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Sad reality about our mentality...


May 20, 2012
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We always blame politicians for our dirty cities, we cry how cleaner other nations are, yet we are the only ones to blame for it. Nobody cares about basic things like sanitation and public cleaning.... but we have people discussing beef consumption for over 20 pages.

Thats the shameful reality of our mentality.

We always blame politicians for our dirty cities, we cry how cleaner other nations are, yet we are the only ones to blame for it. Nobody cares about basic things like sanitation and public cleaning.... but we have people discussing beef consumption for over 20 pages.

Thats the shameful reality of our mentality.

What is the point of this thread?

Most probably, no one on this forum comes from Socio-economic class who litters public places.
We always blame politicians for our dirty cities, we cry how cleaner other nations are, yet we are the only ones to blame for it. Nobody cares about basic things like sanitation and public cleaning.... but we have people discussing beef consumption for over 20 pages.

Thats the shameful reality of our mentality.

If the head is rotten then it affects the whole body.
That statement is fundamentally flawed. Rich or poor, people litter all the time.

Certainly not.

You are just trying to act in a politically correct manner. Littering tendency among upper-middle class and rich is lower than poor with lower middle class being worst culprit.
Certainly not.

You are just trying to act in a politically correct manner. Littering tendency among upper-middle class and rich is lower than poor with lower middle class being worst culprit.

Politically correct? Lol how?

The middle and upper classes being relatively less prolific at public littering doesn't make them any less culpable. Your statement is still flawed.
I dont know what you smoke but it must be really good stuff if you believe that middle class Indians do not throw waste on the streets

Oh! Don't act like a retard. How many gated colonies have you seen which are brimming with filth?
I live in a ground floor of a government apartment. All three above me are class I officers. What surprised me is their indifference over cleanliness of the environment. In spite of my repeated telling, tons of vegetable wastes, wrappers, scraps are thrown on ground without realizing that it affects everybody's health including them too. Higher education and higher financial capacity,unfortunately have not been able to change their pathetic mentality.
Oh! Don't act like a retard. How many gated colonies have you seen which are brimming with filth?
The reason being, these gated community people bribe the authorities to keep their communities clean while throw trash/litter outside areas, irresponsibly, just like everyone else.
That youtube video means nothing!! It is so dirty on that road already. Garbage piled up on sides and that is exactly how it works in India. Garbage is piled around on roads and workers come in pick it up from there. What you could do is install garbage bins around so that city remains clean. It takes money but corrupt government do not spend anything just deposit them in their bank accounts.

On the other hand if this guy was throwing shit inside a clean place like metro or airport I would pick it up and throw it in dustbin myself. I have already done so couple of times.
It takes money but corrupt government do not spend anything just deposit them in their bank accounts.

BS. Dont blame the government, blame the people! Unless there is a change in mentality people will keep littering, shitting and pissing on roads in our towns. If the the people dont demand it, the politicians will NEVER change it.
BS. Dont blame the government, blame the people! Unless there is a change in mentality people will keep littering, shitting and pissing on roads in our towns. If the the people dont demand it, the politicians will NEVER change it.

well then you can go and protest. Cleanliness is the last thing on peoples mind if they are poor. If every one had a job and a house India would be as clean as western Europe I can assure you that!
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