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Saudi Arabia's Global Arms Shopping Spree


Nov 4, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United States

A Leopard 2 A6 tank is in operation during the German army exercise in Bergen, Germany, on Oct. 2. Germany said it would sell 270 of the tanks to Saudi Arabia last year. According to official figures, the Saudis were the top buyers of arms from Germany.

Saudi Arabia has emerged as the biggest foreign customer for German arms, buying nearly a quarter of Germany's total weapons sales.

It's part of an emerging pattern of weapons purchases by Saudi Arabia and its neighbor, the United Arab Emirates.

Saudi Arabia was the world's 10th-largest weapons importer in 2008-2012 (the Emirates was No. 9). And Saudi Arabia is expected to be among the top five for 2013-17 "due to major outstanding orders, such as for 48 Typhoon combat aircraft from the UK and 152 F-15SA combat aircraft from the USA."

That's according to Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, which tracks such sales.

Last month, the U.S. Defense Department said it would sell the Saudis and the Emiratis $10.8 billion in advanced weaponry, including Boeing's Expanded-Response Standoff Land Attack Missile and Raytheon Joint Standoff Weapon.

The announcement "sends a message of support from the Obama administration to two close allies in the Middle East," Bloomberg reported. The Pentagon's notice came as the U.S. and its allies were engaged in talks over Iran's nuclear program. Here's more from Bloomberg:

"The Saudi regime has pressed the U.S. to maintain tough economic sanctions on Iran, both to discourage it from developing a nuclear arsenal and to limit Iran's capacity to help its embattled ally, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, according to two U.S. officials who spoke on condition of anonymity about diplomatic relations."

Those stories prompted us to examine the world's top arms buyers — and their biggest suppliers. SIPRI maintains the data, but its figures are a percentage of total sales — not the dollar amount. This is because not every country provides details of its weapons sales.

Also, SIPRI's figures cover a five-year period. The accompanying graphs show the data for the period 2008-2012.

SIPRI estimates that the total value of arms sales in 2011 was at least $43 billion. But that number is a low estimate, as the U.S. Congressional Research Service says that in 2011, "the value of all arms deliveries to developing nations was $28 billion." That's just for developing nations. And that's sales from the U.S. alone.

The U.S. dominated sales, followed by Russia. Germany, France and China accounted for much of the rest of the sales.

The top five arms buyers were all Asian nations: India, China, Pakistan, South Korea and Singapore. Together, they accounted for nearly a third of all arms purchases during the period. But taken together, the Asia-Pacific, including the Middle East, accounted for half of all global arms purchases.

Russia was the top seller to India and China. While China sold Pakistan half the arms Islamabad procured in that time. The U.S. dominated sales to South Korea and Singapore.

Saudi Arabia's Global Arms Shopping Spree : Parallels : NPR


KSA=15 millions, Iran heroes=75 millions

KSA want to die by provoking all the time without the sufficient capabilities
KSA=15 millions, Iran heroes=75 millions

KSA want to die by provoking all the time without the sufficient capabilities

What are those 15 million vs 75 million for?

The house of Saud want peace by showing off these toys.

And peace shall there be between Muslims. InshAllah!
What peace? You cowardly send Al Qaeda in Iraq, Libya, Syria for years

Even Saddam , USA, Europa, KSA, Kuwait all together hadn't defeated Iran. You think alone you can make it?:-)
What peace? You cowardly send Al Qaeda in Iraq, Libya, Syria for years

Even Saddam , USA, Europa, KSA, Kuwait all together hadn't defeated Iran. You think alone you can make it?:-)

Defeat was never the purpose. Essentially the Ayatollahs and their purge sent Iran back years that even the Iraqis with their chemical weapons and Saudis cannot do. The Shah was a monster.. but not much better came after it in terms of progress.

The Saudis arent looking to invade Iran, they are looking to work with their Arab GCC Alliance to be able to beat back the Iranian(Persian) threat to them in the persian gulf and ensure that Iran stays a minor hindrance in the Area. Moreover, the Arabs need a uniting call.. previously it was Israel.. but as such the support of the US makes it an enemy they cannot handle.. and the ancient rivalry with Persia makes much more sense to them.
Defeat was never the purpose. Essentially the Ayatollahs and their purge sent Iran back years that even the Iraqis with their chemical weapons and Saudis cannot do. The Shah was a monster.. but not much better came after it in terms of progress.

The Saudis arent looking to invade Iran, they are looking to work with their Arab GCC Alliance to be able to beat back the Iranian(Persian) threat to them in the persian gulf and ensure that Iran stays a minor hindrance in the Area. Moreover, the Arabs need a uniting call.. previously it was Israel.. but as such the support of the US makes it an enemy they cannot handle.. and the ancient rivalry with Persia makes much more sense to them.
They just send Al Qaeda in Iraq, Libya & Syria
They just send Al Qaeda in Iraq, Libya & Syria

That they may regardless. But Iran does Hezabollah.. so to each their own non-state entities for projecting interests.
KSA has a population of close to 35 million of which there are doubts since the population data is vague. And there are many illegals too. KSA has one of the fastest growing populations. The country is already 1.5 times bigger than Iran and has all the resources necessary and a very strategic location. We don't need 1 billion people.

Anyway having a huge population is not any good. There are nearly 500 million Arabs worldwide and quickly growing (more than enough), excluding all the people with Arab ancestry across the world from North America, Central and Souther-America (30-40 million there or so), Sub-Saharan Africa, Europe etc.

The GCC is political and economic union and one body when it would come to an aggression on one of its member countries. If for example Oman gets attacked then the remaining GCC states (the union will probably further expand in the future) will have a obligation of defending Oman.

Anyway @iranigirl2 are you envious or what? Don't worry you can never attack us as this never happened. But it happened the other way around if you remember. I am sure most of the 2 billion Muslims remember and all Iranians. Just leave us alone and stop meddling in Arab and Sunni Muslim affairs where you do not belong and are unwanted under your current Mullah regime. The future might be different since I hear that Arabs and Iranians apparently can cooperate together in the US and even in some places in the UAE. But those are obviously not "Mullah Iranians" hence they escaped to the UAE or USA in the first place.

Not sure what you want to achieve by making all those KSA threads other than showcasing your obsession about KSA, Arabs and Muslims. Very funny indeed.
Damn, this Leopard is sexy, can't wait to see it put holes in your Mullah's rusty soviet tanks, Lol.


Anyways, since this is somewhat of a trolling thread (look at the author of the thread) then I might post one of the most funny videos on the internet of recent times.



Credit goes to @500.

Jewish humor. :lol:
That they may regardless. But Iran does Hezabollah.. so to each their own non-state entities for projecting interests.
You invade Syria like you invaded Algeria, Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Lebanon

Iran invade nobody, they defend as you started it and Assad is their ally

So they're not making destabilization as they can't destabilize their ally. It's you salafists anti-sunnis who do it.

You can invade everybody except Israel
Defeat was never the purpose. Essentially the Ayatollahs and their purge sent Iran back years that even the Iraqis with their chemical weapons and Saudis cannot do. The Shah was a monster.. but not much better came after it in terms of progress.

The Saudis arent looking to invade Iran, they are looking to work with their Arab GCC Alliance to be able to beat back the Iranian(Persian) threat to them in the persian gulf and ensure that Iran stays a minor hindrance in the Area. Moreover, the Arabs need a uniting call.. previously it was Israel.. but as such the support of the US makes it an enemy they cannot handle.. and the ancient rivalry with Persia makes much more sense to them.
I don't think it's a rivalry with Persia that motivates them, as they eliminate practically everybody under the embargo put in relation with Israel

In Libya we can't say it's the war against Iran

I don't see why the arabs must fight for the KSA interests against Iran, and not against the israelis, the turks or the kurds

All i see is that KSA fight against the people that is a threat for the zionists as Iran is under directly the israelis embargo, and that is not not constestable
SO Zionist Saud is going to use these weapons to kill innocent Muslim like they did in Syria,Iraq,Libya and yemen .What you expect from Slave nation who is in race to please his master Iblees :chilli:.

Allah is best of planner do what ever you can do to save your Sh$$y A$$ you will not find any helper inshallah allah will destroy you and nobody will remember your :o: Slave dynasty .
Curse of allah and his beloved prophet on you Slave Saud.
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