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Saud al-Faisal lied about Iranians executed in Saudi Arabia: official


Dec 8, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Saud al-Faisal lied about Iranians executed in Saudi Arabia: official


TEHRAN, June 20 (MNA) – A top Iranian diplomat announced on Wednesday that Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal had lied to his Iranian counterpart Ali Akbar Salehi about Iranian prisoners who were executed in the country.

Recently it was announced that Saudi Arabia had executed 18 Iranian prisoners for alleged drug trafficking after five years in captivity.

“Saud al-Faisal lied to Dr. Salehi (since) it became known later that the same day that he had promised the Iranian foreign minister that the execution of these people would be postponed, a group of them were executed,” Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hossein Amir-Abdollahian told reporters in Qom.

He said it has been unprecedented over the last four decades that an Iranian national be executed in a Persian Gulf Arab country.

The Foreign Ministry official said the Iranians were executed in groups of 8 and 10 in Saudi Arabia.

The deputy foreign minister called the execution of nationals a politically motivated move and said one group of the prisoners were executed on April 14 that Iran and the 5+1 group (the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany) met for nuclear talks in Istanbul and the other group on May 23 that Iran the major powers met in Baghdad.

On April 22 Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Parliamentary and Consular Affairs Hassan Qashqavi announced that Saudi Arabia has put on hold the execution of eight Iranian nationals in the city of Dammam.

Amir-Abdollahian also said the allegation against these people for drug trafficking has not been proven to Iran.

Iran executed three Arab brothers in Ahwaz:

Iran executes three detained brothers from Ahwaz region

Iran executed on Monday three brothers from the Ahwazi Arab community who were detained in April 2011 and were later sentenced to death for allegedly killing a law enforcement official, a charge dismissed by international rights groups as false.

The Brothers –Abdul Rahman Heidari, Taha Heidari and Jamshid Heidari – were reportedly detained together with their cousin Mansour Heidari and Amir Muawi during the unrest in the Khuzestan province.

Ahmad Haidaran, a relative of the three brothers who currently lives in Turkey as a refugee, told Al Arabiya that his family from Ahwaz informed him of the executions.

Haidaran said he also confirmed the report in a phone call with the family of the victims and that he heard crying and sobbing in the background.

Amnesty International had urged the Iranian authorities last Monday to overturn the death sentences against the five detainees.

The right group released the statement after the prisoners were moved to an unknown location over the weekend, indicating that they are facing imminent execution.

“The men were transferred out of the general section of Karoun Prison in the south-western city of Ahvaz on Saturday, prompting concerns their death sentences may be about to be carried out,” Amnesty reported.

Death row prisoners in Iran are generally transferred to solitary confinement shortly before their executions.

Ahwazi Arabs, one of the country’s many minorities – who are mostly Shiite Muslims like the majority in Iran – live mainly in the oil-rich south-western province of Khuzestan and often complain of being “marginalized and discriminated against in access to education, employment, adequate housing, political participation and cultural rights.”

In 2005, Khuzestan was the scene of mass demonstrations to protest Iran’s government policies.

In a similar case in early May 2011, the Iranian authorities reportedly executed at least eight Ahwazi Arabs - including Hashem Hamidi, believed to be 16 years old – “for their alleged role in the deaths of a law enforcement official and two others during clashes”.


The Iranian regime is the most barbaric regime in the whole region. They should talk not so big when it comes on human rights.
^^ LMAO now you are siding with Irans sworn enemies (the pan arabs) ?? whats next for you ? becoming an mossad agent ?
irans internal affairs is of no ones business, unlike the saudi barbars who executed IRANIAN nationals. shashidam to dahanet vatanforoush
^^ LMAO now you are siding with Irans sworn enemies (the pan arabs) ?? whats next for you ? becoming an mossad agent ?
irans internal affairs is of no ones business, unlike the saudi barbars who executed IRANIAN nationals. shashidam to dahanet vatanforoush

But just cos someone has an Iranian flag here and says he is Iranian does not mean he is. Do you remember saying to us "why you giving so much importance to Mossa he is probably a toilet cleaner in London" :rofl: which I often rib Mossa about

Even a Zionist can put on an Iranian flag here on the forum
But just cos someone has an Iranian flag here and says he is Iranian does not mean he is. Do you remember saying to us "why you giving so much importance to Mossa he is probably a toilet cleaner in London" :rofl: which I often rib Mossa about

Even a Zionist can put on an Iranian flag here on the forum
You know what, you are right. I am pretty sure that this guy isnt even a Iranian but some lowlife hasbara troll.
About Mosamania, lol he is hard at work now ;)
You know what, you are right. I am pretty sure that this guy isnt even a Iranian but some lowlife hasbara troll.
About Mosamania, lol he is hard at work now ;)

Mossa is starting to become human yaar he was saying the other day with a bit of encouragement from us that the prosecution of a child in Bahrain was wrong. So maybe we are slowly convincing him their is some hope lol

I will check Mossa next time I go to London
Maybe I'm a Zionist, you'll never know. Btw, I will never put the IRI flag in my profile.
The deputy foreign minister called the execution of nationals a politically motivated move and said one group of the prisoners were executed on April 14 that Iran and the 5+1 group (the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany) met for nuclear talks in Istanbul and the other group on May 23 that Iran the major powers met in Baghdad.

As a bare fact this part shows their hatred feeling towards Iran , :flame: :flame:
surenas from what the netherlands did in their "colonies" ...it is the most inhuman and barbaric country ..remember indonesia?.....at least the mullahs dont call ppl sub human and enslave them......
Unlike you, the Mullahs and their soldiers are inside the country, risking their lives for the benefit of Iranian people (example, nuclear energy) they are the ones at risk of death and not you who lives in Amsterdam red light district

The Mullahs don't give a damn about Iran. They only give a damn about Islam and their Shia empire. Did you forget how Khomeini responded when a reporter asked him how he'd feel about returning back to Iran when was on that Air France plane? Did you forget how Khalkhali wanted to destroy Persepolis and other pre-Islamic sites? Don't come here and say how pseudo-nationalistic those marmoolaks are.
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