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Rohani stresses Iran-Pakistan relations


Feb 2, 2007
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Iranian President-elect Hassan Rohani says a fundamental foreign policy during his tenure will be to enhance relations with neighboring states, particularly Pakistan.

“The expansion of ties with neighboring and Muslim countries, especially Pakistan, will be among the next administration’s foreign policy priorities,” Rohani said on Tuesday in response to a congratulatory message by Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari.

Rohani thanked Zardari for having sent him the congratulatory message over his victory in Iran’s presidential election, expressing satisfaction over the growing trend of constructive cooperation between Tehran and Islamabad.

The amicable ties as well as the deep historical, cultural and Islamic bonds between Iran and Pakistan have laid the groundwork for strengthening mutual relations and helping establish peace and tranquility in the region, Rohani said.

The Iranian president-elect expressed hope that Tehran-Islamabad relations will further develop in all areas based on good neighborliness and mutual respect.

Also in response to a congratulatory message by President of Guinea Conakry Alpha Conde, Rohani expressed hope that Tehran-Conakry ties would further expand on all political, economic and cultural fronts.

Rohani won Iran’s June 14 presidential election, garnering 50.7 percent of a total of 36,704,156 ballots. The voter turnout in the election was 72.7 percent, according to Iran’s Interior Ministry.

The Iranian president-elect currently represents Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei in the Supreme National Security Council. He is also a member of the Assembly of Experts, the Expediency Council and the director of the council’s Center for Strategic Research.

PressTV - Rohani stresses Iran-Pakistan relations
I think that would be a most welcome step, HOWEVER, publicly saying that Iran hope to build deeper relations with Pakistan, is like waving a red flag in front of the terrorists and their sponsors in the Arabian peninsula and Gulf, which of course means more terrorist attacks on innocent Pakistanis and the creation of sectarian tensions.

Will this tried and test method of terrorist sponsors be successful? it remains to be seen - and it depends on the Pakistani and Iranian will to persevere to overcome.
Pakistan should tread very carefully with Iran.

They have a dubious international record - proxies in Syria, opposition to arab states, mullah dictatorship, funding of terrorist groups in Pak. They are not a responsible player.

They are our neighbor yes but Pak govt must make them understand that a long lasting fruitful relationship can only happen if they learn to respect other countries.

In my opinion, stay well clear of Iran for now, lets things settle in Syria because it is looking like everyone concerned in that conflict are heading down a dark dark path.

Pakistan cannot afford to take sides or get involved because we need trade, and for trade you need relationships. A concept which Iran have yet to understand.
I would really like to see good relations with Iran and Pakistan but unfortunately there is a lot of fitna in Middle East, I hope which never reaches Pakistan.

Regardless, having better relation and co operation with Iran is something which needs to be done sooner or latter, inshallah.

Iranian President-elect Hassan Rohani says a fundamental foreign policy during his tenure will be to enhance relations with neighboring states, particularly Pakistan.

“The expansion of ties with neighboring and Muslim countries, especially Pakistan, will be among the next administration’s foreign policy priorities,” Rohani said on Tuesday in response to a congratulatory message by Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari.

Rohani thanked Zardari for having sent him the congratulatory message over his victory in Iran’s presidential election, expressing satisfaction over the growing trend of constructive cooperation between Tehran and Islamabad.

The amicable ties as well as the deep historical, cultural and Islamic bonds between Iran and Pakistan have laid the groundwork for strengthening mutual relations and helping establish peace and tranquility in the region, Rohani said.

The Iranian president-elect expressed hope that Tehran-Islamabad relations will further develop in all areas based on good neighborliness and mutual respect.

Also in response to a congratulatory message by President of Guinea Conakry Alpha Conde, Rohani expressed hope that Tehran-Conakry ties would further expand on all political, economic and cultural fronts.

Rohani won Iran’s June 14 presidential election, garnering 50.7 percent of a total of 36,704,156 ballots. The voter turnout in the election was 72.7 percent, according to Iran’s Interior Ministry.

The Iranian president-elect currently represents Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei in the Supreme National Security Council. He is also a member of the Assembly of Experts, the Expediency Council and the director of the council’s Center for Strategic Research.

PressTV - Rohani stresses Iran-Pakistan relations

Pakistan just require Iran gas if there is a shortage of it. But I have heard from experts that Pakistan has sufficient gas reserve which its not letting everyone know because GoP wants the UN-SAFE CNG out from Pakistan.
well, hopefully this baldie idiot that some status-quo loving idiots voted in wont muck up projects that are slated to be taking place

Iran is a neighbour, an Islamic Republic and has a commodity we can import in the short-medium term to help curb supply-demand gap in energy

by nature and for cultural reasons, it would be criminal NOT to engage more with them....and do so in a non-aligned way i.e. not get embroiled in Iranian-Arab immaturity games
Pakistan should carefully make friendly relationship as this country involved in some in anti Pakistan things after Shah rule.
We should only have economic and trade based relations with Iran.
We should only have economic and trade based relations with Iran.

Clearly that is a good start but reality is that we have historic relations that bind us, whether it is language, culture or a joint heritage - nothing can destroy that history as much as sectarian terrorists and their sponsors in the Arabian peninsula and Gulf may try to. Iran was the first country in the world to recognize Pakistan and this is not going to be forgotten.

Pakistan and Iran are contiguous states, exchange between them is natural and good - For many years Iran has allowed the Talib to stand between it and it's brotherly neighbor, Pakistan - this must end and Iran must be conscious that there are a great number of powerful and rich enemies to seek to prevent good relations between Iran and Pakistan.
Relationship with Iran is not about Gas Pipeline deal as some posters mentioned here. The historical ties between Iran and Pakistan ( Sub-Continent Muslims ) go back Centuries in terms of linguistic, cultural and religious connection. Also being our next door neighbor we have to maintain friendly relations with Iran.

It is best for Pakistan to stay out of any Proxy battles of Middle East. Treat Iran as a Friend and a Neighbor and keep out of regional politics. There is so much that our two countries can gain form trade and cooperation in Education and exchange of Technology. We can even do Joint ventures and develop our neighboring Baluchistan Provinces together.

I am all for relations with all our neighbors as that is mandatory for our development.
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