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Saudi Arabia deploys 95,000 security forces to maintain order in hajj

Arabian Legend

Mar 7, 2012
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia has deployed 95,000 security forces to maintain order during this year’s Muslim hajj pilgrimage, Interior Minister Prince Mohammad bin Nayef said on Wednesday.


The minister called on pilgrims, who come from all over the world, to leave their political and sectarian differences aside during the annual religious and spiritual journey.
“Hajj is not an area of political conflicts and sectarian differences,” Prince bin Nayef said.

“Saudi Arabia has witnessed in the past a fierce terrorist campaign which did not exclude the holy land but we were able to confront it and reduce the risks to spare the country and the people any harm,” he said

He said the hajj security measures will make use of modern technologies and equipment supplied by the Ministry of Defense, the National Guard, and the General Intelligence.
Electronic gates at the entrance of Makkah have been installed to control the flow of pilgrims and make sure that only those with hajj permits are allowed access, the minister said.
He noted that the number of pilgrims this year has been reduced due to development plans intended to expand the holy mosque.

“We are confident that both residents and citizens are aware of the exceptional circumstances in this year’s pilgrimage and will abide by the regulations to obtain permits for anyone who wants to perform hajj,” Prince bin Abdulaziz said.

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What's use of this particular drill in safeguarding Haj Pilgrims ?? Rest are Okay.

Its not a hajj drill dude. These pictures are from military display in Riyadh i guess. Haj security is largely about border control, crowd control and some intelligence craft to prevent idiots from exploiting the event.
Its not a hajj drill dude. These pictures are from military display in Riyadh i guess. Haj security is largely about border control, crowd control and some intelligence craft to prevent idiots from exploiting the event.

Those pictures were taken yesterday from Makkah during Hajj forces parade. check the first video I posted in my OP.
Badass as always. Thanks for all the pictures bro. Let us hope that no pilgrims from a certain country will make a mockery out of the blessed Hajj again or others. I like the no-tolerance stance in regard to that. Saudi Arabian or non-Saudi Arabian. The hajj is by no means the forum for that. It is to serve all Muslims and to concentrate on the Islamic rituals. Not political manifestations, demonstrations, unrest etc.

Badass as always. Thanks for all the pictures bro. Let us hope that no pilgrims from a certain country will make a mockery out of the blessed Hajj again or others. I like the no-tolerance stance in regard to that. Saudi Arabian or non-Saudi Arabian. The hajj is by no means the forum for that. It is to serve all Muslims and to concentrate on the Islamic rituals. Not political manifestations, demonstrations, unrest etc.


Yes Sir, Saudi Arabia will not allow any activities of any kind and will deal with in firmness.:butcher:
Its not a hajj drill dude. These pictures are from military display in Riyadh i guess. Haj security is largely about border control, crowd control and some intelligence craft to prevent idiots from exploiting the event.

The MoI deploys two Sayqqiah units just in case of another " knifing march " by I-a- :lol:
Yes Sir, Saudi Arabia will not allow any activities of any kind and will deal with in firmness.:butcher:

إن شاء الله‎

It is occasions like hajj that I miss being away from home.

I have the utmost trust to the security. Anyone who tries know that they will encounter those guys in this thread and others!

The MoI deploys two Sayqqiah units just in case of another " knifing march " by I-a- :lol:


Just silence them and get over with it if they attempt something.
this news should be fixed this way:
Saudi Arabia Hires Israeli-Friendly Company "GS4" for Hajj Security
G4S is one of the world's leading security companies. It was previously revealed that it's Israeli subsidiary supplies the Israeli occupation with security systems used in detention centres where the treatment of prisoners includes torture. In some cases this treatment has caused the deaths of prisoners inside Israeli jails.

In a report by "Who Profits", the company has supplied equipment to the Kishon and Jerusalem Interogation and Detention Centers where there has been evidence of tourture and abuse of Palestinian prisoners. The report says (pg. 14):

"According to the company publications, company systems were installed in the Kishon Detention Facility during 2007. Reports by human rights organizations show that while there is ample evidence of torture incidents from the time before the systems were installed, there is a considerable amount of evidence of such incidents which have happened since."

Earlier this year, young Palestinian father Arafat Jaradat died after Israeli interrogation, in another G4S-equipped prison. This is included in the same report by "Who Profits", cited by Electronic Intifada.

On the 4th of July 2013, an Early day motion was tabled in the UK Parliament condemning G4S's conduct in Israel/Palestine:

That this House condemns G4S for providing services to Israeli prisons to which Palestinian prisoners are illegally transferred in serious violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention and also, in the case of child prisoners, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child; further condemns G4S for being associated with treatment of Palestinian prisoners, including children, who are routinely subjected to violence and inhumane treatment at G4S-serviced prisons in Israel and Palestine; and urges the Government not to renew any contracts with G4S while it continues to support Israel in its breach of human rights, UN resolutions, international law and the Geneva Convention.
nothing more expected from a British company, and nothing more expected from British poppets in Hijaz.
Nobody asked you majoos. This does not concern you. Your kind have your temples in Qom and Mashhad.

We will deal with your kind again if you cause any problems like back in 1987 when 300 of your terrorists were eliminated.
lol, so scary, now go blow up yourself.
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