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Raymond Davis' wife speaks to AP

wife of a murderer, and a liar, her husband not a killer?

what a joke.

Is it a bigger joke than paying blood money yourself (or KSA?) and letting him go with absolutely no punishment?
this is really funny ....

one american kills two Pakistani's( who was following him -might be terrorists) and all of Pakistan goes nuts about it and go on to protest like mad.....your own people(terrorists) are bombing your country every now and then---and there are no protests against them...... whats with you people?

yes, what is with us people - we are magnets for indians like you.
even if they are paid mercenaries which country they belong to or claim to be....they are called TTP in which P stands for Pakistan.....how many national protests against TTP has taken place by the people/or by the same religious people who protested against Ramond Davis? 2 pakistani's killed by an american is more important than thousand Pakistani's killed by TTP? dont you think this is sad?

Did it never cross your mind that not all paid mercenaries are members of the TTP? but instead work under someone else and serves different purposes?

all the reports claim that he was followed thats why he shot them....Ramond Davis is a CIA agent..in a country that has anti-american sentiments....that settles the requirement for a gun...and if he was followed then he could perceive it as a threat to his life......

Are you implying that any secret agents working on foreign soil can have guns and shoot to kill anyone they deem a threat and may get away with it freely?
Apparently the US never said Davis was an CIA agent. They denied it. So doesn't that stir up controversy?
Are you implying that any secret agents working on foreign soil can have guns and shoot to kill anyone they deem a threat and may get away with it freely?
Apparently the US never said Davis was an CIA agent. They denied it. So doesn't that stir up controversy?
Nothings fishy here...... seriously. If anyone claims hes not a spook hes Biased.
The very first day i see this guy on th news calming to be a diplomat, i can truly tell u "Spook" was the first thing tht came to mind , Honestly. Did u see his hair ,build,hands trust me ive seen people , that guy was a vet often used by private companies branching form the CIA (they give good money) .

Secondly the guys he actually killed were in high probability ISI goons (picking him up over some drone bombing protest retaliation), or maybe some Insider militants he was dealing with and things went bad.

All in all im led to deduce that he killed someone from the ISI because it was evident that there whole govt were totally baffled and couldn't take sides..some were saying he was a diplomat and some CIA. There FM got sacked as he stanced against the US. If it were some terrorists or Citizens they would have totally downplayed it as this is nothing new but there total emotional explosion leads me to the contrary.:coffee:
Davis may have believed himself to be another " Daniel Pearl" in the making and fired in self-defence , but once he was arrested and the facts of the case became clear , he ought to have been punished according to the law . Now his wife 's arrogant words must be like salt on the wounds of the two men's families. The case reeks of American arrogance and once again gives the impression that a south-asian life is cheaper than a white . If the Pakistani official agencies had any sense of pride they would have ignored the American pleas and prosecuted him, but as we know geo-politics can be quite complicated :(
some money,they have paid in million according to Islamic law.Why complaining when every thing is done according to law.


---------- Post added at 08:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:38 PM ----------

why not ? Pakistan does have a free gun culture ....doesnt it?

SO does India, reason for you attacks in Mumbai
It just goes to how spineless and traitorous the leadership in Pakistan is, they have compromised the nations sovereignty to a great extent that Pakistan is being trampled on.

If it were any other country conducting drone strikes or covert destabilization programs via IA's and their minions normally Pakistan would have dealt with it with resistance, because US is doing and politicians are bought by US they remain docile and subservient. Rather than reflecting the wishes of Pakistani people they reflect America's interest.
why not ? Pakistan does have a free gun culture ....doesnt it?

Nope, I was talking about anywhere in the world. Not just in Pakistan. You have also conveniently chopped up my full question. The question asked was:

Are you implying that any secret agents working on foreign soil can have guns and shoot to kill anyone they deem a threat and may get away with it freely?
Raymond Davis is quite frankly a non-matter, a fish in the 'pond'. There are many more important issues than Raymond Davis.
Raymond Davis is quite frankly a non-matter, a fish in the 'pond'. There are many more important issues than Raymond Davis.

He and his network and his contacts in Pakistan or any participants are a matter, a very serious matter. A matter that undermines Pakistan's security. Yes there are other issues that need to be addressed. This will be a dark page in the history of Pakistan. I'm surprise ISI alone couldn'thave stepped in (pressure GoP)and taken care of this matter as it should have been done. Perhaps it's reflective of of the red lines.
It is important for an introspective analysis for the Paksitani nation.

Why could the Foreign Ministry not make a final determination? How was Qureshi forced out and by whom? How did RD get to the airport and flew out from the military side while being on the civilian ECL list? Why was the third death by the LandCruiser totally ignored?

The list of deep questions goes on and on.

However, memories are short and the tendency to brush everything under the carpet is strong.
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