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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Chinese ability to fight in a world war are irrelevant. They would be obliterated in a US nuclear attack.

And yes they reciprocate equally or do you think their nuclear bombs don't work or they don't have second strike capability? So the argument the Chinese ability to fight world war is irrelevant as much as the western ability to fight it.

Stop smoking that weed man !!
It seems like that the tide of war is tilting towards Russia as they are unleashing more firepower day by day... I hope Zelensky will get some sense and negotiate and will save his people.
As I have been saying, China is the biggest winner of this conflict. While that victory is not guaranteed for long term but then nothing is guaranteed in life. Here is an article worth reading.

Very interesting read.

But do you think that it is fair to say that China is the only winner? At best, you can say that China is a winner in the economic sense. In the geopolitical sphere, US has regained its leadership role among western countries. Biden formed AUKUS because of his frustration in not being able to convince EU countries to put their security interests over economic interests. EU was under the notion that both interests can be mutually exclusive. This philosophy led them to get into bed with Russia for energy needs. Now that is not the case anymore. Is this not a win for US?

Secondly, the prediction that China will be a winner rests on the assumption that Putin (or his ilk) will continue to lead Russia for the next decade or more. Can anyone be sure of that? What if the dictator gets an unforeseen ailment? Or gradually looses his appeal under economic decline? Will the racist Russian skin heads who support Z be willing to accept Chinese whim for ever and ever? :devil:
Not for long.

USA people can't any longer eat McD anymore as well.

So basically, it's not Russian people who are going to miss it.

It's funny.

Is that so hard for Russia to beat out a tiny country like Ukraine???
why not? it is just like tiny countries beat the crap out of biggies in soccer
why not? it is just like tiny countries beat the crap out of biggies in soccer

I am too rich to die. There is no need anyway. Ukraine is not my country. They are living on lands stolen from Muslims. There are 450 million people in the EU that will finance this and go fight as they know that their freedom depends on russia being destroyed.

Also, I, like trump has a bone in my foot and military wont take me.
you should be the commander of No Action Talk Only....
As I have been saying, China is the biggest winner of this conflict. While that victory is not guaranteed for long term but then nothing is guaranteed in life. Here is an article worth reading.

"In recent weeks, Chinese analysts have repeatedly cited the century-old writings of a British geographer, Sir Halford John Mackinder. Whoever controls Central Europe controls the vast landmass stretching from Europe to Asia, he argued. Whoever controls Eurasia can dominate the world.

A modern Russian proponent of such thinking, Aleksandr G. Dugin, has written extensively on what he sees as a growing clash between the liberal, decadent West and a conservative Eurasian continent with Russia as its soul."
I think the recent claim that China is the biggest winner is mostly a propaganda piece, aiming at preventing China from supplying Russia. China, if it is a winner, is only a very small winner benefited from US being distracted. It gets very little material gain with fairly large publicity risk.

I think the biggest winner is US with its brinkmanship policy that keeps on pushing Russia. If Russia pushes back, like this case, Russia loses due to the massive backlash. If Russia doesn't, US further strengthens its position in Ukraine against Russia. Either way, US wins.

As of losers, Russia is certainly one of them but the biggest is Ukraine.
As of losers, Russia is certainly one of them but the biggest is Ukraine.
Ukraine is a victim of Russian hyper nationalism. The US to an extent allowed it to happen. If NATO countries had imposed more strict sanctions against Russia after 2014, things would have not reached this crescendo.
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