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Replacement for TuAF's T-37, T-38 and F-5 fleet?


May 3, 2009
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Im starting this debate after having studied the TuAF fleet for quite some time.

The question i wish to ask from our Turkish members is, what are the plans of the TuAF Training Command for replacing their fast againg T-37s, T-38s and F-5 aircrafts?

TuAF has an est 160 of these aircrafts in total. T-37s are used for Basic Jet Conversion Training, F-5s for Lead In Flight Training (LIFT) and T-38s for Advance Jet Training.

I'm asking this because we would be very keen on offering our K-8P aircrafts to replace the T-37s and twin seater JF-17s for replacing the F-5s and T-38s.

These jets would be an open architecture products with competetive prices offered as opposed to options like KAI-T50 and BAE HAWK. T-50 has Lockheed Martin as a partner and uses an American engine. It costs 10 million dollars more than the JF-17 aircraft. BAE HAWK is a British product who won't hand over production to Turkey plus the jets are almost twice as expensive as the K-8P. Both of these products will come with local production for Turkey.

Such a deal is going to help Pakistan greatly in shoring up finaces to buy Turkish products like T-129 ATAK, Hurkus and Tulpar etc.

Both TAI and PAC are state owned, therefore it will directly benefit both countries. There would be no losers.

Opinions pls.

@cabatli_53 @Neptune @Kaan @Casus Belli @T-12345 tag others too pls.
@LegionnairE @Sinan @xenon54 @Casus Belli @xxxKULxxx

Jet Trainer Aircraft and Fighter Aircraft Conceptual Design Project



T-38 Aircraft Avionics Modernization (ARI)


T38 Avionics Modernization

TAI as a prime contractor was awarded a contract in June 21st, 2007 by SSM (Undersecreteriat for Defense Industries) to design, develop and implement the T-38 avionics upgrade for the Turkish Air Force (TurAF) under the T-38 Avionics Modernization (ARI) Program.

Under the T-38 Avionics Modernization (ARI) Program which commenced in September 20th, 2007; a total of 55 TurAF T-38A aircraft are to be upgraded. The modification of five aircraft will be performed at TAI facilities where as the remaining 50 production aircraft will be modified at TurAF 1st Air Supply and Maintenance Center.

TAI, delivered first T38M aircrat to TurAF at a ceremony held at TAI's facilities in Ankara, Turkey, on April 20, 2012.

T38 Avionics Modernization - Turkish Aerospace Industries, Inc.
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Can anyone describe if TuAF has any plans to replace these jets. Despite upgrades, these platforms would have to be phased out eventually.
Looks like they will replace the training jets with an indigenous jet which I havn't seen any details about. F-5 will probably be replaced by older F-16's. (My guess) But IDK know much about this topic so the others will have to add more.
First we will make our national fighter jet TF-X, Trainer jet program is going to start afterwards.
There's plenty of time ahead
Looks like they will replace the training jets with an indigenous jet which I havn't seen any details about. F-5 will probably be replaced by older F-16's. (My guess) But IDK know much about this topic so the others will have to add more.

F-16s are not suited for LIFT aur AJT roles. TuAF already uses its F-16s for whats called an OCS (Operational Conversion Squadron).

Despite upgrades TuAF would have to replace its T-37s (Our T-37s have already been replaced by new K-8P) as well as its F-5 and T-38 fleet with new aircrafts. Unless of course Turkey wants to start up 2 new projects from the scratch.

First we will make our national fighter jet TF-X, Trainer jet program is going to start afterwards.
There's plenty of time ahead

Is there any official word on it or on potential tenders?
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F-16s are not suited for LIFT aur AJT roles. TuAF already uses its F-16s for whats called an OCS (Operational Conversion Squadron).

Despite upgrades TuAF would have to replace its T-37s (Our T-37s have already been replaced by new K-8P) as well as its F-5 and T-38 fleet with new aircrafts. Unless of course Turkey wants to start up 2 new projects from the scratch.

Is there any official word on it or on potential tenders?
Can you post details/brochures for the K-8P and other Pakistani trainers? :smart:
Is there any official word on it or on potential tenders?
Not a god damn thing so far, but you can bet yo *** that South Korea will be attending to any possible tenders and T50 will be competing with K-8P

But by then we'll be finished our TF-X fighter project(hopefully) and we may not require any foreign assistance after all. it's early to say.
Let me tell you something many people always forgetting : TF-X project is not about one aircraft but two! First is Trainer-X which aims to create an advanced jet trainer and second is the Fighter-X as everyone knows.We will not buy jet trainer from anyone anymore if possible because for us to create fighters jet in the future building a subsonic trainer jet is a must step.Now i don't know what ever we will build Trainer-X and Fighter-X in order or together at once but latest reports i read says they will be builded together.In short many people focusing Fighter Jet aircraft so much they are forgetting there is also a Trainer Jet aircraft within TF-X project.
Let me tell you something many people always forgetting : TF-X project is not about one aircraft but two! First is Trainer-X which aims to create an advanced jet trainer and second is the Fighter-X as everyone knows.We will not buy jet trainer from anyone anymore if possible because for us to create fighters jet building a subsonic trainer jet is a must step.Now i don't know what ever we will build Trainer-X and Fighter-X in order or together at once but latest reports i read says they will be builded together.Many people focusing Fighter Jet aircraft so much they are forgetting there is also a Trainer Jet within TF-X project.
First time I heard about that. :what:
Not a god damn thing so far, but you can bet yo *** that South Korea will be attending to any possible tenders and T50 will be competing with K-8P

But by then we'll be finished our TF-X fighter project(hopefully) and we may not require any foreign assistance after all. it's early to say.

K-8P and T-50 belong to two different categories.

K-8P for replacing T-37
JF-17 Thunder Block II-III (Twin seater) for replacing F-5 and T-38 Talon

If for the sake of argument, Turkey issues a tender, the JF-17s will compete against T-50, while K-8s compete against BAE HAWK and other AJTs.

Pakistan is already competing for the Turkish tender for replacing the SF-260.
First time I heard about that. :what:
You just shared tender page of TF-X a project minute ago :hitwall:

Jet Trainer Aircraft and Fighter Aircraft Conceptual Design Project

Objective : Performing the “Conceptual Design” study to design and produce prototypes by using domestic capabilities at maximum possible extent for modern platforms that meets Turkish Armed Forces needs and will substitute the existing Turkish Air Forces T-38 Trainer Aircrafts and F-16 Fighter Aircrafts which are required to be replaced from 2020's.
Scope:Maximum utilization of existing domestic opportunities and capabilities is aimed. In addition, determination of the critical technologies during the development and production phases of the aircraft and arrangement of the industrialization requirements will be coordinated within the context of this Program.
Project Model:In country development.
Prime/Sub Contractor:TUSAŞ AŞ
Contract Date:23 August 2011
The contract has been signed on 23 August 2011. Conceptual Design activities is planned to be accompilished by 2013.
Last Updated : 05.05.2014 15:53

Jet Trainer Aircraft and Fighter Aircraft Conceptual Design Project
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