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Remove president, prime minister to rid Pakistan of corruption: Imran Khan


Apr 25, 2012
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ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan says the key to eradicating corruption from Pakistan is to remove the current president, prime minister, and cabinet members. He was speaking during an interview with Al-Jazeera.
“If you have a clean cabinet, half the battle is over,” said Khan when asked about how he would end corruption and militancy in Pakistan in 90 days, as he had previously claimed.
Khan stated that all major corruption cases in Pakistan were related to the prime minister, the president or senior cabinet members.
He said that if his party is brought to power, he would remove these politicians and maintain his guarantee to rid Pakistan of corruption and militancy in 90 days.
Khan criticises US presence in Afghanistan
When asked about how a Mitt Romney win would affect relations between Pakistan and the US, Khan replied, “At the moment, we’re not sure. Both candidates seem to have the same attitude to this war on terror.”
He hoped that if Obama wins, he will strive towards his instinct for peace as he will no longer be concerned with reelection. He reiterated that there was no military solution in this part of the world and that the US should make a concerted effort for peace.
‘Pakistan must disengage’
Khan insisted that Pakistan must disengage from the US war on terror. “Either the US leaves [Afghanistan], or Pakistan must disengage.”
According to Khan, this would allow Pakistan to mobilise the people of the tribal areas, who he suggests hold the key to a peaceful solution.
The war on terror is perceived by the Pashtun people to be a war on Islam, Khan stated, and that Pakistan’s support of the war makes it appear as an accessory to this.
He also condemned suicide bombers’ targeting the Pakistani army.
The interview was conducted by Dareen Abughaida through a video link from Islamabad.
Remove president, prime minister to rid Pakistan of corruption: Imran Khan – The Express Tribune
Looks like Tsunami missed fired?
Looks like Tsunami missed fired?

Tusunami get bribed by CIA 7 millions!
So its just publicity stunt, nothing more IK should never forget its him & his dam tusunami which never can come to islamabad against zardari & thts why he is sitting in the president house!
I just saw the interview, I didn't get the sense that Imran Khan is demanding resignation from President, PM or Cabnit. May be it is one's own understanding but interview doesn't seem to say that.
I have feeling PPP will stay for another 5 years. Everyone in Pakistan should put some pressure on them to get rid of them. Its a matter of saving this country first. N.S, Imran Khan, bla bla support should be secondary
I have feeling PPP will stay for another 5 years. Everyone in Pakistan should put some pressure on them to get rid of them. Its a matter of saving this country first. N.S, Imran Khan, bla bla support should be secondary

Now thts the probem here, all of our dam democrazy loving politicians wants this to happen, if not they should hve done some thing to dismentle PPP led govt?
They all are power greedy, thts why they all want the dam elections they don't care nation , national intersts ,& country all they want is dam democrazy even its destroying this country?
They all been trapped by CIA in a way that they all feel they hve chance to form next govt, & in between this trap they are going to ask for elections , which is going to bring PPP again!
History has showen us PPP can only be defeated by share power which is army bt just because of their greed army want to wait & let these fools suffer, who are in a dream tht they can win,only chance is to install a marshallaw with rotation of command in it, & call a LB elections thts it, a primeminster with limited power & with specific targets can be elected from the LB assemblies for the period of 2 years & for 2 times a person only, thts the best solution we can hve!
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