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Russia overtakes UK and France in Military spending

Arzamas 16

Mar 30, 2012
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Russian Federation
Russian Federation

Global spending on weapons totals more than $1.7tn (£1tn), and Russia has overtaken Britain and France to take third place in the world league table, according to the latest figures released by a leading research body on Tuesday.

While military expenditure fell last year in most western countries, including the US, which is facing serious budget deficits, Russia and China have continued to increase significantly their spending on weapons – by more than 9% and 6% respectively last year.

While the US remains by far the biggest military spender, with a defence budget amounting to $711bn last year, it is followed by China, which in 2011 spent an estimated $143bn on its armed forces, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (Sipri). China has increased its military spending by 170% in real terms since 2002, it says.

Russia spent nearly $72bn on arms last year, overtaking Britain ($62.7bn) and France ($62.5bn) according to Sipri.

It notes that Russia is planning further increases in its military spending, with draft budgets showing a 53% rise in real terms up to 2014.

However, Sipri adds that many analysts are doubtful whether the industry will be able to deliver on such ambitious plans after decades of stagnation following the collapse of the Soviet Union.

China's increased military spending has caused concern among its neighbours, as well as the dominant Pacific power, the US. The recent announcement of a US "pivot" towards Asia is in part a response to such concerns, Sipri says.

It adds: "China's extensive and growing trade relations with the countries in its neighbourhood have been marred by disputes – eg the border dispute with India, a dispute over the Senkaku (Diaoyu) islands with Japan, and contested maritime borders with several nations in the South China Sea – all of which have led to increased tensions."

However, the report says talk of an "arms race" in the region may be premature, as both data and analysis reveal a mixed pattern of trends in military expenditure and arms acquisition, with China far from the only driving factor.

Two countries where concerns over China do appear to have contributed to increased spending are India and Vietnam. India has increased military spending by 66% since 2002. While both internal conflicts and the long-running dispute with Pakistan remain key issues, India in many ways sees China as a rival for regional power.

Vietnam has increased military spending by 82% since 2003, and has invested heavily in its navy in recent years, partly due to tensions with China in the South China Sea. But the military spending of both India and Vietnam fell in real terms in 2011.

Middle East countries continued to increase their military budgets while Algeria – concerned about the Arab spring and revolutions in Tunisia and Libya – increased its military spending last year by a massive 40%

Russia overtakes UK and France in global arms spending league table | World news | guardian.co.uk

good, but 2002 China GDP 10trillion RMB(1.57trillion$), 2011 China GDP 47TRillion RMB(7.3trillion$), increase 470%
Military spending only increase 170%

2012 China Military spending:670billion RMB(105billion$)---1.4% of CHina GDP
even at west view 140billion$---1.9% of CHina GDP

2002 China military spending 169billion RMB---1.7% of CHina GDP

still at a lower place, and is decreasing at the part of GDP
As the Russian economy is growing at a steady pace so naturally the military spending will also increase given that we are talking about the second most powerful country .
I am expecting a further increase in their defence expenditure in the years to come !!
They can afford this much high ratio expenditure as they have got largest reserves of natural gas and oil..
But it will be not be as high as china's spending.. Russia is spending money to stay in the big league but its force will deplete in coming years.
They can afford this much high ratio expenditure as they have got largest reserves of natural gas and oil..
But it will be not be as high as china's spending.. Russia is spending money to stay in the big league but its force will deplete in coming years.

Care to explain how Russian forces will depleted in the coming years.
Russia should be spending more on the military than UK and France, since Russia is much bigger than both of them.

So it is surprising that they only overtook them this year. They shouldn't have fallen behind in the first place.
Russia should be spending more on the military than UK and France, since Russia is much bigger than both of them.

So it is surprising that they only overtook them this year. They shouldn't have fallen behind in the first place.

In landmass yes, economically no.
country defence spending(billion$) /GDP
1. U.S. 711.0 4.7%

2 China 140.0 1.9%
3. Russia 72.0 3.9%
4 United Kingdom 62.7 2.6%

5.France 62.5 2.3%

6.Japan 59.3 1.0%

7.India 48.9 2.6%

8.Saudi 48.5 8.7%

9.Germany 46.7 1.3%
10 Brazil 35.4 1.5%

Global 1738.0 2.5%
Care to explain how Russian forces will depleted in the coming years.
My points was with the number of personnels army and navy has.. How will Russia maintains its 3000+ aircraft air force, the replacements are not coming soon and the fighters in inventory will be phased out within 10-15.. su-27,migs all this fighters are very large in numbers and if not upgraded, they will be phased out by 2025. The same thing is with navy, with some of the subs and warships getting older day by day and replacement ships are very low in number..

And about Russian army which has world's largest stockpile of balistic missiles and tanks, do you really think that Russia can maintain that large number of armaments.. I am not questioning Russia ability but maintaining this much huge numbers with 1.8 $ trillion dollars economy does create a bit of doubt in my mind..
Russia is going the USSR way of self deterioration.....sadly though.
USSR spend 30 % of its GDP on its Military, while Russia spends 3.9%.:disagree:

So you get a D- on your trolling efforts.:lol:

USSR spend at high 9% GDP on military, US spend 8.4%-9.5% during VN war 1965-1969, then decreased to 5.4%
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