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Russian Warships to Patrol Syrian Coast

King Solomon

Jun 6, 2011
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Russian Warships to Patrol Syrian Coast


Russian warships will be continuously deployed for patrol duty off the Syrian coast in the Mediterranean, a high-ranking source in the Russian Defense Ministry said on Friday.

“A decision has been made to deploy Russian warships near the Syrian shores on a permanent basis,” the source said.

The Russian Kashin-class guided-missile destroyer Smetlivy is currently deployed near the Syrian coast.

“Another Black Sea Fleet ship will replace the Smetlivy in May,” the source said, adding that several Russian warships were on their way to the Mediterranean.

Russian Warships to Patrol Syrian Coast | World | RIA Novosti

China, Iran, North Korea, Cuba and Zimbabwe etc should also send Warships to patrol Syrian coast.

Like North Korea, Cuba and Zimbabwe have anything to send...

On topic: Putina flexing muscles. :enjoy:
Syria is being destroyed from the inside out rather than outside in. The Russians have not stopped that with this development.
Don't worry we gonna take down those evil Western puppets within the Syria with the help of /righteous pplz there.....:smokin:
China, Iran, North Korea, Cuba and Zimbabwe etc should also send Warships to patrol Syrian coast.

Its not necessary.
United states did every thing possible to save Mubarak, Ali abdullah saleh and its other allieds but they lost. you know why?
Because people power is the most powerful army.

If some countries (Turkey, Saudi arabia, Qatar)(last one Its not a real country) leave Syrian alone and dont publish gossip with their media and dont give heavy financial support to terrorists ; i make you sure people will find a peaceful way out.
''Syria is being destroyed from the inside out rather than outside in''
let the people of syria decide for them selves.If they are fighting with each other its their problem not USA or other countries,USA should mind its own business.Look what have they done in libya, Iraq.They are still fighting with each other. US didn't solve their problem's but created more. So please dont shut your eyes on reality and talk like a US ambassador to syria.
Don't worry we gonna take down those evil Western puppets within the Syria with the help of /righteous pplz there.....:smokin:

What are you waiting for then? Another Libya?

Nope, those terrorists come from outside.

Regardless of any personal opinion of the perceived source(s), the fomentation is entirely internal.

''Syria is being destroyed from the inside out rather than outside in''
let the people of syria decide for them selves.If they are fighting with each other its their problem not USA or other countries,USA should mind its own business.Look what have they done in libya, Iraq.They are still fighting with each other. US didn't solve their problem's but created more. So please dont shut your eyes on reality and talk like a US ambassador to syria.

Yes, let them decide, but does it have to be so bloody and brutal? (Please note that I am not blaming any one side for the bloodshed.)
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