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Russia and Pakistan to fight drugs threat together


Dec 5, 2009
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Russia and Pakistan to fight drugs threat together

Illegal drugs threat cannot be countered by a single country since the problem concerns the whole world.

The war on illegal drugs trade should be fought by all countries in the world because the trade knows no national frontiers. The global character of the drugs threat was recently discussed at the Tashkent summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, SCO, as well as at the Moscow Anti-Drugs Forum. Pakistan recently declared a readiness to sign a modified cooperation agreement with Russia on the fight against illegal drugs business, The Head of Pakistan’s Drugs Control Ministry, Arbab Muhammad Zakhir says that the agreement with Russia can include other methods of collaboration between anti-narcotic Departments of both countries, such as joint campaign against the evil. Bilateral cooperation will enable the two nations to wage a more effective and successful fight against illegal drugs business that has become a serious problem for Russia. Afghanistan, the major producer of illegal drugs is near the Russian border.

Heroin addiction remains a serious problem for both Russia and Pakistan, and the situation has been made worse by the refusal of the U.S Force commanders in Afghanistan to destroy opium fields in that country, giving the excuse of concerns for the welfare of Afghan farmers. Commenting on the American refusal to wipe out opium plantations in Afghanistan, Vladimir Sotnikov, an Oriental expert, had this to say:

"On the surface, the U.S principles deserve praise. But the solution Americans propose will not remove the serious problem of illegal drugs. Besides, Taliban have been exploiting the situation to recruit more farmers into their ranks."

"Pakistan shares Russia’s concerns over the Afghan drugs threat," said Tariq Khosa, secretary of Pakistan’s Narcotics Control Division. "Russian and Pakistani positions are similar: first, draconian steps should be taken against opium cultivators, to be followed by helping the farmers with the free distribution of alternative planting seeds."

Pakistan is a transit conduit for Afghan drugs destined for the Middle East and Europe, but a significant part of the drugs remains in Pakistan. Estimates put the number of heroin addicts in Pakistan at more than 500,000, while almost 5 millions are hooked on Indian Hem. The situation is worst in Russia; last year, the country earned the dubious honour of the world’s leader in the use of Afghan heroin. Afghanistan itself is not spared either: a large amount of the money realized from the sale of narcotics is spent to finance Taliban’s struggle against the legitimate government of the country. Therefore, the signing of the renovated agreement by Russia and Pakistan will not only bolster the war on illegal drugs, but also help to stabilize the region.

Russia and Pakistan to fight drugs threat together: Voice of Russia
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