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Saudi youth decry sectarian divide

@Mosamania Unless Sunnis kept Rising in Pakistan , their opponents will continue to blame KSA . Its all about counter you guys on international stage which is not going to effect any locals its because KSA or any Arab country which blamed for funding of particular sect or political movement is absolutely false allegations. Only Pakistanis themselves are contributing not in the name of sect but in the name human rights which are mostly ignored here on national level. As far as blaming KSA for everything is considered then that the best your Iranian friends and followers can do , they would continue this tradation.
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I believe that Mermi did a great job translating this clip, however, a few points are worth to mention.
Iran's Fadak TV is more or less like PressTV :lol:

Firstly, there is no such thing as Sunnah Lion " forums " at all. Secondly, lets suppose that the so-called Sunnah Lion exists members are expected to address polite and appropriate questions. Thirdly, the language - being used by both members of that forum and being read by Fadak's anchor - is a poor Arabic. In addition, the name of the cleric the anchor mentioned literally means the father of a butcher and blood :rofl: how do they expect people to believe them! That guy is a perpetual lair :omghaha:

So all and all, those people were lying.


As general please have a look at the following clip.
This clip is from a Shia cleric from Kuweit, see how he is misquoting and plain lying about other stuff.

Shiite anti-Sunni Rhetoric: Wahhabi Fatwa Allows Sodomy for Jihad Purposes - YouTube
@Yzd Khalifa will translate.
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It's good. Let these Arabs and Persians kill eachother.

We can take over from there.

It's between Pakistan and NATO.

If these retards want to duke it out because of historical rivalries, then we should just take advantage.
Nothing, Nil Nadda!

My question was pointed at @iranigirl2, not you. Butt out. I do not want a pro-Zionist false flagger using my post for his purposes.

It's good. Let these Arabs and Persians kill eachother.

We can take over from there.

It's between Pakistan and NATO.

If these retards want to duke it out because of historical rivalries, then we should just take advantage.

Do you EVER think before you post crap like this? I squadron or two of NATO can do a clean job on PAF. WTH are you talking about? Your posts about India are similarly antagonistic and hence equally stupid. Your nephew likely has more sense than you.
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Saudi Arabia is still back in the stone ages. Shia this, shia that, Saudi Arabians never stop thinking up conspiracy theories with their deluded minds

ephone, multiple accounts will get you banned. I don't know how stupid you think we are.
I believe that Mermi did a great job translating this clip, however, a few points are worth to mention.
Iran's Fadak TV is more or less like PressTV :lol:
you guys always think PressTV bullshit press is the worst
well it is very far to be true: there are much worst than them: the ones in hand of Khamenei are full of hatred, propaganda, insults, even sometimes you can read they wish death of politics personnalities (even in conservatives)

there is no use to care about Iranian press: there is no freedom of press and then it means it doesn't reflect anything about Iran
Saudi youth decry sectarian divide


THERE is no doubt that one of the negative manifestations of the ongoing political conflicts in the Arab world is the sharp increase in sectarian discourse amongst certain segments of the society. This disturbing phenomenon has a clear impact on the stability and harmony of the Saudi community.
The rise in this destructive trend has captured the attention of a number of Saudi writers, intellectuals and youth who believe in the unity of Saudi society. Apart from the recent events, they have stressed on the importance of shielding the public interest of the nation away from sectarian prejudice as well as regional and tribal discrimination.

It is imperative for all national spectrums to renounce and reject this kind of tension. The past few weeks have witnessed a flurry of online activity on popular social media platforms, initiated by responsible Saudi youth, denouncing all forms of sectarianism and stressing the unity of Muslims from all sects.

Raising awareness about the undermining effects of sectarian dialogue in terms of the security of the nation should be highlighted in the local media to reduce its negative impact. Intellectuals have agreed that in order to mitigate the sway of political strife in neighboring countries, we must work to strengthen and enhance our common sense of citizenship to protect ourselves from social discord.

Our common emphasis should focus on continuously working to strengthen the fabric of social unity instead of analyzing current events and inflaming sectarian tensions. Empowering the spirit of citizenship can be achieved through reinforcing our sense of unity and moving away from divisions of tribe and region.

It can be achieved through the expression of our opinions in a civilized manner and by imposing respect for ourselves by respecting others.

The attempts of some young Saudi people to fight sectarianism on social media tools is a serious attempt to alter the attitudes emerging stemming from the growing political disputes in the region. These conscientious attempts are also a healthy sign that society is trying to heal itself from a deadly malaise ailing countries in the region.

Saudi youth decry sectarian divide | Arab News

While Saudis decry sectarianism, Iranian mullahs try their hardest to fan the flame. The sectarianism that is ailing the Muslim world Iran will pay for dearly.

Saudi Arabia needs to be careful when it comes to other sects they should not put extra restrictions on them but should also not allow other countries to use them because in case of unrest in Saudi Arabia the sectarian situation in other countries could also get worse specially like in Pakistan Iraq and Bahrain and Lebanon

@Mosamania Unless Sunnis kept Rising in Pakistan , their opponents will continue to blame KSA . Its all about counter you guys on international stage which is not going to effect any locals its because KSA or any Arab country which blamed for funding of particular sect or political movement is absolutely false allegations. Only Pakistanis themselves are contributing not in the name of sect but in the name human rights which are mostly ignored here on national level. As far as blaming KSA for everything is considered then that the best your Iranian friends and followers can do , they would continue this tradation.
I agree Pakistanis give more than 70 Billion Rupees in Charity most of it goes to Religious organisations and Madrassas
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The so called divide is a creation of fat kings for extending their own political legitimacy.

A turd who calls islam .... as arab-pagan imperialism.. is worried abt secteranism.... how interesting...
The so called divide is a creation of fat kings for extending their own political legitimacy.

your just jealous because your fat but not a king . seriously sick of this shiite saudi bashing . you obviously have an issue of jealousy with the kingdom so unless you have a REAL SUBSTANIATED claim against saudi arabia . I sugges you stick to pudding
your just jealous because your fat but not a king . seriously sick of this shiite saudi bashing . you obviously have an issue of jealousy with the kingdom so unless you have a REAL SUBSTANIATED claim against saudi arabia . I sugges you stick to pudding

You better read history than passing baseless claims....Shia and Saudi rulers have always been at friction with each other however situation exploded out of control after Khomeni revolution in Iran and its indoctrination around the world.
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