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Santa Claus is dishonest, says Turkish imam


Oct 14, 2010
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Turkish imam says Santa Claus 'dishonest'

MOSCOW, December 28 (RIA Novosti)
The imam of the Turkish town of Kuzan has issued a warning to Muslims about Santa Claus, who he called a dishonest person, Italy's Corriere della Sera wrote.

Imam Suleiman Eniceri said it was suspicious that Santa Claus brings presents into a house by climbing down a chimney or through windows. “If he was an honest person he would come through the door as we do,” the imam said. The imam cited a passage in the Koran that calls on the faithful to enter houses through doors.

“Christmas is not our festival,” he said, and warned Turkish Muslims against drinking alcohol.

Turkey's population is over 96 percent Muslim and less than one percent Christian. At the same time it is a secular state with many European traditions.

Turkish imam says Santa Claus 'dishonest' | STRANGE BUT TRUE | RIA Novosti
^^Would you disagree to the Imam of Turkish town of Kuzan?
Intentions matters more than the way.

Do you agree with this myopic Imam?

I believe this guy's comments are very serious and bhartis have perfect opportunity to trigger crusade on Turkish town of Kuzan!
I believe this guy's comments are very serious and bhartis have perfect opportunity to trigger crusade on Turkish town of Kuzan!

You seems to be ashamed of obnoxious statements by Imams and developed a mindset to view each comment as an attack on Islam.

We Bhartis are not that bad and I just wanted to know your view on that not to showcase your insecurity.
Is this a tongue-in-cheek joke or something?

Serious Christians tend to downplay Santa big time and up-play the nativity of Jesus.

Santa is a morphed character popularized in the 1800's that had a basis in reality - Saint Nicholas, apparently a kind man who helped the poor. How he became a fat guy riding a magic sleigh is anybody's guess.
This guy is way better than the arabi one who said women can get horny if they drive cars( or pregnent, or something like that)
Hahahahahah at this hour you made me laught. Thank you and thank you to crazy Imam:crazy_pilot::crazy_pilot:
he did challenge the logic of this false perception though..
he did challenge the logic of this false perception though..
Relax mate. This is just for kids, no adult believes his existence. Nobody is trying to find source of santa energy or trying to validate him using some crazy book. It all lie. There is no logic.
I don't know who's dumber, the people who report and follow the words of a bunch of religious baboons or the imams, mullahs or the sheikhs that come up with this garbage. What's funny is that most of the time the residents of these Islamic countries only find out that one of their country men has said something ridiculous once a Western news paper starts reporting it for the lolz

Give me a camera, a pen and a voice recorder and I could find a million such cases from a country like Japan. America and its allies all need to collectively get laid.
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