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S.Korean warships sale to India

South Korea can make warships? OMG. thought they only make cheap copy cat sumsung cellphones....
South Korea can make warships? OMG. thought they only make cheap copy cat sumsung cellphones....

Don't forget about the video game. :coffee:



I must say that those Koreans don't possess any imagination, except stealing others' history. :coffee:
I must say that those Koreans don't possess any imagination
The music video was a parody of the FF7: Advent Children, indicated as such in the video itself.

The "Sonata of Temptation" music video parodying the Advent Children. In the MV, the subtitle clarifies it is a parody.

The live version of the "Sonata of Temptation". The song itself has nothing to do with the FF.

except stealing others' history.
Stealing other's history is the Chinese specialty.
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I must say that those Koreans don't possess any imagination, except stealing others' history. :coffee:

they stole everything from Japan, except they stole LCD tech from Taiwan as I learnt that from martion2 lately. If not Apple is suing for the copyright infringements against sumsung, nobody notice how seriously this nation can be face brazen.
they stole everything from Japan, except they stole LCD tech from Taiwan as I learnt that from martion2 lately. If not Apple is suing for the copyright infringements against sumsung, nobody notice how seriously this nation can be face brazen.
You just hate them coz they are building warships for us...it would have been different story if they did it for you.:smokin:
they stole everything from Japan, except they stole LCD tech from Taiwan as I learnt that from martion2 lately. If not Apple is suing for the copyright infringements against sumsung, nobody notice how seriously this nation can be face brazen.

Dude...your hate should have a limit...Come on donot drag Korea for Indo Pak rivallary...
Dude...your hate should have a limit...Come on donot drag Korea for Indo Pak rivallary...

It has nothing to do with India please refine from the cliches, I am talking about Korea per se as not many know they are crooky India will be deluded for your information and your benefit indeed. I don't hate them as this guy clearly mention in his country they look down all South Asians as inferior.

Damn you certainly bark up the wrong tree.
I don't hate them as this guy clearly mention in his country they look down all South Asians as inferior.
Ditto for Japanese too. You make it sounds like Koreans are the only racists in town. Your neighbors too harbor racist thoughts when they see you, and it's OK in Japanese culture.

So if you are a Pakistani laborer in Korea(There are far more Pakistani workers in Korea than in Japan) ranting about Korean racism I understand, but why not complain about Japanese racism instead? Japanese racism is what you face every day, not Korean racism.
Ditto for Japanese too. You make it sounds like Koreans are the only racists in town. Your neighbors too harbor racist thoughts when they see you, and it's OK in Japanese culture.

So if you are a Pakistani laborer in Korea(There are far more Pakistani workers in Korea than in Japan) ranting about Korean racism I understand, but why not complain about Japanese racism instead? Japanese racism is what you face every day, not Korean racism.

i have seen your recent posts in top 5 asian soccer teams ...
its strange... you are proud of your racial biased ... tell me what kind of superiority you have ... if US leaves by tmmrw afternoon ... an inferior race according to your bias ... chinese would eat whole korea for snacks .... north included ... and if you think you are following your ex colonial masters the japs who think that you koreans are also low lives .. can also be eaten by low life chinese ...
tell me what kind of superiority you have
It's the superior quality of human capital. The Koreans dealing with Chinese labor feel this every day. Just as Chinese feel Indians are slow and dumb-witted, Koreans feel exactly the same way toward the Chinese, slow, uncultured, and dumb-witted.

if US leaves by tmmrw afternoon ... an inferior race according to your bias ... chinese would eat whole korea for snacks
You do not seem to realize that the US provides less than 5% of troop strength in Korea. The US is merely an insurance policy, not the primary deterrent to the enemies of Korea. Heck, the new US deployment policy is that they would take troops out to places like Afghanistan and leave the troop's wives and children behind in the base(Really a Korean government donated high rise city) and it's considered OK because that would still guarantee that the US would send reinforcement in the sake of those servicemen's wives and children.

The ROK has second largest ground troops in the western world, soon to be the largest in the western world after the US troop reduction goes in effect due to budget cuts. This is the last cold-war style army designed to battle 1.5 million communist troops and win in an all out war.

The PLA isn't as strong as you think they are, mainly because they are poorly trained and disorganized. This was proven during the Vietnam War and the following Sino-Vietnamese war, where North Vietnamese Army and Vietcong suffered a 10:1 exchange ratio against Korean troops in ground combat, while suffering a 1:1 exchange ratio against the PLA during 1979 war. Why ROK were so successful against the North Vietnamese Army in jungle warfare(Recall that Korea has no jungle) while China suffered a huge casualty(30K dead in a month) has been extensively studied by military history scholars.

So yes, the PLA is a well-known quantity to the ROK military, as it is the expected primary combatant in the second war, and preparations are being made accordingly. Because of the ROK's massive artillery firepower(If you are impressed by the North Korean artillery force, the ROK artillery is designed to suppress that in two hours), the PLA ground troops doesn't present much of a threat. Ditto for the PLA Navy, the Yellow Sea is a death trap for any navy and anti-ship missiles will take out any PLA fleet that leave port. The only area where the ROK is lagging is the air power, and this is where the US will concentrate its reinforcement.
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