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Role of china

unlikely scenario, but hypothetically, it depends on who gives the 'first shoot', no matter what China will do her own part in supporting Pakistan, but sending our own troops are very unlikely, unless IA does anything stupid along our borders, then its a perfect excuse for us to give India 21st century style 1962 humiliation.

so its better to leave the scenario for fiction writers```
China is our friend, sure - why lead them into battle anyway?-- why cant we do it ourselves?
If India makes itself vulnerable by starting a war, we will use the opportunity to press our own claims on India's eastern sector.

All the recent incursions signal that we are ready for any opportunity that India gives us.

So it will be a two-front war situation for India. Even though China and Pakistan will technically be in two separate conflicts.

But if Pakistan wants us to stage a more direct joint attack on Indian held Kashmir with them, they'll have to get a military pact with us. Which means ditching the USA first.

Otherwise they'll have to be happy with us only drawing India's direction eastwards, which may or may not be sufficient. Though I believe Pakistan is more than capable of defending itself from India on its own as well.
If India makes itself vulnerable by starting a war, we will use the opportunity to press our own claims on India's eastern sector.

All the recent incursions signal that we are ready for any opportunity that India gives us.

So it will be a two-front war situation for India. Even though China and Pakistan will technically be in two separate conflicts.

But if Pakistan wants us to stage a more direct joint attack on Indian held Kashmir with them, they'll have to get a military pact with us. Which means ditching the USA first.

Otherwise they'll have to be happy with us only drawing India's direction eastwards, which may or may not be sufficient. Though I believe Pakistan is more than capable of defending itself from India on its own as well.

what if India attacks Bangladesh ? will you support us ? if so, how ? :)
what if India attacks Bangladesh ? will you support us ? if so, how ? :)

What you're thinking of is a "mutual defence pact" which we don't have.

So the support will be indirect, such as military supplies and money.

And of course we will use the opportunity to stake our own claims in India's northeast, but that will be our own initiative and not necessarily coordinated with Pakistan or Bangladesh. It will indirectly help though, since India will have to fight on multiple fronts.

For a mutual defence pact, your leaders have to come and ask for one.

Which your leaders won't ask for, as long as Indians have such influence in Bangladeshi politics, and as long as Americans have such influence in Pakistani politics. Because it will signal a total/complete shift to the China camp, and severely alienate both America and India.
What you're thinking of is a "mutual defence pact" which we don't have.

So the support will be indirect, such as military supplies and money.

And of course we will use the opportunity to stake our own claims in India's northeast, but that will be our own initiative and not necessarily coordinated with Pakistan or Bangladesh. It will indirectly help though, since India will have to fight on multiple fronts.

For a mutual defence pact, your leaders have to come and ask for one.

Which your leaders won't ask for, as long as Indians have such influence in Bangladeshi politics, and as long as Americans have such influence in Pakistani politics. Because it will signal a total/complete shift to the China camp, and severely alienate both America and India.
China and Pakistan government knows better then us. the strategic Location of Pakistan because of Gwadar Port is not only Suitable for Pakistan but also for china. America and india afraid by Chinese Economy and china have had 3rd rank in Economic Country, if Gawadar Port would be started for world trade China can be the biggest world Power in just few years. that is why Pakistan and china relation is so strong. China should help Pakistan at any cost..
That is why American always interfere in Gawadar Port because they know if China will have a shortest Route for Trade then china will be more powerful. China atleast support Pakistan in order to start the world trade.. India is not interested in Gawadar port because they assume her self as the ocean King. if ever trade happen from Gawadar then there is no purpose for Indian ocean or either Indian Ports.. the srilanka would be the only country who will use indian port. American and Indian wants the control of this region and we china and Pakistan are sleeping in the heaven of fools. because India and America are already winning the war strategically. which means we are right now in war.. we both should take steps as soon as possible to win this war strategically.. nobody can say that we are not in war with America and India right now
China and Pakistan government knows better then us. the strategic Location of Pakistan because of Gwadar Port is not only Suitable for Pakistan but also for china. America and india afraid by Chinese Economy and china have had 3rd rank in Economic Country, if Gawadar Port would be started for world trade China can be the biggest world Power in just few years. that is why Pakistan and china relation is so strong. China should help Pakistan at any cost..
That is why American always interfere in Gawadar Port because they know if China will have a shortest Route for Trade then china will be more powerful. China atleast support Pakistan in order to start the world trade.. India is not interested in Gawadar port because they assume her self as the ocean King. if ever trade happen from Gawadar then there is no purpose for Indian ocean or either Indian Ports.. the srilanka would be the only country who will use indian port. American and Indian wants the control of this region and we china and Pakistan are sleeping in the heaven of fools. because India and America are already winning the war strategically. which means we are right now in war.. we both should take steps as soon as possible to win this war strategically.. nobody can say that we are not in war with America and India right now

The problem is that Pakistan is still officially one of America's major non-NATO allies.

And Pakistani leaders invited and supported American presence in the region. Since Afghanistan is a land-locked country, America could not have occupied it without the help of Pakistan, the US could not have started wars in this region (WOT + Afghan war) without the help of Pakistan.

Pakistani leaders have to give up America, and work only for the interests of Pakistan. Pakistani leaders will only come and sign a defence pact with China if they are no longer allies of America.

Until then, the only thing we can do is military engage India for our own purposes in India's Northeastern sector, which should buy Pakistan enough time to do what they have to do, in the event of a conflict.
China will tell Pakistan to move back to the LOC like they did with Kargil
The problem is that Pakistan is still officially one of America's major non-NATO allies.

And Pakistani leaders invited and supported American presence in the region. Since Afghanistan is a land-locked country, America could not have occupied it without the help of Pakistan, the US could not have started wars in this region (WOT + Afghan war) without the help of Pakistan.

Pakistani leaders have to give up America, and work only for the interests of Pakistan. Pakistani leaders will only come and sign a defence pact with China if they are no longer allies of America.

Until then, the only thing we can do is military engage India for our own purposes in India's Northeastern sector, which should buy Pakistan enough time to do what they have to do, in the event of a conflict.

Pakistan is helpless due to Pressure of worlds powerful country what china is doing for Pakistan in this situation??? we have not enough money to run our country that is why we have to take the loan from IMF and that is why we have to follow the Instruction of America. Right now Pakistan not only fighting with india strategically but also fighting with America. there are many agents of CIA and RAW by crossing the Afghan border and creating the civil war in Pakistan Province Baluchistan where Gawadar Port is situated. wake up Chinese if Indian and American win this strategic war we will lost the Opportunity of world trading easily.. because they want separate the Baluchistan from Pakistan as they already Published the new Map of Pakistan..
Pakistan is helpless due to Pressure of worlds powerful country what china is doing for Pakistan in this situation??? we have not enough money to run our country that is why we have to take the loan from IMF and that is why we have to follow the Instruction of America. Right now Pakistan not only fighting with india strategically but also fighting with America. there are many agents of CIA and RAW by crossing the Afghan border and creating the civil war in Pakistan Province Baluchistan where Gawadar Port is situated. wake up Chinese if Indian and American win this strategic war we will lost the Opportunity of world trading easily.. because they want separate the Baluchistan from Pakistan as they already Published the new Map of Pakistan..

Better to take care of the Balochi people instead of kidnapping, torturing them and blaming RAW after when it was ISI doing it.

If ever there is a war raged between India and Pakistan ... What role China will be playing ...??

yes......agree.......Pakistani are very innocent .........when they trust any buddy, they completely trust............first USA, and they didn't realized what is gonna to happen in long term and were they are going to land.........and today they are facing and realizing now..........similarly today pak china friendship.............they become so much dependent on china...............for every thing they look at china for support and help.......defense deal i understand ..............because this days no other country is ready to support Pakistan up to great extend except china........................
but for small thing .....like building port,seeking support in rolling mill, buying locomotive that to 3rd class ( you can search on you tube one documentary which is comparison on Indian railway vs Pakistani railway .........how frustrated Pakistani railway is because of chines locomotive is not performing well , there is interview of locomotive driver and railway staff , and in-spite of knowing ,chines dumping bad quality locomotive ,again new order is going to china......... India was build his locomotive plant in 1958 and Pakistan is till seeking help for china)

who know , china is taking undue advantage of Pakistan......................railway is one of the case which is highlighted and today people know.........there may be several other case which is not highlighted and people may not be aware about it.................so pl wake up ........one is already made you fool other is making you......other wise it will too late

better to be believe on yourself rather than always looking for help.........................

if you want to attack on India ......do it ......you are most welcome........but do it on your guts..............

chines ape baap ke hai hai.......tumhare kaya honge (jago pakitan jago)

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/milita...g-sino-indian-war-1962-a-4.html#ixzz2c04NjOyb

Pakistan is helpless due to Pressure of worlds powerful country what china is doing for Pakistan in this situation??? we have not enough money to run our country that is why we have to take the loan from IMF and that is why we have to follow the Instruction of America. Right now Pakistan not only fighting with india strategically but also fighting with America. there are many agents of CIA and RAW by crossing the Afghan border and creating the civil war in Pakistan Province Baluchistan where Gawadar Port is situated. wake up Chinese if Indian and American win this strategic war we will lost the Opportunity of world trading easily.. because they want separate the Baluchistan from Pakistan as they already Published the new Map of Pakistan..
yes......agree.......Pakistani are very innocent .........when they trust any buddy, they completely trust............first USA, and they didn't realized what is gonna to happen in long term and were they are going to land.........and today they are facing and realizing now..........similarly today pak china friendship.............they become so much dependent on china...............for every thing they look at china for support and help.......defense deal i understand ..............because this days no other country is ready to support Pakistan up to great extend except china........................
but for small thing .....like building port,seeking support in rolling mill, buying locomotive that to 3rd class ( you can search on you tube one documentary which is comparison on Indian railway vs Pakistani railway .........how frustrated Pakistani railway is because of chines locomotive is not performing well , there is interview of locomotive driver and railway staff , and in-spite of knowing ,chines dumping bad quality locomotive ,again new order is going to china......... India was build his locomotive plant in 1958 and Pakistan is till seeking help for china)

who know , china is taking undue advantage of Pakistan......................railway is one of the case which is highlighted and today people know.........there may be several other case which is not highlighted and people may not be aware about it.................so pl wake up ........one is already made you fool other is making you......other wise it will too late

better to be believe on yourself rather than always looking for help.........................

if you want to attack on India ......do it ......you are most welcome........but do it on your guts..............

chines ape baap ke hai hai.......tumhare kaya honge (jago pakitan jago)

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/milita...g-sino-indian-war-1962-a-4.html#ixzz2c04NjOyb
Better to take care of the Balochi people instead of kidnapping, torturing them and blaming RAW after when it was ISI doing it.

you better to see this video, he is neither Pakistani nor Chinese or either not an Indian
search the title on youtube by typing this sentence below
Indian RAW Terrorism and Hemant Kakre_#39;s assassination in

Search by your self because i am not able to post the link yet because of my post count is just 8 until i have 30 post i cant be able to post the link
you better to see this video, he is neither Pakistani nor Chinese or either not an Indian
search the title on youtube by typing this sentence below
Indian RAW Terrorism and Hemant Kakre_#39;s assassination in

Search by your self because i am not able to post the link yet because of my post count is just 8 until i have 30 post i cant be able to post the link

He was killed because his vest does not stop ak47 type bullets, people like you think Youtube is God given when anyone can post anything on there lol funny to see

A better question should be why the ISI had Saleem Shahzad killed? for exposing the link between ISI and its militants

the vest wore by Hemant Kakre stops hand gun type bullets but not AK47 type very simple
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