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Reza Aslan, rips apart the Malaysian verdict on the use of the word 'Allah' by Christianity.

@Aeronaut I don't like this Reza Aslan guy but this verdict of Malaysian court shows only one thing complete ignorance of Malaysian courts and those ignorant who took this petition in court man ALLAH is the name which GOD selected for himself mostly it is used by Arab people weather they are Muslims or non Muslims before Islam this was used by Mushrikeen and Jews in Arabia and also Christians but now a days its mostly used by Muslims and Christians because their are no ore mushrikeen or idol worshippers in Arabia by this verdict they said that ALLAH selected this word for Muslims not its wrong this is name of GOD and any one can call him by this name and if you pick up some bible they will have in start pages which they tell what is word used for GOD in bibles which are published in different languages and in Arabic its ALLAH so Malaysians need to study Islam and its history in detail before giving this hilarious judgement
When Allah Himself says 'Allah is Rab-ul-Aalmeen', Which court can rule that He is Rab-ul-Muslameen??

This is the problem of today's world. A special group acting as 'God' (likes of Faroun & Shaddad etc.) and calling others every act as 'Shirk'. :tsk:
You know malaysia has lost its marbles if it got even @Zavran laughing at their idiocy. I mean this one was a doozie, there shouldn't be a person who has very few brain cells working that could say this verdict makes any sense, let alone someone who studied to be a lawyer and then worked his way to becoming a judge.
Aslan is at a loss for words...because the idea that there is a law that bars a specific group of people using a word. is stupid!
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