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Role of Police and Media in Pakistan (very important)


Mar 3, 2009
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Do you people remember a story from last year where police caught a person who raped nearly 50 dead bodies?

Necrophilia: Man arrested from graveyard with bone-chilling story – The Express Tribune
Published in The Express Tribune, October 30th, 2011.
please watch the drama of this women from 12:00

anyone who watched tv programs of that time,read newspaper he believed that Riaz is guilty.

now watch this video
according to this video police set up this person because of some influential people.media backed up this false story.
Riaz was employ in paposh nagar grave yard.in his under there was 300-400 graves.his duty was to maintain those graves.some influential people came to him that he should identify old grave so that after demolishing them they should resell the place.but he refused to do so.
after that those influential people payed some money to police,police arrested him on 24 oct on charges of murder.
on 29 oct police made an fir against riaz and blamed him that he raped the dead bodies of women.our so called free media high light this event and proved him guilty.
according to above video this whole thing was part of campaign to humiliate Pakistan on international level.
remember the news where fox channel said that Pakistan top in searching word "animal sex"
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