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Russia threatens to blow up US missile defience shields in Poland


Aug 14, 2007
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This article is written almost as a joke but to me it also seems that Gernail Solovtsov wanted to express some hardheaded "red rage" towards NATO and remind everyone that a new arms race is on and Russia plans to waste no more time and spare no effort getting ready for it.

I would think that those batteries would be the prime target of a number of mirved ICBMs with tactical subkiloton nukes so there is nothing surprising here, strategy wise. But like I said it looks like the statement was made to remind NATO that the bear is coming out of hibernation.

Russia threatens to hit US sites in Europe -DAWN - International; September 11, 2008

Russia threatens to hit US sites in Europe

MOSCOW, Sept 10: A top Russian general threatened on Wednesday to target planned American missile shield sites in Poland and the Czech Republic with ballistic missiles amid icy US-Russia relations over Georgia.

General Nikolai Solovtsov, head of strategic missile forces, said if Washington pushes forward plans to build installations in Central Europe the Kremlin would act to ensure Russia’s vast nuclear arsenal remained effective.

“I can’t exclude that ... the missile shield in Poland and the Czech Republic and other such objects could be chosen as designated targets for some of our inter-continental ballistic missiles,” he said, quoted by Interfax news agency.

Such a move would guarantee Russian missile forces can “fulfil the task of strategic deterrence,” he said.

Washington insists its shield -- endorsed by all 26 Nato member states earlier this year -- is to fend off potential missile attacks by what it calls “rogue states” such as Iran.

Moscow says the system is part of an effort to encircle Russia and undermine its nuclear deterrent.

The issue has been brought into sharper focus against the backdrop of events in Georgia, whose five-day armed conflict with Moscow has plunged US-Russia relations to their lowest level since the end of the Cold War.

In icy diplomatic exchanges, Washington has accused Russia of seeking to redraw the map by brutally violating another country’s territorial integrity.

Russia in turn has accused Washington of orchestrating the conflict by arming Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili and threatening the strategic balance in the region by deploying US warships to the Black Sea.

Two weeks after the start of the war, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice travelled to Poland to sign a deal on the siting a battery of 10 interceptor missiles there, a move widely seen as a rebuff to Moscow over its incursion into Georgia.

On Wednesday the Czech government approved an agreement on deploying US forces at a powerful radar base planned as part of the shield.

The agreement was the last hurdle before the missile shield plans, which are strongly opposed by Russia, go before the Czech parliament.

While the 10 missile interceptors planned for Poland could not themselves undermine Russia’s arsenal, Moscow is troubled by a lack of transparency in the project, General Solovtsov said.—AFP
Its time Russia should now come in full picture and start making new bloc against US threatening advances .

Time for the mighty power to struck back
and who would strike back the strucker?.............just playing with words sorry.
Two Russian bombers land in Venezuela

(CNN) -- Two Russian bombers have landed at a Venezuelan airfield, from which they will carry out training flights for several days, the Russian Defense Ministry said Wednesday.
Russia's Tupolev TU-160, pictured here in 2003, is a long-range strategic bomber.

The Tupolev Tu-160 strategic bombers landed at Venezuela's Libertador military airfield and "will spend several days carrying out training flights over neutral waters, after which they will return to the base," Interfax reported, citing the Russian Defense Ministry.

Col. Alexander Drobyshevsky, a ministry spokesman, told Interfax that NATO fighters followed the bombers on their 13-hour flight over the Arctic Ocean and the Atlantic.

"All flights by air force aircraft have been and are marked by strict conformity to the international rules on the use of air space over neutral waters," Drobyshevsky told Interfax.

The U.S. will monitor the Russian training, said Pentagon officials who asked not to be identified because they were not authorized to speak on the information.

On Monday, Russia announced it might hold joint naval maneuvers with Venezuela in the Caribbean. The declaration came in the wake of increased tension between Russia and the United States over Russia's invasion last month of the former Soviet republic of Georgia, a U.S. ally that aspires to join NATO.

Russia on Monday denied any link between that announcement and the conflict in Georgia, although Russia has criticized U.S. support for Georgia, and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has long antagonized Washington.
Russia flexing its military muscles again.

seems like we are in for a new cold war.
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