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Return to 90’s civil war worst-case scenario for Afghans


Jan 20, 2013
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While Mian sab sleeps a storm seems to be brewing on Pakistan's Western border. Original article here excerpts below:


Afghans still remember the gruesome civil war of the early 1990s that left thousands dead and destroyed Kabul despite a peace accord between major Mujahideen factions signed in Islamabad.


The US and its western allies, along with Afghanistan, had attached hopes with former senior Taliban leader Agha Jan Mutasim to use his influence to bring the Taliban to the negotiation table, but that option too has failed. Mutasim, who currently resides in Turkey, has made several failed attempts to woo some Taliban leaders to launch an alternative peace process.


Despite its traditional role in the region, Saudi Arabia has so far not been actively involved in the peace process. Karzai recently sent negotiators to Saudi Arabia to seek the Kingdom’s help in the reconciliation process but a positive outcome from it is yet to be made public. ...

Afghan defence minister Bismillah Mohammadi recently said the Afghan army faces several problems, including lack of a sophisticated air force, proper intelligence, heavy military equipment and training issues.
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