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Jul 19, 2013
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Pakistan have a very strong spirtual link with saudi arabia .I came across a column when i was reading editorial of News paper on net that columnst says " European parliment report shows Saudi arabia and some other Arab countries financing militants around the world.It is not first exposition before this in 2006 International Narcotics Control Strategy Report - Money Laundering and Financial Crimes, reported that “Saudi donors and unregulated charities have been a major source of financing to extremist and terrorist groups over the past 25 years.
The European parliment report estimates that alone Saudi Arabia spent over $10 billion to promote Wahabism through Saudi charitable foundations. The tiny, but very rich, state of Qatar is the new entrant to the game supporting militant franchises from Libya to Syria".
I don't think that Saudi Arabia can do these kind of things in Pakistan. let suppose Saudia is doing then why? what objectives Saudia wants to get?
Report shows that during Earthquake in 2005 and floods in 2011 and 2012 Saudia and other Arab countries gave million of dollars in aid from that unknown amount was used to fund militants organizations. Waht you people say ? In my opinion These're a conspiracy theories and objective of report is to create communal Disturbance in Muslim world.
Saudis and GCC colonies have been funding extremist madrassas in Pakistan for decades.

Their objective is to have a buffer against Iran.

See like in the past all they care about is themselves, during their empire they used us an outpost and now they are trying to use us as a buffer between them and Iran.

Iran responded back and funded militancy of their own.

The root of all the problems extend to the arab and iranian regimes. They are fighting their proxy wars through Pakistan.

In the end their countries are safe but Pakistan is engulfed in violence.

These madrassas have brainwashed our children to adopt Wahabi and Salafi practices, it is a violent form of political Islam. They have destroyed the eco system of our society for their own gains.

The fix is the APC where a security policy will be formed, all funding should be stopped, Madrassas audited. Wahabi and Salafist sympathizers are picked up and sent to rehabilitation camps where they are taught the truth.

That is how you defeat this violent arab version of Islam.
Do you have some reference to prove your point of view ... Because this looks like galley packet rather than reality .......
Saudis and GCC colonies have been funding extremist madrassas in Pakistan for decades.

Their objective is to have a buffer against Iran.

See like in the past all they care about is themselves, during their empire they used us an outpost and now they are trying to use us as a buffer between them and Iran.

Iran responded back and funded militancy of their own.

The root of all the problems extend to the arab and iranian regimes. They are fighting their proxy wars through Pakistan.

In the end their countries are safe but Pakistan is engulfed in violence.

These madrassas have brainwashed our children to adopt Wahabi and Salafi practices, it is a violent form of political Islam. They have destroyed the eco system of our society for their own gains.

The fix is the APC where a security policy will be formed, all funding should be stopped, Madrassas audited. Wahabi and Salafist sympathizers are picked up and sent to rehabilitation camps where they are taught the truth.

That is how you defeat this violent arab version of Islam.

And now they are playing same game in syria where one is supporting sunnis and other one to shias i think israel and russia also a member of this game as a result Muslim ummah destroy.
If any body know the history this is the same condition that was in spain when muslim reigned.There were three muslims powers caliphate FATMIA , caliphate ABBASIA and taifa kings they fought one another taifa kings was taking help from chirstians who was defeated by muslims(TARIQ BIN ZAYAD AND MUSA BIN NUSYAR) at last all christian powers decided to attack on muslims BUT ALLAH SWT send Two great muslim commonders ALAF ARSALAN and YOUSAF ibn tashfin for the help of muslims. they fought against christians and gathered the MUSLIMS under the one caliphate then no body couldn't conspire against muslim world now we truly want the GHAZIS like ALAF ARSALAN AND YOUSAF IBN TASHFIN because muslim ummah has no unity they are killing each other.
have you ever been to Saudi Arabia? many mosques collect donations for these extremist groups everywhere, I have lived there for 10 years

I think we pakistanis are so naive in trusting people and believing they are brothers. politics is a very dirty game, there is no brothership or muslim ummah in politics. Stop being naive, because people will always take advantage of you, all countries have taken advantage of pakistan
We hear from many Pakistanis that that Arabia and her Gulf Aliies fund Madaress and Militancy as a hedge against Iran - but this is utter BS, such evasions are designed to divert attention from the real reason Arabia and her Gulf Allies fund Madaress and Militancy in Pakistan .

So, why do Arabia and her Gulf Allies fund Madaress and Militancy in Pakistan?

Arabia and her Gulf Allies fund Madaress and Militancy in Pakistan, because they perceive the very idea of Pakistan as a threat and are determined that for their cult (wahabism) to be become ascendant, it is vitally important to destroy Pakistan.

Why, what is so important about the idea of Pakistan?

All of all Muslim majority states, it is in the conception of Pakistan, that a multi-ethnic, multi religious, multi-culktural muslim majority state that has both the population (talented public) and military power, to have been able to craft a polity that negotiates modernity with ease -- Such a development will cast Arabia and her Gulf allies into the light of day and the contrast would not be more damning - their cult would be left with zero appeal and credibility.

The destruction of Pakistan is therefore the top most priority for Arabia and her gulf allies
We hear from many Pakistanis that that Arabia and her Gulf Aliies fund Madaress and Militancy as a hedge against Iran - but this is utter BS, such evasions are designed to divert attention from the real reason Arabia and her Gulf Allies fund Madaress and Militancy in Pakistan .

So, why do Arabia and her Gulf Allies fund Madaress and Militancy in Pakistan?

Arabia and her Gulf Allies fund Madaress and Militancy in Pakistan, because they perceive the very idea of Pakistan as a threat and are determined that for their cult (wahabism) to be become ascendant, it is vitally important to destroy Pakistan.

Why, what is so important about the idea of Pakistan?

All of all Muslim majority states, it is in the conception of Pakistan, that a multi-ethnic, multi religious, multi-culktural muslim majority state that has both the population (talented public) and military power, to have been able to craft a polity that negotiates modernity with ease -- Such a development will cast Arabia and her Gulf allies into the light of day and the contrast would not be more damning - their cult would be left with zero appeal and credibility.

The destruction of Pakistan is therefore the top most priority for Arabia and her gulf allies

And I guess they have largely succeeded.

You lost the battle the day you accepted their spiritual supremacy. A highly cultured, highly intelligent , south Asian nation playing second fiddle to a barbaric beduin country - what could be more tragic?
I'm agree with you we pakistani peoples are naive so every country use us for achieving their objectives if we take example #1 America used us against russia for that time america backed taliban up now when america has achieved the goal those Mujahidins are consider terorists (EXTREMITS). many other countries uses us but our politicans just think about MONEY they don't think about DIGNITY of pakistan that's why other nations take advantage.
When our politicans will add in patriotism in life,when their prioirity will be dignity of pakistan not MONEY then these power will not able to use us .
have you ever been to Saudi Arabia? many mosques collect donations for these extremist groups everywhere, I have lived there for 10 years

I think we pakistanis are so naive in trusting people and believing they are brothers. politics is a very dirty game, there is no brothership or muslim ummah in politics. Stop being naive, because people will always take advantage of you, all countries have taken advantage of pakistan
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