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Reality About Osama , Operation and Future Consequences of it


May 10, 2010
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Guys.....here are some american media persons have to show to you. and as far as my indian friends is concerned watch it with neutral mind . it will clarify many illusions. take care


for my Pakistani brothers. keep calm and avoid deception as it is all miss information. and i will provide you about truth that is very much different than that you are watching and listening. i promise. take good care of you and your families . MAY ALLAHA BLESS ALL OF PAKISTANIS. PAKISTAN ZINDABAD
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already posted before ....

now some idiots will say these are conspiracy theories ..
brother u are right if u say that US forces came into pakistan....but as far as osama in pakistan i refuse to acknowledge that because in afganistan in 2006 we had tread from our sources that he died and we couldnt confirm that as the body was no where to be found.............now when pakistan army took stance on drones and CIA agents. pressure was on US and puppet Govt of pakistan. so they threw there last card from the deck they have. ................................walah ..............now osama is found in pakistan. i ask officers why dont we tell the truth they say "we know he wasn't here they say they found it. it will be childish to react according to there plan first we will assess their strategy then we will see what to do" so no need to pay attention nothing gona happen...we are for u. and i further tell u now in coming days they will say that data collected from so called osama suggest that pakistan was in contact with osama. and some idiots will believe that. so before coming to a decision plz try to evaluate the situation and always listen to both side before concluding anything.......take care
Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik is quite a credible person, he calls this operation a hoax. Webster Tarpley is now telling same kinda story. So there has to be something wrong, to me operation will remain a reenactment until ISI or Pakistan government come up with an endorsement....
IF it is false, how come Osama's daughter, youngest wife (widow) speak it in regarding of raids.
bring his daughter on t.v. one to confirm she is his daughter, second tell us about how americans killed her father Osama bin laden.
IF it is false, how come Osama's daughter, youngest wife (widow) speak it in regarding of raids.

Man, its a great game which is going on.

---------- Post added at 11:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:03 PM ----------

IF it is false, how come Osama's daughter, youngest wife (widow) speak it in regarding of raids.

Man, its a great game which is going on.
sir did alqaida PRO called you or did you check from their website ??? :lol:
^ Why ?? In Pakistan are people in habit of believing a piece of news only when the 'subject' of news calls them personally and tells them that 'news is true'??
Is that how it works out?
whatever the truth maybe , Iam actually feeling bad for common Pakistani people...everyone wants to be a part of proud country and moreover we share a strong cultural relation with Pakistani people, we are same (personal opinion) ... iam realy feeling bad for Pakistanis, its totally different scenario online and i know its apt for me to support them...you will overcome this difficult time...:tup:
whatever the truth maybe , Iam actually feeling bad for common Pakistani people...everyone wants to be a part of proud country and moreover we share a strong cultural relation with Pakistani people, we are same (personal opinion) ... iam realy feeling bad for Pakistanis, its totally different scenario online and i know its apt for me to support them...you will overcome this difficult time...:tup:
dear fellow specially my indian friends i have a question why people believe when US say some rubbish( i will prove it) but disagree the thing which it is clear and not vague.now few point to understand

point 1- US attacked on WMD in iraq Proved wrong

point 2-US in Libya attacked aspirin factory and named it biological armed factory proved wrong

point 3 - today US condemns biological weapons and in Iran and Iraq war US provided SYNIDE to Iraq be used against Iran.( it is relevant as to analysis how US uses everyone for its own benefits)in single attack 15000 people died. it is terrorism

point 4- now in Libya using good alqaida network to boost rebels and in yamen also. now if anyone ask where these persons come from. todays BBC broad cast that nearly 470 highly trained talibs broke away digging tunnel do you think that is possible with american military presance in compound . and more over when the prisoner arrive in jail they were not good at fight but as they ran away BBC saying that it also include snipers and marksmen. so who trained them .

so dear the american picture is not bright as you think. and my friends from america try to assess the situation. all say that pakistan is failing. i say look at america. american govt is taking loans from its free reserve( an entity that controls and prints its
currency) around 3 billion daily on interest. it is owned by 3 banks 2 of them are owned by JEWS. and one by britian royal family.

i know i mixed things up but there is so much to share but people should be receptive and analyze what is good and what is bad.

i can quote many many more things which USA said later proved wrong. so on what bases you say that osama was there if he was then how you will prove. if you try to prove then how u will that he was real osama ( in Afghanistan in 2000 there was 2 sightings of osama at the same time one in Taliban and other with CIA safe house at the same time) so fake personalities are also established for propaganda. now

so all intellectuals out there keep hatred aside and think ................................

come to the point that why pakistan because pakistan and saudi arbia are now trying to break the binds with america and join collation with china and russia. so in this case america is losing its presence in asia and also its economic stabilizer saudi arabia now in order to prevent pakistan from doing so some drama is to created so that just happened. now people will ask why pakistan govt is not coming to facts because they are paid puppets of america so will do what is told to them. and another question is asked why army dont take action against those culprits because the army is to much busy in internal security matters. and if army do so people among these culprits say that army dont let them do their duty. and idiots say o yes army is not doing good. off topic if we are not doing good..........then what u will say about sacrifices that our jawans are making.................................... i have not meet my friend for 9 years. last time i only received his message that i am happy that my nation sleeps with out any fear. i dont know where he is? he have not met his family or anyone. we are doing what ever we could . but it is time that civilian people of pakistan should come forward and make a positive and peaceful change.
Weaving Conspiracy theories is their bread and butter....that how they sell their shows ...but whats wrong with rest of you people?
Even Al Qaeda has accpeted that Osama died that day ..so why wouldn't you?

BBC News - 'Al-Qaeda statement' confirms Osama Bin Laden's death

BBC , New yorks times , Fox news always speaks truth .... come on man ..>!

---------- Post added at 01:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:40 AM ----------

Weaving Conspiracy theories is their bread and butter....that how they sell their shows ...but whats wrong with rest of you people?
Even Al Qaeda has accpeted that Osama died that day ..so why wouldn't you?

BBC News - 'Al-Qaeda statement' confirms Osama Bin Laden's death

BBC , New yorks times , Fox news always speaks truth .... come on man ..>!
Weaving Conspiracy theories is their bread and butter....that how they sell their shows ...but whats wrong with rest of you people?
Even Al Qaeda has accpeted that Osama died that day ..so why wouldn't you?

BBC News - 'Al-Qaeda statement' confirms Osama Bin Laden's death

Just face it, many people just don't believe Al Qaeda exists. There's the official version and there's the alternative viewpoints.

The official versions have had a string of failures in the past and many people just don't believe them.

It's only Americans of a particular persuasion, all Indians of whatever persuasion, and some smatterings of Europeans here and there.
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