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Salahud Din Ayyubi's Love for Prophet Muhammad

The people of the Ramadi tribe have always been faithful to the Islamic cause. The last true fighter of Islam - Salahadin Ramadi Eyyubi.
As written in the libraries of Alexandria in Egypt ( Possibly from the high times of Ayyubid Dynasty). The last written statements of Salahadin Eyyubi:

Firstly, I am a Kurd. I am from the Ramadi ( modern day Rawandid) tribe. This tribe is one of the oldest and most noble tribes among the Kurds. The place of living of this tribe is West Azerbaijan ( the one in Iran). The name of my grandfather is Sadi and his father was extinguished from Mariwan, other than that I do not know much more.

What is funny is that the Rawandid tribe still lives in the areas in and around Mariwan.

When his family was extinguished from Mariwan, they left to Tikrit. This is possibly where he and his family were partly Arabised.
Salahuddin Ayyubi is one of brightest chapters in our history. May Allah's blessings be upon him forever.
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