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Razpak's Ramazan Daydreams

Well the other day, I went to a restaurant owned by some guys from Karachi.

They offered me Bihari Kebabs, and OMG were they delicious. You Pakistanis that think steak is good should try bihari kebabs. They are a million times better than steak.

True story.


Here in London they start from3:00 ---21:20. Next yr it will be even longer. But still ramadan is ramadan and if your hardship is more so will your hhasanaat so guys envy me as I amInshaAllah reaping it big time.

Local Islamic Scholars should sit together and do ijtihad on it.

Fasting 20+ hours is not healthy!

I think that fasting should not go beyond 16 hours..

Islamic Scholars of Russia, Denmark, Britain etc should issue fatwa that you can break your fast after 16 hours..even if sun is still out...OR you can start the sehri (suhur) late..but whatever may the case be, it should not be more than 16 hours...
Local Islamic Scholars should sit together and do ijtihad on it.

Fasting 20+ hours is not healthy!

I think that fasting should not go beyond 16 hours..

Islamic Scholars of Russia, Denmark, Britain etc should issue fatwa that you can break your fast after 16 hours..even if sun is still out...OR you can start the sehri (suhur) late..but whatever may the case be, it should not be more than 16 hours...

The Muslims that carry out their duties in these conditions are stronger than all of us. :tup:
The Muslims that carry out their duties in these conditions are stronger than all of us. :tup:

Its not about stronger faith pai jaan. Its just straight out dangerous!

Also, if you'll make things THIS MUCH hard, future generations of Muslims in these lands, who are already born into highly hedonistic/secular environments, will go even further away from Islam. 22 hours fasting? Thats not the way to go..

Islam must be practiced by incorporating reason that Allah granted us..

I stand by my opinion that Islamic Scholars of Russia, Denmark, Britain, Norway, Sweden etc should issue fatwa that you can break your fast after 16 hours..even if sun is still out...OR you can start the sehri (suhur) late..but whatever may the case be, it should not be more than 16 hours...

Ramadan should not become the month of harming one's health! :undecided:
Its not about stronger faith pai jaan. Its just straight out dangerous!

Also, if you'll make things THIS MUCH hard, future generations of Muslims in these lands, who are already born into highly hedonistic/secular environments, will go even further for Islam. 22 hours fasting? Thats not the way to go..

Islam must be practiced by incorporating reason that Allah granted us..

I stand by my opinion that Islamic Scholars of Russia, Denmark, Britain, Norway, Sweden etc should issue fatwa that you can break your fast after 16 hours..even if sun is still out...OR you can start the sehri (suhur) late..but whatever may the case be, it should not be more than 16 hours...

Ramadan should not become the month of harming one's health! :undecided:

Look bro. I understand what you are saying, and it is completely rational and reasonable.

I myself can go four days without food or water. I'm just saying that the Muslims in these areas that observe their fast seriously are commendable. I know many here that don't even fast and drink alcohol. But for the Muslims in these areas that are keeping fast, Allah swt will have an especially important and special part for them in heaven for their Imaan.

I would just like to say to Muslims in the North that fast 16 hours +.... You guys are my heroes.
Local Islamic Scholars should sit together and do ijtihad on it.

Fasting 20+ hours is not healthy!

I think that fasting should not go beyond 16 hours..

Islamic Scholars of Russia, Denmark, Britain etc should issue fatwa that you can break your fast after 16 hours..even if sun is still out...OR you can start the sehri (suhur) late..but whatever may the case be, it should not be more than 16 hours...

Alhamdo Lillah I have fasted before in the Uk during summers. It is right that you need to sleep a bit towards the latter part of the evening but from the r=eating and drinking point of view it is not that big an issue.There is already a fatwa for further north so I am happy to continue like this.
Alhamdo Lillah I have fasted before in the Uk during summers. It is right that you need to sleep a bit towards the latter part of the evening but from the r=eating and drinking point of view it is not that big an issue.There is already a fatwa for further north so I am happy to continue like this.

Can you expand on the bold part? Can you provide any link etc for that Fatwa? What does that fatwa says?
Can you expand on the bold part? Can you provide any link etc for that Fatwa? What does that fatwa says?

I dont have the link but in case ofcountries close to the poles where you could have light 24 hrs a day or night the fatwa already exists that they should follow the sahr and Fatour timings in mecca as a standard. There would probably be some leniency in England summer times as well as there are diffeeences in determination of the time of sahr. A group of scholars including my most respected sheikh Haitham Alhaddad have stated that the time for sahr finishes at 01:18(current agreed time for London is 03:15am). If that is the ruling that needs to be followed, then you could have a case for following the above mentioned fatwa. However the point to note is that Allah makes things easy if you do them in his name and keep his love in your heart. Then these hardships account for nothing. I dont thinkI can ever match the poor labourer who fasts jn the summer and works in the scorching sun.
Well the other day, I went to a restaurant owned by some guys from Karachi.

They offered me Bihari Kebabs, and OMG were they delicious. You Pakistanis that think steak is good should try bihari kebabs. They are a million times better than steak.

True story.


@RazPaK you are pushing me towards using really abusive words in Ramadan :pissed::angry:
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