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Saudi Arabia awards $22.5 bln contracts to build Riyadh metro

It's happening.:yahoo:





You are answering a banned user mate.

It is easy for you to say, but other nations are frustrated for legitimate reasons. There is no funding for terrorism in Saudi Arabia, but there is funding on terrorism, exploiting poverty to destabilize those nations, is effected on large-scale.

The money you have, you should be able to help other nations as well as develop your nation, and when i say develop, i mean as a sense of progression - not funding on terrorism.

Anyways, this thread is about the welfare of Saudi Arabia - modernizing the best Metro the world will ever witness. Indeed, people in Saudi Arabia will be lucky to be part of that era, Alhamdu Lillah!
$22.5bn Riyadh metro work gathers pace


CAPITAL GAINS: Riyadh Gov. Prince Khaled bin Bandar and Deputy Gov. Prince Turki bin Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz with senior Saudi and foreign executives during the launch of the Riyadh Metro project. (SPA)

Published — Friday 4 April 2014

Last update 4 April 2014 2:17 am

Work on the $22.5 billion Riyadh Metro project began here Thursday and Riyadh Gov. Prince Khaled bin Bandar, who launched the groundbreaking work, said the project, to be completed in 48 months, would improve the quality of life in the capital city.
A high-level committee has been set up to solve all problems facing its implementation, including traffic problems, he said.
“Of course there will be traffic delays while implementing this huge project and I request people of Riyadh to bear with us. We’ll do everything possible to facilitate traffic,” he told reporters after launching the project.
Digging work started in five places on Thursday including for the metro station at King Khaled International Airport, Al-Olaya Station, its control center and railway maintenance station.
Al-Olaya Station, covering an area of 28,000 square meters, will have shopping centers, service facilities and car parking areas, an official said. It is designed to serve 400,000 passengers daily.
The airport station will be located at the fifth terminal, which is being constructed, the official said.
There will be three stations linking the airport with King Abdullah Financial Center.
The control and operation center will be located near the maintenance station, west of Princess Nora University.
The Riyadh governor later chaired a meeting of experts to follow up implementation of the project and discussed matters related to design, traffic and coordination with various departments.
Arriyadh Development Authority (ADA) announced the winning bidders on July 28 for three design and build contracts worth $ 22.5 billion for the construction of a 176.7km six-line automated metro network in the capital city.
The Fast consortium, which is led by Spanish construction group FCC, will build three lines totaling 73km in a deal worth $7.82 billion.
FCC’s partners in Fast include Alstom; Samsung C&T; Strukton, Netherlands; Freyssinet, Saudi Arabia; Typsa, Spain; and Setec, France. Alstom’s share of the contract is worth around $1.6 billion and includes a fleet of 69 metropolis trains, together with Communications Based Train Control (CBTC), Hesop energy recovery system, and its Appitrack tracklaying system.
The Arriyadh New Mobility Group (ANM) will construct the 40.7km Red Line from Madinah Road to Prince Saad bin Abdul Rahman Road in a contract worth $5.21 billion.
Ansaldo STS’ share is worth $680 million and covers automatic train control (ATC), CBTC and power supplies.
Finally, the Bechtel-led BACS consortium will build the 39km Blue Line from Olaya Street to Batha Street and Al-Hayer Road, and the 25km Green Line along King Abdullah Road.
The contract has a total value of $9.45 billion.
According to FCC, the construction of the network will require 600,000 tons of steel, 4.3 million cubic meters of concrete, and will employ more than 30,000 people.

$22.5bn Riyadh metro work gathers pace | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.

So it has begun! $22.5 billion still sounds to me like a huge number.​
Saudi-French alliance wins $2 bln bus deal for Riyadh metro

An artist's rendition of an interior of a Riyadh metro station. (Photo courtesy of al-Shorfa.com)
Reuters, Dubai
Thursday, 1 May 2014

Saudi Public Transport Co (Saptco) said on Thursday that its alliance with France's RATP Dev has jointly secured a 7.855 billion Saudi riyal ($2.09 billion) contract to operate and maintain buses in the kingdom's capital Riyadh.

The 10-year deal will be linked to the city's railway project - known as the King Abdulaziz Project for Public Transport - and will handle the procurement, operation and maintenance of the buses, Saptco said in a statement.

Saptco had previously said that it has teamed up with France's Regie Autonome des Transports Parisiens (RATP) to bid for public transport projects in Saudi.

The Saudi government had awarded $22.5 billion in contracts to three foreign-led consortia in July last year for the design and construction of the first metro rail system in Riyadh.

Last Update: Thursday, 1 May 2014 KSA 18:32 - GMT 15:32

Congratulations to Arabian people for this project, they are excited, and they should be it's their country. Question comes to mind wtf paudies are going nuts about.

Just couple of days ago they announced that Saudi men aren't allowed to marry pakistani women and here we have pauidies ( NO self-respect) going nuts for metro in Riyadh. How many billions Pakistan's economy has lost fighting the terrorist sponsored by Saudies. Have a wee bit of self-respect.
Congratulations to Arabian people for this project, they are excited, and they should be it's their country. Question comes to mind wtf paudies are going nuts about.

Just couple of days ago they announced that Saudi men aren't allowed to marry pakistani women and here we have pauidies ( NO self-respect) going nuts for metro in Riyadh. How many billions Pakistan's economy has lost fighting the terrorist sponsored by Saudies. Have a wee bit of self-respect.

Important to note however:

Cheetah786's idea of self respect for Pakistanis means : 1- Absolute Anti-Saudism in every way shape or form, there must be hate and active animosity against Saudis at all times to achieve on half of Pakistani Self Respect.
2- Absolute and unconditional support for Iran and its Imams, they clearly want the best for the whole world and are actively seeking to better everything around them where the land turns into flower gardens by their presence. That is how the second part of Pakistani self-respect is achieved.

And I have a name for you as well, (Painian) more Iranian than Iranians themselves. Everyone is free to support whomever side they deem best based on their own beliefs and understandings, but no one has the right to insult other people for it, doesn't feel good does it?
You are answering a banned user mate.
why ur banned??

Important to note however:
Cheetah786's idea of self respect for Pakistanis means : 1- Absolute Anti-Saudism in every way shape or form, there must be hate and active animosity against Saudis at all times to achieve on half of Pakistani Self Respect.
2- Absolute and unconditional support for Iran and its Imams, they clearly want the best for the whole world and are actively seeking to better everything around them where the land turns into flower gardens by their presence. That is how the second part of Pakistani self-respect is achieved.
And I have a name for you as well, (Painian) more Iranian than Iranians themselves. Everyone is free to support whomever side they deem best based on their own beliefs and understandings, but no one has the right to insult other people for it, doesn't feel good does it?
Dont mind, things are not that Worst u mentioned Above
1. There is no such thing as "Anti Saudism" ....its funny for me a new word for me.....
2. We're not colony of Iran why you inflicted that allegation onto us, Recently We signed TAPI gas contract instead of proceeding Iran gas pipeline.....why u think in that way??
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Looks like a bold project, best of luck to the team.
Important to note however:

Cheetah786's idea of self respect for Pakistanis means : 1- Absolute Anti-Saudism in every way shape or form, there must be hate and active animosity against Saudis at all times to achieve on half of Pakistani Self Respect.
2- Absolute and unconditional support for Iran and its Imams, they clearly want the best for the whole world and are actively seeking to better everything around them where the land turns into flower gardens by their presence. That is how the second part of Pakistani self-respect is achieved.

And I have a name for you as well, (Painian) more Iranian than Iranians themselves. Everyone is free to support whomever side they deem best based on their own beliefs and understandings, but no one has the right to insult other people for it, doesn't feel good does it?
You can't just not bringing up Iran in your internal matters ?

why ur banned??

Dont mind, things are not that Worst u mentioned Above
1. There is no such thing as "Anti Saudism" ....its funny for me a new word for me.....
2. We're not colony of Iran why you inflicted that allegation onto us, Recently We signed TAPI gas contract instead of proceeding Iran gas pipeline.....why u think in that way??
Because you want the pipeline get blown to pieces on daily bases by Taliban.
Important to note however:

Cheetah786's idea of self respect for Pakistanis means : 1- Absolute Anti-Saudism in every way shape or form, there must be hate and active animosity against Saudis at all times to achieve on half of Pakistani Self Respect.
2- Absolute and unconditional support for Iran and its Imams, they clearly want the best for the whole world and are actively seeking to better everything around them where the land turns into flower gardens by their presence. That is how the second part of Pakistani self-respect is achieved.

And I have a name for you as well, (Painian) more Iranian than Iranians themselves. Everyone is free to support whomever side they deem best based on their own beliefs and understandings, but no one has the right to insult other people for it, doesn't feel good does it?

Over 40000 dead and counting billions of dollar worth of loss to our economy out right interference in our country. No Pakistani alive can deny your contribution to that. And to top all that(Saudis told not to marry women from Pakistan, 3 other states). you think any self respecting Pakistani should cheer you on for what.
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