.
We have lost our national pride in every sense.

Aids, military aids, power plants etc
We are an official bekhari now.

What have we achieved till now?
180 million people..thats it..

We should get together and do something practically.
A solution can be a radio channel started by some Non residents of Pak.

The radio channel could promote great views and ideas. Radio can really influence the people. People could be made to realize their problems and can be brought to the right path. Also political views could be shared with the awaam. Also people would call up the radio station and offer their solutions.

A few special guests a week and you're gonna change things rapidly.

And it ain't super expensive either. You can start a show on existing radio station if you wanna start small.
Sometimes, I become so frustrated about the situation in Pakistan that I say "Yaar mien Pakistani na hi hotay. Us ka baray mien soch ker tension kiun leta hoon. Jo hona ho gay wo ho jai ga."

Seriously, it is my love for the country that I get frustrated but sometimes I think that it would have been better if I was a Canadian.
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A solution can be a radio channel started by some Non residents of Pak.

The radio channel could promote great views and ideas. Radio can really influence the people. People could be made to realize their problems and can be brought to the right path. Also political views could be shared with the awaam. Also people would call up the radio station and offer their solutions.

A few special guests a week and you're gonna change things rapidly.

And it ain't super expensive either. You can start a show on existing radio station if you wanna start small.

Well, radio is a good suggestion. I was looking over it..

I think biggest solution to save Pakistan is change the mindset of a common man.
1)Pakistan has strong and capable army,leave defense to them.

2)From politician to common man everybody will have to come out of state of denial.... only then you will know the problem and one can action to rectify them.

3)Everybody has stop blaming others for every wrong things happen to Pakistan. Learn to take responsibility.If somebody is doing wrong to you that means your efforts are less to stop him.

4) Will have to reduce(eliminate) extremism from the society.Extremism is fetching talented youth towards it which leads to destructive activities.
1. Use 3 Billion dollars invest into developing

a) Anti Curruption department that gets bonus for catching
currupt politicians/policemen and who have 100% security

b) Stoppage of Military personnel being involved in civilian roles

c) Stoppage of kick back for Civilian Politicians and 100%
monitoring on their spending specially the ones in Senate
Freedom of information act on politician assets , by any reporter/ citizen

d) Creating a digital FIR report creation system where person
can report an FIR directly at the nearest police station or
nearest court. If police does not writes the FIR , the user
has the right to report the police station in his FIR reported at
court. The case will then be oversean by Anti curruption unit
to make police act.

Report Against Any Army/Airforce/Navy Official will result in
a military investigation and if solution is not found , will result
in civil court solution

2. Raise in salaries for Police & Army officers similar to western
standards.Usage of Cobra Gun ships & Creation of special
investigation unit for Armed Bank Robberies/People.

Advancement in IT and infrastructure of police for improved intelligence similar initiatives to 'NADRA'

3. Reduction on Oil importation , and ban on fuel based civilian
generators and programs to replace fueld generators with Solar

4- Creation of 100,000 Jobs in country in Solar Sector allowed
by completion of Hands on engineering/installation courses.
Licences issued by Local Ministeries 1 day process.

5- Prison term for violent protest 6 Month sentence.
Bus, Tire, vehicle destructions on road etc. 2 Month Sentence for
carrying of unlicenced gun.

6- Making Police Operate under orders from Courts intead of
minsters and politicians

English Mandatory for Police , Bachelor or College diploma in constitiution studies

Police training to be conducted with allied nations , USA - Canada - Australia-

7- Better Usage of Rain water , specially for rain falls in cities where
the water just goes down the drain , possibly it should be stored
and used to irrigate city vegetation instead of using river based
water for such acts

8- Prison term of 2 days for anyone using the statement
and fine upto 500 rupees givn with reciept

"You don't know I know this and that person when stopped by
traffic police officers"

Continuation of abuse of police officer = 3 days in police custody
and appearance in court for explaination of the statements

Usage of video /Sound reorders by police stoppages for evidence

9- National Campaign to go in city areas infested with electricity theft
and disconnection of electricity of houses where electricity theft
is reported. Digital photo is taken by police of electric wire, report
is written submitted action taken 1 day. Photo must show wire
going into residence.

20,000 rupees, must be paid in order to get back connection
after wait of 20-30 days disconnection of service.
Paid to Gov of Pakistan

Repeat offence = 40,000 Rupees paid to Gov of Pakistan disconnection 60 days

Repeat offence = 6 month prison term


** Elimination of cheating in local schools - breeding ground for anti social behavior in
schools, the culture of cheating starts in our schools

Usage of Video survailance in Nationally administered examination rooms for grade 9/10/11/12 exams

Strict protection of examination papers, and creation of exam questions based on modern systems focused learning not open 4000 page book

Offer of guarenteed Gov Jobs to top 5%-7% in the grade 11/12 students

Integration of 0 level courses into Pakistan's own public system learning should be equally provided to all citizens not just children of ellite , and availability of books and research items
Reduction of political influence on Gov Office jobs by the Merit system , only to be used after improved survailence of exams and best practices

National Initiative to Remove cars older then 2000 from streets of Pakistan with cars build nationally in Pakistan - this should move our local car Industry with fuel efficient cars

These cars should be melted and raw steal should be used by steeles milss to generate more revenue for Pakistan and pure profit

>Tarrifs on imported or Assembled cars 15% sales tax on cars imported in Pakistan
> 3% tax on buying Pakistani built car (not assembled only) , car has to hav 85% parts
made in Pakistan to be considered locally built car

>Program to replace Noisy Rickshaws , with quiter cars build in Pakistan
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we need Justus in every field
control on population growth
built more dams
and so forth you better know..pakistan.. than i......:pakistan:
The world should ban religion.
People would then be force people to think logically and get rid of excuses to commit evil.
The world should ban religion.
People would then be force people to think logically and get rid of excuses to commit evil.

:what: which religion preaches crime??? or to commit evil??? people twist & turn religion and exploit it and commit evil acts in the name of religion!

HUMANS have a tendency towards evil! :coffee:
1. Use 3 Billion dollars invest into developing

a) Anti Curruption department that gets bonus for catching
currupt politicians/policemen and who have 100% security

b) Stoppage of Military personnel being involved in civilian roles

c) Stoppage of kick back for Civilian Politicians and 100%
monitoring on their spending specially the ones in Senate
Freedom of information act on politician assets , by any reporter/ citizen

d) Creating a digital FIR report creation system where person
can report an FIR directly at the nearest police station or
nearest court. If police does not writes the FIR , the user
has the right to report the police station in his FIR reported at
court. The case will then be oversean by Anti curruption unit
to make police act.

Report Against Any Army/Airforce/Navy Official will result in
a military investigation and if solution is not found , will result
in civil court solution

2. Raise in salaries for Police & Army officers similar to western
standards.Usage of Cobra Gun ships & Creation of special
investigation unit for Armed Bank Robberies/People.

Advancement in IT and infrastructure of police for improved intelligence similar initiatives to 'NADRA'

3. Reduction on Oil importation , and ban on fuel based civilian
generators and programs to replace fueld generators with Solar

4- Creation of 100,000 Jobs in country in Solar Sector allowed
by completion of Hands on engineering/installation courses.
Licences issued by Local Ministeries 1 day process.

5- Prison term for violent protest 6 Month sentence.
Bus, Tire, vehicle destructions on road etc. 2 Month Sentence for
carrying of unlicenced gun.

6- Making Police Operate under orders from Courts intead of
minsters and politicians

English Mandatory for Police , Bachelor or College diploma in constitiution studies

Police training to be conducted with allied nations , USA - Canada - Australia-

7- Better Usage of Rain water , specially for rain falls in cities where
the water just goes down the drain , possibly it should be stored
and used to irrigate city vegetation instead of using river based
water for such acts

8- Prison term of 2 days for anyone using the statement
and fine upto 500 rupees givn with reciept

"You don't know I know this and that person when stopped by
traffic police officers"

Continuation of abuse of police officer = 3 days in police custody
and appearance in court for explaination of the statements

Usage of video /Sound reorders by police stoppages for evidence

9- National Campaign to go in city areas infested with electricity theft
and disconnection of electricity of houses where electricity theft
is reported. Digital photo is taken by police of electric wire, report
is written submitted action taken 1 day. Photo must show wire
going into residence.

20,000 rupees, must be paid in order to get back connection
after wait of 20-30 days disconnection of service.
Paid to Gov of Pakistan

Repeat offence = 40,000 Rupees paid to Gov of Pakistan disconnection 60 days

Repeat offence = 6 month prison term


** Elimination of cheating in local schools - breeding ground for anti social behavior in
schools, the culture of cheating starts in our schools

Usage of Video survailance in Nationally administered examination rooms for grade 9/10/11/12 exams

Strict protection of examination papers, and creation of exam questions based on modern systems focused learning not open 4000 page book

Offer of guarenteed Gov Jobs to top 5%-7% in the grade 11/12 students

Integration of 0 level courses into Pakistan's own public system learning should be equally provided to all citizens not just children of ellite , and availability of books and research items
Reduction of political influence on Gov Office jobs by the Merit system , only to be used after improved survailence of exams and best practices

National Initiative to Remove cars older then 2000 from streets of Pakistan with cars build nationally in Pakistan - this should move our local car Industry with fuel efficient cars

These cars should be melted and raw steal should be used by steeles milss to generate more revenue for Pakistan and pure profit

>Tarrifs on imported or Assembled cars 15% sales tax on cars imported in Pakistan
> 3% tax on buying Pakistani built car (not assembled only) , car has to hav 85% parts
made in Pakistan to be considered locally built car

>Program to replace Noisy Rickshaws , with quiter cars build in Pakistan

Well, the things you mentioned are good but who will do that?
Political parties like PML N, PML Q, PPP, MQM, JI, ANP etc have given us nothing. Now it is the right time to stand against those corrupt politicians and replace them with a good one.

Some people suggest that democratic process will eliminate all the dirt but in my opinion it is an announcement of our (people) failure.
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