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Saudi woman fights cops for painted nails

Bombay Dude

Sep 11, 2011
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A video of a brave Saudi woman confronting members of the country's religious police after they accused her of breaking strict modesty rules with her freshly painted nails, has gone viral on internet. The unidentified woman refuses their demands to she leave the mall where was in present and tells them that her nails are 'none of (their) business'.

After she filmed the incident on her cell phone and it was posted online, her row with members of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice has gone viral. It has ignited a debate in Saudi Arabia over the way that members of the commission should deal with people in public places, the Daily Mail here reported.

The video shows several men in traditional Saudi dress, who have apparently stopped the woman to chastise her for the immodesty of her freshly manicured nails. One of the men orders the woman to leave the mall, but she refuses and the pair become embroiled in a heated argument in the middle of the mall's concourse. 'The government didn't send you to follow me,' she yells at the men. 'The government said there would be no persecution[of women], she is heard saying. In two days, the video has got 106,512 views on YouTube.

Saudi woman fights cops for painted nails - The Times of India
It is the responsibility of the people to fight against such things for a change.I hope the women of the country fight together for thier rights and succeed.
Same news was posted with another source yesterday and nobody called it toilet news. Some people are outright racist.

I agree we should condemn this outragouse behaviour by Sauds. They abuse women I saw an article that they were trying to justify that allowing women to drive will lead to men becoming gay.
Exactly. Its very shameful what Sauds are doing to women. I mean you are talking to guys that think having 20 wives and 70 kids is the norm and acceptable.

These Sauds are disgusting

understand our society first then talk
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